Super God

Chapter 2671: Abolish me?

The warrior under the stage laughed.

Finally, someone more arrogant than him appeared.

of course.

Arrogance is only secondary.

The war-watching warrior hopes to see that Han Fengfeng can brutalize Yun Fei's meal so that he can understand the truth that there are people outside and people outside.

It can be said that at this time everyone wants him to lose and be abused.

As for the winning streak?

Never exist.

Not only is Hanfeng Feng not only high in strength, but also Hantan Sword, even a ninth major Dao Xuanxian may not be able to win.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's crazy."

Ye Hanfeng raised the sword, pointed at him with the tip of the sword, and said, "This son is qualified to be mad."

If this were to change to normal, his behavior would definitely make the warrior indifferent, but now it is more comfortable, and even thinks that he can be crazy and die the guy.


Yun Feiyang didn't speak anymore, his eyes suddenly became colder, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword pierced the void, and instantly cut out countless sword qi.

This is a breath.

Thousands of sword qi spread across the Yanwuchang, the picture can be described as quite shocking, and each sword qi reaches the cold wind son, killing coldly.

"Oh my God!"

The soldiers under the stage were dumbfounded.

In the war of yesterday, Yun Feiyang didn't show the sword from the beginning to the end. They didn't understand his swordsmanship. Once it was launched today, I suddenly realized that it was very strong and super strong!

Elder Jinhua Daozong, who was watching from a distance, frowned, "This son's understanding of kendo is more intensive than his physical strength. At a young age, who will be a powerful disciple?"

He didn't leave, but wanted to see how strong Yun Feiyang's true strength was, and now it's still as expected, because the expert shot it, and knew if there was!

Of course, Elder Jinhua Daozong did not think that Yun Feiyang was an unnamed individual repairer, and must have a strong background.

It really made him guess right.

Don’t look at Yun Da cheap **** alone now, but Tai Wu is his master, is his backstage, but the latter stocks the apprentices throughout the process, it is nothing.

When thousands of sword spirits condensed out, the smile on Han Feng's face gradually solidified, and the arrogant arrogance also became fragile under the mighty sword.

"call out!"

Ten Thousand Swords struck, and the sword intention soared.

The entire Yanwuchang was instantly shrouded by vast swords, which made the scalp numb.

The warriors present had no doubt that if they were standing on the stage, they would be strangled by Wan Jian!

"Very cold!"

Master Hanfeng drank a long time, and the sword of Hantan suddenly waved in his hand, suddenly forming a circle of sword gas, and gathered in front of him, just like a wall of ice defense.

It is indeed a little unexpected to be able to spread the sword qi to such a degree to form a defense.

"call out!"

"call out!"

It was at this time that the burst of sword gas was severely nailed to the ice wall, penetrating and piercing it into a hedgehog.


The ice wall exploded and the sword gas dissipated.

"Oh, uh!"

Master Hanfeng burst back a few steps, and stopped until he stopped at the edge of the corner of Yanwuchang. The bundled hair spread out, and the whole person looked embarrassed.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "The sword is a weapon of killing, you are used to defend, it really throws sword repair face."


Han Ye was angry.


It was at this moment that Yun Feiyang's Hunyuan Qiankun sword waved, and countless sword qi condensed again, and the sword tip pierced towards him, faster than before!

"not good!"

Han Yezi's complexion changed greatly.

At this time, he wanted to condense the Jianqi ice wall again, but it was too late to be swallowed by countless sword qi.

"Brush! Brush!"

On the performance martial arts field, thousands of swords flew out, shooting directly at the hundreds of feet away from the field, and then gradually collapsed.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Brush! Brush!"

Slightly, Qi Qi looked at the Yanwuchang, and he saw that Han Feng was still standing on it, and no one was penetrated by sword gas, as if he was safe and sound!


Yun Feiyang closed the sword into the sheath.


Suddenly, the night cold wind standing in front, the clothes suddenly burst, leaving only white pants, and a thin sword mark appeared on the skin.

The force of the penetration was just right, and the sword mark was drawn, but it did not hurt the depth of the skin, so the blood did not flow out.

"Oh my God!"

"What a terrible kendo control this is!"

Everyone exclaimed.

This kind of shredding the opponent's clothes left a scar on the body, and did not hurt the control of the inner body. They really haven't seen it.

"too strong……"

Elder Jinhua Daozong secretly startled: "This son's understanding of Kendo is probably not weaker than those of Daoxuan Xianxian who is comparable to the peak!"

Besides, Han Ye, at this moment, he no longer cares about the nakedness of Chiguo Guoyan, but he stands dully on the spot, his pupils stunned.

When the second wave of sword energy struck, he instantly felt the breath of death, and it was still very strong, but in the end... he was still alive.

That is to say.

Yun Feiyang's men are merciful!


Ye Hanfeng put his sword into the sheath and arched his hand: "Your understanding of the sword way makes Yemou ashamed." As he said, he jumped off the ring.

Arrogant? Arrogant?

It has long shattered with the clothes.

The number of defeats on the light curtain has also increased from 42 to 43.


Ye Hanfeng didn't beat Yun Feiyang, but the result was that his clothes were shattered and nearly fell off the spot.

Until he left for a while, the war-watching warrior hadn't recovered from the shock. After all, the sword intention just now, the two sword spirits that struck, it was really terrifying.

This guy is really strong!

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang stood on the stage and said, "Who else is not convinced, despite coming on stage to fight."


A black warrior jumped onto the stage.

"It's the black spider!"

"He threatened yesterday that Yunfeiyang would be abolished!"

Everyone immediately talked.

"Abolish me?" Yun Feiyang laughed, his eyes flashing coldly.

"Boy." Black Spider Leng Sen laughed: "I don't see that your understanding of Kendo is quite strong, but there are many ways to fight, not necessarily one of the swords."

"is it?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "Then I want to see how rich your fighting style is."


As soon as the voice fell, the black spider suddenly emitted black smoke around him, and immediately appeared above Yunfeiyang. His right arm protruded, and his five fingers flashed a dark and dark atmosphere.

This trick is very sudden!

Many warriors' vision is still on the black smoke ~ ~ I did not expect him to have approached the target at all.

However, others can't see it, Yun Feiyang has long discovered that when the black spider grabbed it with one hand, it had already grabbed it first.

The two are on top, one on the bottom, one after another without probing, who is faster?

Obviously, Yun Fei was flying faster, and it was so fast that when the black spider shot, his heart felt bad.

He wanted to draw his hand back, but it was too late.


Yun Feiyang caught directly on the black spider's wrist. The strong physical strength, like a pair of big pliers, said: "Roll down!"


The ring vibrated and the dust filled.


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