Super God

Chapter 707: We gamble on life and death

? "Brother Feiyang started to transform first, why didn't he come out yet?"


   "You don't know, this guy is a devil, and the pure spiritual strength in the body must be higher than us, and it takes all time to transform."




   Luo Mu understood.


  The strength of the five of them is almost the same. Before the transformation, the strength of the pure spiritual power was about 40,000 to 50,000.


   Yunfeiyang is also a half-step martial arts god. He has three paths, and the inner strength of the pure spirit core reaches 110,000, which is almost incomparable. By comparison, brother five will cry!


  Calculate time.


   Eleven days have passed since he made an appointment with Zhao Yingwu, only four days away from Bixiaofeng.


   "Should I be in time?"


   "Who knows."


  Several people waited for Yun Fei to clear the barrier while absorbing the pure vitality condensed between heaven and earth.




   Three days passed.


   Yunfeiyang still did not move.


   "Tomorrow is the time to go to Bixiaofeng. Brother Feiyang will not come out again, I am afraid I will make an appointment."


   "Fuck, this guy's pure aura is so magnificent, hasn't been transformed in half a month?!"


   No way, they can only continue to wait.


   The next day, three days in the sun, Yun Feiyang was still in the room, showing no signs.


   "I'm afraid I won't go today"


  The pastoral Luo has not finished yet.




   There was a loud noise in the room. Yun Fei broke through the door and stood in the courtyard with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


   Luo Mu didn't have time to look at him as handsome, and immediately said: "Brother Feiyang, today is your day on Bixiaofeng."


   Yunfeiyang looked at the second highest peak of Jiuxiao Mountain and said lightly: "Go."


  After half a month of transformation, Yun Feiyang successfully transformed the pure spiritual power into pure elemental power, and the pure spiritual core was also upgraded to a pure elemental core.


   Proportionate conversion.


  Now, he has eleven-pure pure elemental strength, which is higher than Zhao Yingwu in number.




   A big gap, at this stage of Wushen level, it can only be regarded as a slight advantage.




   Yunfeiyang walking on the road to Bixiaofeng, but has enough self-confidence to be able to play with that guy in the trouble!




   "Lao Tzu will play with you today!"


   A terrible breath emerged.


  Following Luo Mu and others, expressed their silence for Zhao Yingwu's kid again.


   on Bixiaofeng.


   Early in the morning, many disciples from various peaks gathered. After all, a mortal who had just started to challenge the true disciples was a big deal.


   Several first elders also learned about this, and they did not stop, hiding in a dark place, ready to appreciate it.


  The first elder came here, and also explored Zhao Yingwu, to what extent during this period of time.


   So, it is also possible to make corresponding tactical adjustments in the upcoming Nine Summit.


  As for Yunfeiyang?


   Except Tang Ruojian, no elders are optimistic. After all, it is only half a month, how can it beat the old disciples.


   Elders think so.


   disciples who watched the battle must also be inclined to Zhao Yingwu.




   came to Bixiaofeng early, and now he has waited until the third shot in the sun, Yun Feiyang never appeared.


   "Aren't you afraid, don't you dare to come?"


   "Although it is only named disciples, but if you avoid it without fighting, it is also a disgrace!"


   Many disciples are impatient.


   The first elder of Bixiaofeng said lightly: "Don Tang, are your disciples just getting started afraid?"




  Tang Ruojian said: "My disciples of Jinxiaofeng, all of them are sturdy, never make head-down turtles."


   "Why not come yet?"


   "What are you in a hurry, when you don't have a child, a day will not be counted."


   Everyone is speechless.


   Seeing the disciples waits a day longer than fighting?


   In a Qingya stone pavilion in Bixiaofeng, there are disciples of girls who come from Zixiaofeng.


   Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin were among them.


  Yun Feiyang didn't show up, making an older sister very annoyed. She frowned: "Sister Lin, that guy doesn't even dare to come, and is not qualified to be your fiance."




   another senior sister said: "Sister Lin's conditions, only with Senior Brother Zhao, in my opinion, let's leave the relationship with that guy as soon as possible."


   A few months ago, they received the benefits of Zhao Yingwu's ten spirit stones, and they have not spared any effort to match the two.


  Lin Zhixi said: "My thing, don't worry about it, my sisters."






  Lin Zhixi performed his method, left the stone pavilion, and stood alone on a mountain stone.




  Liang Yin stood lazily and said with a curse: "Some people just like to do more business."


   The faces of the two sisters changed slightly.




   Liang Yin smiled and said: "Sister, I am not talking about you, don't think about it."


   said, leaving Shiting.


  A sister said coldly: "These two sisters rely on the first elder's favor, and they are more and more disregarding our sisters."




   The senior sister sighed: "Who makes people have a lot of talent?"




  Liang Yin sat on the mountain rock and used to get the waist wine gourd, but when he thought of Yun Feiyang, he still retracted his hand and said: "Why hasn't he come yet."


  Lin Zhixi said: "It's already here."


   Sure enough.


  On the stone ladder leading to Bixiaofeng, Yun Feiyang walked in front, Luo Mu and others followed, and swaggered up.


   disciples who were anxiously waiting to see it all scoffed, and a group of named disciples who had just started to learn went so badly.


   "Dare you come?"


   "Fairly a man."


  Many people laughed, and even began to imagine how this named disciple was abused by the true disciple.


   Zhang Qingyu smiled in the distance, thinking, kid, you can still hide for a while if you don't come, and now you have to come to die, no wonder others.


   On the top of Bixiaofeng Mountain, there is a bluestone paved Yanwuchang, which is usually used for assembly and cultivation.




   Yunfei Yang stood in it.


   Opposite him stood Zhao Yingwu. This guy is wearing a black costume representing the identity of a true disciple today.


  Looking at the clouds flying.


   his clothes are in ink and the material is very ordinary.


   From the clothes, you can see the identity, who is higher and lower.




   said: "It is the first time that the named disciple challenged the true disciple since the creation of the Lingxiao School."


   "This guy is also regarded as a youth in history."




   Everyone laughed.


  Zhao Yingwu said coldly: "I thought you weren't coming."


   "Why not come?"


  Yun Fei said.


  Zhao Yingwu said coldly: "Yun Feiyang, let's take a bet than before."




  Yunfei came to Zhao Yingwu proudly said: "You lost, and Lin Zhixi released the relationship, never come to haunt her."


   "Have you lost?"


   "I lose?"


   Zhao Yingwu smiled.


   Many disciples outside the Yanwu field also smiled.




   Brother Zhao is giving you a step down, torture you, and then to have a relationship with Lin Zhixi. Nothing will happen in the future. You should be grateful.


   Faced with everyone's humiliation, Yun Feiyang disagreed and said, "Let's do this."


   paused a little, his eyes cold, he said in a deep voice: "We bet on life and death."



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