Super God

Chapter 2648: bet

Thousands of thunder and lightning thundered, and carrying Lei Wei was terrible. Even a strong man such as Fire Fury Venerable and Six-Winged Archangel would be scalded and injured.


They could not help Yun Feiyang's enchantment.

Booming on it again and again, the momentum is huge, but it has no effect at all.

Alice was in it, watching the thunder and lightning bombardment, crazy defeat, the expression on her face changed again and again, and the shock of her eyes became more intense.

think carefully.

Since she met Yunfeiyang, the expression she has emerged is either shocked or shocked, frightened or frightened, and it is quite cute.

If there is no such exotic woman, how can we bring out the brilliance of our great god.

Girl, wronged you.

Thousands of thunder and lightning soon blew on the enchantment. Although the sound was very loud, it did not cause substantial damage.

Yun Feiyang shook his head, disappointed: "This power is like tickling."


There was another roar.

Numerous light flashes between the clouds, as if brewing rapidly, and then spit out more and stronger lightning.

Alice was about to cry.

The thunder **** in the hidden mountain must have heard Yun Feiyang's words, and then he will burst out a strong thunderbolt more angrily.

When you come to other people's site, can't you be low-key? Do I have to anger people?

If Alice understands Yun Feiyang’s past and his history of growth, she will surely not be surprised. She even thinks that the degree of death is a bit worse than before.

"Boom! Boom!"

A more violent thunderbolt came and exploded on the enchantment again. The momentum was equally magnificent, but it also did not help, and even the ripples did not rise.


Not to mention the successive absorption of Taiwu, Pangu's Dao, and the origin of hundreds of avenues, as Yun Feiyang's previous understanding of Dao, hard anti-thunder and lightning is as easy as grasping.


After the second round of thunder and lightning bombardment, the power of thunder and lightning was permeated in the Thunder Mountain, but it was undoubtedly a tragedy that it could not shake the Dao realm that existed in mid-air.


Suddenly, the whole mountain trembles violently, and immediately a giant appears, slowly appearing under the thunder and lightning.

How big is it?

Very big! !

When it appeared in the area where Yun Feiyang and Alice were, just one head occupied all their vision.

This head has two pointed horns, and two long whiskers swaying under the thunder and lightning. Take a closer look, isn't it the faucet?


This is the faucet.

To be precise, the Thunder God that exists in Thunder Mountain is an oriental dragon beast with a long and thick body, mixed with thunder and lightning in the gap between the scales and armor, and four claws stepping in mid-air, also surrounded by Raymond.

To describe it in more correct terms, this is a thunder dragon, a real beast, and the breath alone is not comparable to the birds and beasts in the universe.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It turned out to be a dragon."


Thor breathed out the dragon breath, staring at him with huge eyes, and said coldly: "Young man, you have a good understanding of Tao."

The sound is thick and contains Longwei, and Alice trembles in shock. She can't help but secretly say: "This Eastern Dragon Beast, even if it is not the Xuanxian of the Peak Avenue, is infinitely close!"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Thunder God Road: "Why do you come to Thunder Mountain."


Yun Fei said.

Alice, who was hiding behind her, admired her because she had to exchange herself with the behemoth, and she certainly had no courage to speak.

What big scene has Yun Dache God never seen? Not to mention standing in front of a dragon close to Xuanxian of Pinnacle Avenue, even if standing on the top of the Avenue, the strong man is still indifferent.

"Lei Shan is the place where I practice. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission. You can go around."

Thor said coldly.

If it wasn't for two consecutive bombings, if you couldn't help Yunfei flying, would you be talking nonsense here.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "The detour will be far away. I must have Leishan fly past today."

Raytheon's eyes flashed with anger and said, "Young people, my territory, no one can enter without permission."

"No talk?"

"No talk."

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "Since there is no talk, then we can only fight."

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword emerged, and the sword's intention spread out.

This dragon's breath is far stronger than the previous masters of several forces, so that he has the idea of ​​playing with him to test his strength.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Raytheon rolled his big eyeball in a rather surprised tone.

"You won't let me pass by, I can only pass."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

"What an arrogant human being." Thor looked up and looked down at him: "I will meet your wish today."


As the sky darkened, more thunderclouds filled in and gathered above Yunfei, and the thunder snake erupted wildly, powerful.

Alice was terrified.

Yun Fei said: "Spark off, I want to fight this dragon well."


Alice left without saying a word, and flew away from the Leishan Mountains at the fastest speed, hiding far and far.

When he came to the safe area, he looked at the guy standing on the flying sword and said with a lip: "Is this guy really afraid of death, dare to challenge that Thunder Dragon?"

Yun Feiyang can take away the fairy instrument of the elders of Liangyi Daozong, and she recognized her strength.

However, the minimum cultivation level of Thunder God on Thunder Mountain is also comparable to that of the Nine Major Dao Xuanxian. It is still a Thunder Dragon that controls thunder and lightning. Even the Xuanxian of Peak Avenue may not have the upper hand!

Alice's analysis is very reasonable. If more warriors learn about this, they will all find Yun Feiyang to challenge Thor and undoubtedly die.



The thunderclouds on Thunder Mountain became denser and the powerful Leiwei exploded, making this area seem to become an insurmountable thunder pond.

Yun Feiyang stood among them, standing with his sword and saying, "It's just boring to fight a fight."

"What do you mean?" Thor said proudly.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Let's take a gamble, I will lose to you, let it be disposed of, you will lose to me..." Suddenly said: "Be my contract beast."

Raytheon disdainfully said: "Young man, you can't beat me."

"So, dare you gamble?"

Yun Fei said.

"Of course He shrugged and said: "If you feel that there are risks in gambling, you can consider not gambling, we can just go to war. "

From this human speech, Raytheon heard that he seemed to think that he did not dare to gamble. He was laughing at himself, and immediately said from the heart: "Why not dare!"

"Let's gamble to lose."


Raytheon proudly said: "How can I be the most distinguished Thunder Dragon, like Ru and other human beings, as insidious and cunning, backfire."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's time to start, I will let you do a few tricks, don't say that I will bully the dragon."


Thunder God was irritated, two pairs of giant eyes flashed the light of thunder and lightning, and a thunderous lightning suddenly erupted in the thunder cloud!

(End of this chapter)

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