Super God

Chapter 2650: Surrender to Thor

Thor was furious.

It was drowned in the thundercloud, and the power of Leiwei was constantly blessing the growing Lehman in his mouth.

This is definitely the strongest blow and can be called a big kill.

At that moment, the range of Thunder Mountain and the impetuous Lei Wei had strengthened to the limit, and the momentum burst out as if it could shake this space.


Alice stared deeply in her eyes, worried that Yun Feiyang would be difficult to resist and was killed by Thor's killing.

When the time comes, how do you go to the East Coast?

Alice wanted to shout and let him escape, but at this moment the whole Thunder Mountain was covered by Lei Wei, even if it was too late to escape.

Worried, Yun Feiyang raised his sword, pointed at Thor, and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Your thunder is powerful, or is my sword powerful?"

It's all about this time, he still laughs...


Suddenly, a roar came from behind.

Alice looked stunned and looked back quickly, her mouth suddenly opened, her eyes full of disbelief.

In her field of vision, countless swords flew across the void, densely packed as if locusts were crossing the border, and the sword meaning visible to the naked eye seemed to sweep across sections of silk.

"Boo! Boo!"

In an instant, swords and swords flew over Alice.

If you zoom in far away, you will see swords and swords, like a rainbow, flying from Alice's head, the momentum can be described as vast!

"Why come so many swords, so many sword intentions?"

Also puzzled, there are sword repairs within thousands of miles, and even the warriors who have a slight understanding of the sword intent. They watched their swords and swords infiltrate to Leishan, and the expression on their faces was uniform.


On a tall mountain, a voluptuous woman carrying a seven-handed sword seemed to perceive a certain sword intention in the far east, and Liu Mei wrinkled slightly: "Is this... Taiwu's borrowing life?"

"Did he fight with Pangu?"

"Right or wrong, the swordsmanship that came from here was too weak, and it was never from the hands of Taiwu."

The voluptuous woman held her chin and said, "Can someone else realize this supreme sword?"


East of the East Coast.

A Taiwu, who was wearing a purple robe, hung on the high mountain between the sky, stood in the Yanwuchang, and looked at Leishan Range with some scrutiny, and said with a smile: "It's waiting for the fire."

The giant sitting in front of him took almost the entire Yanwuchang.

He also looked at Lei Shan and said, "This is your life, why did the junior show it?"

Tai Wu smiled and said: "The way of the world is like a lot of stars, I can understand it, and others can understand it naturally, not surprising."


The giant took his gaze back and looked up at the magnificent palace in front of the misty clouds, saying: "Sanqing Taoist, I have been waiting for a long time, why haven't I come out and see?"


Thunder Mountain.

Among the powerful Lei Wei, there was a raging sword in a tit-for-tat manner, but when the sword and sword were flying, Lei Wei was suddenly suppressed.

What is borrowing life?

It is with the help of the world's people and all creatures!

Thousands of miles away, there are not one hundred thousand warriors who understand kendo, but also ninety thousand. Their sword intentions and swords are summoned, and the strength formed is solidified together, and the power is absolutely terrifying!

"A strong sword!"

Thunder God, who is accumulating energy, feels the sword in the sky, and his huge eyes appear amazed, gradually turning into panic.

Very scary and scary.

"Boo! Boo!"

It was at this time that the flying swords and sword intentions condensed above Yun Feiyang and turned into a giant sword straight into the sky. The horrible sword power broke out, completely suppressing Lei Wei!

At that moment, that sword, like the supreme deity, looked down on the weak dragon.

"bring it on."

Yun Feiyang ended his effort and smiled, "You and I will win!"

Raytheon's gaze still glowed with horror, and Lei Mang condensed in his mouth. Under the oppression of the giant sword, he lost his horror momentum just now.


It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the condensed Rayman, with a soft voice: "No more, no more, you can pass."

Admit it.

Raytheon admits!

Don’t admit it, the condensed Optimus Great Sword reveals the supremacy of the sword, which must be cut off, and you can definitely wipe yourself out!

"do not fight?"

"What should I say about gambling?"

Raytheon rolled his eyes and said, "It's time to tie the tie. You go your way, and I continue to rest mine."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Since you have gambled, you have to decide the outcome, come on, continue to gather your killing moves."

Thor: "..."

"of course."

Yun Fei said: "If you take the initiative to admit defeat and become my contract beast, this battle can be avoided."

"young people!"

Thor said angrily: "I didn't say anything, you don't have to get in!"


The words just fell and existed on Thunder Mountain. It seemed that the giant sword pierced by the heavens broke out a stronger sword, and instantly thundered away Thunder Cloud.

"Oh my God!"

Alice concealed her hands in horror and said, "This sword has a terrible sword!"

She couldn't feel it perfectly, but Thor could feel it personally, because the giant sword completely locked herself, a strong death breath rose in her heart, and cold sweat gradually oozed from her forehead.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "One, fight with me, two, become my contract beast, make a choice!"

Shi Zhan borrowed his life, and condensed the horror of the giant sword, just standing in front of Thor, what is it called? Yes, it is called a threat, the threat of Chiguo!

"young people."

"Can you tell me something?"

Raytheon really counseled, and really dared not to fight, because let’s not say whether he could bomb this human being, as long as the sword was pressed down, he would definitely have no chance to escape.


At this moment, the erected giant sword suddenly tilted down, and the horror sword immediately locked Thor, making it horrified and said: "Choose two, choose two, choose two!"

"call out!"

The divine beast catalogue flew out, gradually unfolding in front of the giant sword, showing all kinds of divine beasts.

Yun Feiyang didn't bring people into the realm of Hongmeng, but brought his own beast, but they all existed in self-cultivation in the catalog.

"call out!"

The finger flashes in the blank space of the catalog, showing a portrait exactly like Thor.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Relax."

Raytheon was a little difficult to understand, but under the threat of the Great Sword, he still relaxed his mind, and immediately saw a streamer in the image just drawn, directly on his forehead.

"What is he doing?"

Alice was puzzled, and those who watched from afar didn't understand.

For a long time, Lei Wei merged into the body of Lei Shen, and the entire Lei Shan became no longer irritable. It slowly landed on the ground and respectfully said: "See my Lord."

The sound is very thick, rippling in the sky.

Hearing the warriors mentioned by Thor, all of them looked dull, turned into a stone statue, and said stupidly in his heart: "That guy... surrendered Thor?"

(End of this chapter)

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