Super God

Chapter 2697: Breaking Teleportation

"Daddy is going to leave the battlefield?"


"Rhuru and I have also acquired a lot of avenue roots. It's not interesting here, so leave with dad."


The next day.

Yun Feiyang set off with the two.

But when new problems arise, how do you leave?

Yun Wuyou also realized that she beat her head and said: "Dad, the battlefield teleportation array is opened every five years, and only a few months have passed since it was last opened."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

The son found that the battlefield had no interest in him. After waiting for more than four years, he was a little bit **** up.

"Are you going back from the teleportation array?" Yun Fei said.



Yun Wuyou suddenly raised an ominous sign.

as predicted.

When he followed his father to the edge of the battlefield, standing in front of the teleportation array, he saw his soul released and melted into it.

"Worry-free, what is Uncle Yun doing?"

"Break through."


Li Guanru's eyes widened.

The battlefield of the East and West camps is a time and space channel that countless experts from the East and West shores have joined together. Uncle Yun is going to break him. Is this a bit exaggerated!

It's exaggerated.

The warriors in the battlefield and even the secret realm would never think that someone would dare to break the teleportation array!


Before the formation, Yun Feiyang's powerful soul was insane, and then forced to penetrate into it, feeling countless kinds of power.

This battlefield exists for a long time.

Later, in order to resolve the grievances, the Eastern and Western camps decided to open up a battlefield here, so it took hundreds of thousands of warriors to gather and it took a hundred years to penetrate the secret realm.

If Yun Feiyang is to break through, it means that he must break through the power of hundreds of thousands of people.

It won't even break.

The key is that it can easily be melted in. If you fail, you will suffer backlashes, which will frustrate your soul.

seek death.

He died again.

No way, I want to leave the battlefield, and I don't want to wait for a few years.

"call out!"

At this moment, Hualuoli flew from a distance and frowned, "What are you doing?"

The teleportation camp belonged to the Eastern camp. She was aware of someone's breakthrough and touched her, so she hurried over from the base.

"I'm leaving here." Yun Fei said.

Hualuoliliu frowned slightly, and said, "The Xuanxian of the 100,000 Daxuan Avenues on the east coast of the Dafa Formation will work together. How can you break it alone."

Yun Fei said: "If you can't break, you have to break, because we have a ten-year contract, and I have to go out to find Qingshi."


If he hadn't watched someone come, he would have forgotten the ten-year contract.

Hua Luoli said lightly: "I don't want to cause the formation to die back, let's recover the soul force."

Yun Feiyang didn't pay attention to it, and continued to release his soul, infiltrated into the formation, and began to forcibly drive out the internal forces, bearing in mind every line of the formation and the steps of the formation.

Although the teleportation array was reached by many people, the difficulty was far lower than that of the Sanqing Great Formation. At least, he could see the hope of cracking.


Hualuoli said.


It was at this moment that the formation suddenly shivered, and a gurgling breath erupted, striking Yunfei instantly.

This is the anti-bite force.

Hua Luoli secretly said: "There is something wrong."

She didn't like Yun Feiyang in any way, but after all, she had to build a sword for herself, so she didn't want to see him fail.


In an instant, a wave-like breath filled in, instantly integrated into Yun Fei's body, and eroded towards the sea.

Breath struck, bringing a gust of wind.

Yun Wuyou and Li Guanru were swept away suddenly, and they were frightened when they stood still.

Although the force just now was not lethal, it made them realize that there are absolutely countless kinds of powers involved!


Yun Feiyang's legs moved forward, his feet sunken, his eyes flashing coldly and said: "I'm going to break this time, no one can stop me!"

"Whew!" During the speech, the anti-celestial decision and Taoism in the body worked in unison, forming a majestic force, and in the position of knowing the sea, to compete with the attacking power.

It's as if the two mind methods were transformed into two warriors, stuck in the main throat position, and contending with the 100,000 troops going forward and succeeding. If they couldn't resist, the sea of ​​knowledge was occupied and the soul was hit hard.



Innumerable soul-like forces from the formation, poured into Yun Feiyang's body frantically, impacting the defense of the two mental formations.


He blushed.

Of course, Yun Feiyang is not only defending, but also attacking the teleportation array, pulling all kinds of forces away, and constantly recording the intricate arrays and lines.


After a while, there was the first level of the Sea of ​​Understanding, which was broken by a hundred thousand troops. The power formed by the two mental methods could only retreat to the second level. Yun Feiyang also seemed to be hit hard, and a spur of blood spurted out.

"It's too late to close now," Hua Luoli said lightly.

Close hand?


Yun Feiyang pressed the boiling blood, while resisting external forces, while continuing to penetrate the formation, remembering the complex lines, and secretly speculating: "Half an hour, enough!"


How could the power from Xuanxian Xianxian to open up the passageway give him half an hour to crack.

boom! boom!

Knowing the second level in the sea, the innumerable energy bursts like a soldier attacking the gate, and the defense formed by the anti-celestial tactics and Taoist warfare is still on the front line.


In the end, Yun Feiyang spit another blood, the second line of defense was broken, he can only continue to retreat to the third level, and also the last one.

Once the various forces swarming to break through the third level, the soul will be severely damaged when the sea is lost.

If this was hit hard, it would be much more serious than a serious injury!


Yun Feiyang gritted his teeth and continued to spy on the formation, remembering a striped line in his heart.

However, the power from Xuanxian Xianxian of 100,000 Avenues is really strong, even if it is Xuanxian of Peak Avenue, it is difficult to support half an hour.

Just as the third level was broken, a faint fragrance came from his ears, and he saw Hualuoli falling behind him, and the jade palm was attached to his back, conveying endless soul power.

"call out!"

Similar to the place of the throat fortress, Hualuoli's soul power was like a light from the thousands of horses and horses, and then stopped in front of Yun Feiyang's condensed power to defend with it.

This woman...helping me?

Yun Feiyang was a little stunned, but he couldn't care about anything, and hurriedly continued to spy on the formation, and with the help of Hualuoli, memorized the formation lines for half an hour.

Change, change!

He squeezed the injury, his soul power pervaded the formation, began to change the line, and finally forced the original time limit to advance the formation!

"call out!"

The light rose, brilliant.

"Oh, uh!"

When the formation started, Yun Feiyang suddenly withdrew his soul power, cut off with 100,000 kinds of power, and exploded back a few steps.

Hualuoli also turned back in disorder.

The two retreated dozens of steps before they completely stabilized themselves.


Yun Feiyang spewed blood out again, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said, "It's still a lot of people, so I can't bear it."

" Thanks a lot..."

Before I finished talking, I discovered that the woman had disappeared.

Yun Wuyou ran over to help and worried, "Daddy, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang responded, looking at Hualuoli's departure, and blamed herself: "She should have been injured too."


Hua Luoli was injured.

Go back to the base, go back to the residence, take off the veil, and finally it is difficult to suppress the injury and spit out blood.

The Sanqing Daoists in Sanqingdongtian seemed to be aware and sighed: "Luo Li's Bliss Meditation Road has another crack, the disaster is coming, I hope... it's not love."


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