Super God

Chapter 2641: Shuiyuedongtian

The two mighty water moon caves are very sacred to many warriors, and almost no one dared to fly freely here, so as not to be annoyed.

Yun Feiyang didn't know, so he went up with two breaths of Yujian.

With this character, even if you know it, you won't care. After all, you can only find the master if you fly up.

"The breath is getting stronger and stronger."

The closer it was to the suspended mountain, Yun Feiyang felt the two interlaced breaths thicker and thicker.

At that moment, he seemed to be sandwiched between two indestructible gods, very small.

"The Taoist priest said that Master and Pangu were discussing the Tao in the Shuiyue cave, was this breath released by them when they were discussing the Tao?"

Yun Feiyang's judgment is correct.

These breaths of heaven and earth were indeed released by Taiwu and Pangu when they discussed Taoism.

It is precisely because of its profound and profound meaning that it will be spread. If someone can understand it, it will break through to the Xuanxian of the Peak Avenue.

Yun Feiyang continued to walk around the sword, only a hundred feet away from the suspended mountain. When he saw clearly from a close distance, he found that the mountain was really big, and he looked like an ant in front of him.

The breath around is also getting stronger, they are similar in strength to each other, giving a feeling of tit-for-tat, but also equal!

Although Yun Feiyang didn't witness Master and Pangu's argument, he could also speculate from the breath that it must be a very strong confrontation.

Not a martial arts confrontation, but a confrontation between Tao and Tao!

"Sooner or later, I will have to reach that level and talk to the top powerhouses in the realm of Hongmeng." Yun Feiyang said that when he saw a cave in the mountain, the words "Water Moon Cave Sky" were written!


Speed ​​up and go away.


Before long, Yun Fei Yang landed on the platform outside the cave house.

There is not much scope here, there is a round stone table, a few round stools, and a pine.

"Is the Master still there?" He walked and walked into the Shuiyue cave, and as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he was pushed back by an invisible force.


Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, frowning slightly.

The power that emerged from it was relatively gentle, and did not cause any harm, but he knew that if he broke hard, he would definitely suffer.

Go in or not?

Just as Yun Feiyang hesitated, the stone walls outside the cave house gradually recessed a word, the content of which was-Wu Tu Fei Yang, Master Zou also.


Yun Dachen almost shouted.

Master left these eight words, obviously knowing that he would come to Shuiyuedongtian, but he would go without any prompts. This is really fucking.

Recalling that he became his apprentice, Yun Feiyang calmed down the whole process, and gradually felt the "bad luck" of his brother.

Master is gone, what should I do?

Yun Feiyang sat on a stone bench, elbowed on a stone table, holding his chin and thinking about his next plan.

Can only find his son.

However, Yun Wuyou has been in for tens of thousands of years, where is he now?

"Previously in the Valley of Life and Death, the group of warriors said that the warriors who entered the realm of Hongmeng from the outside world will be in Beidaan, will their son be there too?"

"No, no."

Yun Feiyang denied his thoughts and said: "Worrylessness did not come in from the entrance of the Hongmeng Realm, it was pulled in by some force, and it should not appear on the North Shore."

"Also, I came in from the entrance of the secret realm, why not on the north shore, but on the east shore?"

Oh shit.

Shearing keeps chaos.

Yun Feiyang rubbed his temple and realized for the first time that although he entered the realm of Hongmeng, it seemed very difficult to find Yun Wuyou.

But no, Hongmeng's secret area is very large, and there are four continents facing each other across the sea. There is no clue. Finding a son who has been missing for tens of thousands of years is like a needle in a haystack.

Sitting outside the Dong Mansion, Yun Feiyang thought for a while, then put his eyes in the Mansion again, and said, "Do you want to go in and find out?"


He got up and walked away.

As before, a force swept in before it was integrated into the Dong Mansion.

Yun Feiyang, who was ready, formed the Tao Realm in front of him, and with a strong thrust, he stepped into Dongfu!

This process seems easy, but in an instant, more terrifying power erupts, and he must be pushed out hard.

Can Yun Feiyang admit counsel?

Clenching his teeth, walking hard against the mountain-like tsunami-like strength.

One step, two steps, three steps... It takes only ten steps to enter the cave from the outside, but when Yun Feiyang walked in, the power she endured seemed to have gone for thousands of miles!

Seemingly realizing that he could not help him, the strong waves suddenly dissipated.

The thrust disappeared, Yun Feiyang was relieved, his forehead and body were already sweating, and he looked quite weak.

This ten-step contest is far more tiring than a fight!


Yun Feiyang exhaled, raised his eyes and looked around, and found that the so-called Shuiyuedong Heaven was nothing more than a common cave house, and nothing was too special.

There are special places.

The two breaths here are especially strong!

Yun Fei Yang said: "It should be the place where Master and Pangu discuss the Tao, I wonder if they can get their light?"

Say, sit down and relax completely.

When the goods arrived, I felt two breaths, and I had a peeping thought. It has been pressed until now, and the Dongfu with the strongest breath began to be implemented!

Yun Feiyang released the soul power and came into contact with two very different breaths, but it was always difficult to integrate with it and could not spy on its meaning.

Over the years, many warriors have made similar moves, but none of them have merged with the breath.

After all, it is the Tao left by Pangu and Taiwu. Great gods like them, if easily snooped by others, are too cheap.

"I still don't believe it!"

Yun Feiyang moved his mind, summoned the two Dao bodies, and the three sat together, releasing soul power to penetrate!

Others spied on himself. He spied on two bodies, very social and very particular.

The souls of the two Daoshens originate from the deity, and the three are combined to spy together, which is somewhat effective, but if you want to spy on something, it may take a little time.

Not much.

Ten years later.

Yun Feiyang and two Dao bodies sat in the cave house, as if the old monk was still in motion.

In the past ten years, he has done countless sprints and countless penetrations. Soul power and breath have finally merged, but he didn't gain is like being in a blank world and facing everything.

No, it shouldn't.

Since Master Zun and Pangu are talking here, since such a strong atmosphere is left behind, it must be useful, and there must be mystery.

Continue to comprehend!

Yun Feiyang was not discouraged, sitting in Shuiyuedongtian to feel the rich breath. However, he did not know that in the past ten years, the outside breath has gradually faded.



In the distance, there are flying swords, a famous angel warrior, and a giant dragon coming toward Shuiyue Cave.


PS, something has delayed the codeword today, 1 first, continue to write, and continue to send after writing.

(End of this chapter)

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