Super God

Chapter 704: Talk to Miss

Yun Feiyang's current state is only half-step martial arts, but it is not inferior to the late martial arts.


A fight with Zhao Yingwu immediately determined that he was at a disadvantage. If he continued to fight, he would definitely suffer.

"It shouldn't be."

Yun Feiyang couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Yunli walked in and said, "Brother Feiyang, I inquired. The warrior of the Little God Realm, who has come into contact with martial arts, condenses all pure metanucleus."


Yun Feiyang patted his head, suddenly realized: "Forget this stubble!"


In the mortal world, humans condense the aura to form a spiritual core, and rely on their own efforts to transform it into a pure spiritual core.

Little God Realm is different.

The warriors who survive here absorb pure energy, and the condensed nature is also pure core.

no doubt.

Pure Yuanli is absolutely superior to pure spirituality.

The power of the Little God Realm is also measured by chóng. A pure elemental force is equal to 10,000 pure spiritual forces.

This is a fuzzy contrast.

In fact.

A heavy elementary force is definitely stronger than a 10,000 pure spiritual force.

Zhao Yingwu's realm is Wushen Bazhong, which has ten pure elemental forces. Yun Feiyang, which has over 110,000 pure spiritual forces in power, is the best example.

Attribute purity is strong, strength is strong.

Yun Feiyang suffered a loss, and it was eaten in Dantian as a pure spiritual nucleus, not a pure meta nucleus.

If his 110,000 pure spiritual power, even if it is only a ten-fold pure elemental power, the sublimation can definitely fight Zhao Yingwu or suppress it.

After all, do three things!


Yun Feiyang found the reason why Zhao Yingwu's strength is higher than himself: "It seems that this half-month period, we must quickly convert pure spiritual power into pure elemental power."

The conversion of pure spiritual force into pure elemental force is the primary task of martial arts warriors entering the Little God Realm, otherwise, the effect of absorbing pure elemental energy and smelting energy is extremely low.

"Brother Feiyang."

Yunli continued: "I heard Wu Chen said that, like us, the warriors from the realm can cultivate the mental method of transforming pure spiritual power into pure elemental power."


Yunfei raised his eyes.

Yunli grinned and said, "Unfortunately, you can only get in touch if you become an outside disciple."

"Get out of here."

Yun Feiyang kicked him out with a kick.


To be a disciple outside, it takes a month to get started. I will talk for half a month.


The realm is always stuck in the half-step martial arts, meditation practice has no effect, Yun Feiyang intends to sleep peacefully.


Just lying down, his fists clenched tightly, and he remembered the scene of Lin Zhixi blocking himself in front of him during the day.

This is not the first time.

Zhang Heng appeared in Bidoutai of Dongling Academy, but Lin Zhixi also stood in front of him, and made a covenant of life and death.

Yun Feiyang.

You are a man.

Is it okay to have someone protect you twice?


Yun Feiyang's fists clenched tighter and tighter, and there was a brittle sound of bones.

He didn't care about Zhao Yingwu's humiliation, but he didn't have the strength to kill him. He cared about the woman who was supposed to protect himself, but he came to protect himself.

in case.

At that time, Zhao Yingwu kept holding his hands. Was he going to watch and watch, Lin Zhixi was injured or killed?


Yun Fei stood up and said with a fierce look: "Laozi is going to become stronger, and this scene will never be allowed to appear!"

In his previous life, he practiced martial arts for the sake of being strong and strong, but now there is a change, that is, becoming stronger for protection.

Pick up girl?

The long-cherished wish changed with the entry into the Little God Realm and the Lingxiao School.

The mortal world is just the mortal world. If you practice arbitrarily, you can kill a group of self-righteous geniuses and masters.

It was established here by the invaders. The strong group of outsiders can abuse the emperor and emperor.

In the World of Continent, Yun Fei has no ambition, plans a happy life, and sets the goal to be a girl.

Entering the Little God Realm, facing the unknown and stronger enemies, he shifted his focus to martial arts again.

This is the God of War.

He knows better than anyone when and what to do and when not to do.



Outside the quiet courtyard at night, a bird-like cry suddenly came, and Yun Fei, who had just calmed down, got up and walked out of the room.


A soft cry came from a distance, Liang Yin's head protruded from the grass and waved at himself.

Meeting again, it should have been a happy event, why is this woman sneaky?


Not far from the courtyard, there is a small forest.

Yun Feiyang just walked in, and Liang Yin, who had been cautious, turned around and fell into his arms, crying.

Perhaps I was afraid of disturbing others, and kept suppressing the cry, but it made Yun Feiyang heartbroken.

"Don't cry."

He comforted the woman in his arms with some embarrassment and said, "Aren't I coming?"

Liang Yin tried hard to hold back the cry. She looked up and said with tears in her eyes: "You whisper."

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said, "Let's talk about the relationship between the two of us. Are we afraid of being discovered?"

Liang Yin choked: "Lin Zhixi came to you during the day. I heard that I was worried about causing you trouble, so I sneaked out in the middle of the night."

"Are you afraid that your suitor will come to your door? Beat me up?" Yun Feiyang laughed.

Liang Yin pinched him and said seriously: "I have only one man, Liang Yin, who has never changed in these years and will never change in his life!"

"I know."

Yun Fei Yang said: "So, those flies around you, I will solve them one by one."

you guys?

Liang Yin gave him a fierce white look and said: "During the past five years in Fanjie, have you seduced many women again."


Yun Feiyang raised his palm and said, "I swear, it's still you, not seduce others!"

This is true.

Since returning from the Star Continent, he has rarely practiced peacefully for a few years, probably from Liu Rou's advice, not to be too obsessed with his children.

Liang Yin wanted to be ironic, but at this moment, Yun Feiyang suddenly tilted his head and kissed overbearingly.

Suddenly that.

Liang Yin lost his mind.


Taking the initiative to hug Yun Feiyang and cooperating as if to miss the five years, all in the kiss.


Yun Feiyang withdrew it and said in amazement: "Did you drink?"

"No... well..." Liang Yinzhi said, "Drink a little during the day."


Yun Feiyang dragged the wine gourd from her said: "I remember, you don't drink in Wanshi Continent."


Liang Yin lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake, and said, "I still don't miss you too much, and forget you with wine."

Yun Feiyang stiffened.

The woman's words moved him and blamed herself deeply.

Liang Yin raised his head and smiled: "From today, I won't drink anymore, because the people I miss can be seen every day."

Yun Feiyang hugged her in her arms and whispered: "Fool, I am not against you drinking. I am afraid of being drunk and being bullied."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Liang Yin proudly said: "My girl, the realm is now Wushen Triple, and she has mastered the fire armor, and the true disciples are not necessarily my opponents!"

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