Super God

Chapter 2482: Meet in a narrow road

Hong Daozi was abused by the air in Dongfu and had to choose to escape.

Don't say it.

This choice is very wise, because when he left the forefoot, the energy condensed inside dissipated.

This can be seen.

There is some kind of restriction in Dongfu, and it will be agitated as long as someone enters, and it will stop when people leave.


What Hong Daozi didn't expect was.

The young man who had just escaped into the tunnel and escaped the abused situation came face-to-face with the young man he had met before.

"It's you!"

Hong Daozi stopped and said in amazement.

Yun Feiyang sacrificed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and raised a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes, it's me."

He wanted to say that he was not surprised.

"You are not injured?"

Hong Daozi's face was full of surprise.

He clearly remembered that this son was obviously seriously injured by the blood ancestor. Why does it look okay, but the breath is stronger than before?

It's okay because he relied on the ring of chemical healing.

The breath is stronger than before, because in this short period of time, many Taoist orders have been ingested one after another.

Yun Feiyang withdrew his smile on his face, showing his murderousness.


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword was cut, and the sword flashed.

The space in the tunnel was originally small, and suddenly the sword gas was cut out, making Hong Daozi nowhere to hide, only to condense the Dao world to form a hard defense.


Jian Qi cut the Dao world with great precision, and the tunnel shook as if shaking suddenly.

After all, Hong Daozi is a half-step Dao Xuanxian who has the old qualifications. Although he arranged the Dao world in a hurry, he still resisted the sword spirit.

However, his face is a bit ugly.

"This strength...

He strongly supported the crumbling Tao Realm and secretly shocked: "Why is stronger than before!"

If you haven’t seen it for a long time, Yun Feiyang’s strength will increase, and Hong Daozi can still accept it, but it’s only a few hours from the separation to the present!

Even if the qualifications are very bad, it is impossible to work hard for a while, and the cultivation will be greatly improved!


Yun Feiyang raised his sword again, condensed the strong sword intention and cut it off, while carrying three thousand flames and the strongest Dao Yi.

Did the first sword break?


There is also a second sword.

I don’t believe it, you can still carry it!

Facing Yun Feiyang's fierce sword, Hong Daozi's heart is not good.

At this time, he had another option, that is, to retreat and withdraw to the Dong Mansion, thus avoiding the sword gas bombardment.

But thinking of the unseen existence in it, Hong Daozi chose to explode Dao's intentions to bless the already crumbling Dao realm.


In the end, the sword gas with three thousand flames overwhelmed the Dao world.


The flames sprayed, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal.

The entire tunnel was instantly swallowed by two breaths.


Suddenly, the sound of cracking came.

I only saw a trace of cracks in the Dao world that Hong Daozi was struggling to support, and then began to spread wildly, just like a spider web!


In the end, the Dao world collapsed into nothingness.

"Oh, uh!"

Hong Daozi's body retreated, his face was extremely ugly, and it can be seen that the second sword bombardment also paid a great price.

Let him die while he is sick!

Yun Feiyang didn't stop at all, stepped on the crossing of the cloud, and held the sword in both hands, angrily said: "Death!"


The scorching three thousand flames sprayed again, carrying strong Taoism, and directly chopping back to Hong Daozi.

This sword is absolutely terrible!

Even if Hong Daozi can condense out of Taoism in a short period of time, it will be difficult to contend.

How to do?

What else can I do?

Hong Daozi didn't even think about it, and flew back towards Dongfu by retreating.

Although I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to face the air again, but I can only do this at this moment, otherwise, the consequences of hard resistance to sword gas will be very serious!

Yun Dache God can force Hong Daozi to such an embarrassed share, it is also very strong.


More than that.

Yun Feiyang now thinks of slaughtering this arrogant guy!


He cast a generous technique and rushed over with a sword.

In the process, several swords were cut one after another, forming a vigorous strangulation.

Although Hong Daozi evaded the sword just now, but after entering the Dong Mansion, he saw the sword gas coming behind him and hurriedly summoned his defensive treasure.

That is a treasure like a bronze mirror.

Judging from the thick breath of Zhou Shensan, the quality should not be low.

Magic mirror.

An ancient defense treasure.

It was not thrown out just now, because of the limitation of the tunnel space.

Now in the empty cave, the dazzling light suddenly flashed, and several stream-like enchantments immediately condensed in front.

"Break me!"

Yun Feiyang shouted loudly.


One of the sword qi that exploded, first blasted on the streamer enchantment and smashed it directly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, more flame sword gas rushed over, smashing the streamer enchantment with the decay of Cui Gula.

Although the Spiritual God Realm is an ancient defense treasure, it is still difficult to fight against Yun Fei's strong sword spirit.

However, he also gave Hong Daozi breathing time to stabilize his body.

In the brief encounter in the tunnel, he felt great pressure. This pressure, even before facing the blood ancestor, never appeared!


Yun Fei raised his sword and burst out a strong sword intention again. Obviously, he did not give the other party any chance to breathe and adjust.

"Do you really think the old man is afraid of you!"

Hong Daozi shouted angrily.

The strength of the powerful law burst out all over the body, turning into a surging wave, ushering in the attacking sword gas!


It was at this moment that the air waves condensed out of thin air behind him, and the cold and mighty power blasted over Obviously, after Yun Feiyang and Hong Daozi entered the Dong Mansion, the existence without a trace was excited again.

"not good!"

Hong Daozi's complexion changed greatly.

Sword qi attacked in front and sneak air attack in the back, which made him suddenly enemies.


It was at this time that the invincible sword gas directly collided with the energy of his condensed waves, and immediately shattered.

The qi and blood in Hong Daozi's body rolled up suddenly, and he could only press hard, because he had to deal with the qi wave coming from behind!


The power of strong laws emerged around him, turning into a majestic and dignified phase, and then waving his palms to suppress the past.


The two forces collided, and the powerful energy wave was rippling in the cave.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang secretly said: "Unexpectedly, this old guy still has such a powerful hole card!"


During the speech, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword shook and instantly condensed countless swords.

"If I were a sword, there would be no sword in the world!"

Yun Feiyang shouted coldly.

The newly formed sword quickly moved closer and turned into a giant sword.


The heavy phase of the airflow had just been broken, and he suddenly turned around and pressed his palms again.

In a short period of time, the two shot one after another, and they can no longer describe it in words, just how quickly.

all in all.

In this case, both Yun Feiyang and Hong Daozi moved.


In the cave house, there are still changes.

That is, hidden in the invisible power, it took advantage of the moment when the two attacked, and gathered a strong breath again.


Inside Dongfu, Hong Daozi's angry voice came: "Why do you attack me again, don't attack him!"

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