Super God

Chapter 2633: Are you saying I am a pig?

In the sky, Yun Feiyang was still pulling Alice in the Royal Sword, and the distance from the Shuiyue cave was also increasing.

Because he flew away from the fighting area, he flew all the way and did not meet the people of the east and west camps. Everything seemed quite quiet.

"No, no."

Yun Feiyang flew while frowning: "Always feel something is going wrong."

He who practiced the Great Destiny technique not only can control the destiny of others, but also can see his own destiny, and even has the ability to predict danger in advance.

This feeling is breaking through the mystery of Xuanxian, and has not appeared in 30,000 years of seclusion, even if it has not been attacked by the angel family and Alice.

Explain what?

Explain that the imminent danger... is dangerous!

"I'll deduce it."

Yun Feiyang stood in the sword and stood between the sky. His eyes flashed a bit of coldness. The power of destiny could be seen all over the body, and the surroundings instantly filled the surroundings.

At that moment, the bound Alice's eyes contracted, and the whole person seemed to freeze. Although he couldn't move, his thoughts were still, and he was shocked in his heart: " it time still? Has he mastered the magic of time?"

It is not time still, nor time magic.

Yun Feiyang releases the power of fate. This magical power can directly stop the space. It looks like there is no difference between time and stillness.


If you don’t comprehend such awesome magical powers, if you don’t have a few kilograms of knowledge about yourself, would Yunda cheap **** fly around in the realm of Hongmeng, offend this, offend that?


The power of fate enveloped the air, began to forcibly change the internal time, and forcibly deduced the time course, so as to penetrate the future.


He is deducing the fate of space here!

Gradually, the space that was gradually compressed showed a blurry picture in Yunfeiyang's field of vision. Although it was not clear, it was certain that there were many people with wings, flying swords, and dragon beasts!


A little bit, the space shattered and the picture dissipated.

Yun Feiyang sighed and murmured: "The space barriers of this vast territory are too strong. With my control of the Great Destiny, it can only evolve for a few short breaths."


"It's enough."

Yun Feiyang speculated from the short picture that he had wings and flying swords, which should represent the angel clan and the Nine Palace Taoist sect. As for the dragon, he might not be able to get away from the dragon knight.

"I seem to have offended these people. They will gather in this area in the near future. Could it be that they want to join forces against me?"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking forward quite expectantly: "It seems very interesting."

Now that he has foreseen the future, he should avoid danger and avoid danger when he encounters something that is not good for himself. But Yun Feiyang did not leave the plan, but flew down to the beautiful land below, waiting quietly.

what is this? seek death.


"Bash, bash!"

A bizarrely shaped big bird flew across the sky, and the plumes of blue smoke enveloped the mountains and fields, which was very poetic.

Yun Feiyang was lying halfway on the boulder, holding an altar of refreshing wine, drinking happily, and cooperating with the surrounding beautiful scenery, giving people a bohemian feeling.

Alice was stuck beside her, her eyes flashing strangely.

Although she hadn't been to the East Coast for a long time, the soldiers of the Eastern camp who saw them were all well-dressed and polite, and they were sitting on the boulders and drinking like this. It was really rare.

"Are you drinking?"

Yun Feiyang passed the wine over.

The fresh breeze blew open his white hair, revealing a side face with a smile and a thrilling heart.

Alice turned hurriedly, not looking at the **** guy.

"Oh, that's right." Yun Feiyang smiled: "People in your magic world like to drink red wine, not like this kind of spirits."

Speaking, I continued to drink myself.


A jar of wine is like a belly, eyes blurred.

"It's really free."

Yun Feiyang lay on the stone and grinned.

In 30,000 years of hiding, he accompanied his wife to live in such a chic life, but there was always invisible shackles, and now he came to the Hongmeng realm and felt a sense of complete relief.

It's not shackles, it's the heart.

Although he cares for a carefree life, he still wants to explore higher martial arts in his heart. When he enters the realm of Hongmeng, he can truly return to his heart.


Yun Fei raised her hand, the power of the law bound to Alice dissipated, and said, "You are also free, you can leave."

Alice stunned, but got up and left in a hurry.


Yun Fei said: "Remember my appearance, if you encounter it in the future, don't hurt it by mistake."

Alice gritted her teeth and said, "I will never forget you like you!"

Have you succeeded in making a girl fall in love with herself?

Guilty Guilty.

Yun Feiyang reminded in good faith: "If you believe me, it is best not to walk from this direction, otherwise you will meet the Jiugong Daozong people on the road."

Alice would listen and leave.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and continued to lie on the stone to take a nap, feeling the breeze blowing, the whole person's mood became more comfortable.

Thoughts drifted far away, and I also thought about many things. For example, when I passed the earth and grabbed the void, where did the captured soul named Jun Changxiao go?

"If this kind of weak soul traverses to the high martial plane, it will definitely die, and I knew that I would strengthen the soul strength for him at that time."

"call out!"

Between the thoughts, the space not far away was distorted, only to see Alice appeared out of thin air, the black robe was damaged in many places, the hair was scattered, and her face was pale.

"Are you in trouble?"

Yun Feiyang still closed his eyes.

Alice said nothing, hurried to cast space magic and left, but gave up after thinking about it, and then hid behind the rock where the guy was lying.


Yun Fei said: "Don't you always think that I am a member of the Eastern camp, they came to hunt you down, you are hiding here, aren't you throwing yourself in the net?"

Alice remained silent.

She doesn't want to leave this guy, but she just used space magic one after another, and the magic power is too much. If she continues to escape, she will definitely be caught up, and it is better to hide here and try her luck.

I was in the wrong luck.

Because it was only a moment of effort, I saw a stream of streamers flying by, and when the light had dispersed, there were twenty warriors in uniform white clothes.

They are the warriors of the Eastern camp who hunted down Alice.


Yun Feiyang opened his eyes and said, "It's not the Jiugong Daozong."

In his deduction of the future picture, it should be a group of people who stepped on the flying sword to come to this area.

Could it be that has something changed?

Although it is possible to gain insight into the heaven and earth, the world is unpredictable. Perhaps it is because of a trivial matter that has changed the track of the future.


As the first young man, he said lightly: "A woman in black robe can be seen passing by here?"

Alice hiding behind the stone suddenly became nervous and even closed her eyes and secretly begged the guy not to say himself, otherwise he would be in trouble today!

"Are you talking to me?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The latter martial artist said coldly: "Here you are alone, not talking to you, will you talk to a pig?"

Yun Feiyang pointed at himself and smiled: "You, are you talking about me, are you, pig?"

(End of this chapter)

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