Super God

Chapter 719: Absorb Spirit Stone

Flying over the mainland.

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat in a sea of ​​flowers, his hands were resting on his legs, and a spirit stone was suspended on his chest, with a streamer lingering on it.

At this moment, according to what he just ignored, he released Yuan Nian and communicated with the spirit stone.

Perhaps for the first time, Yuan Nian was shrouded and wanted to penetrate further, but was excluded.

It took about a quarter of an hour.

Yun Feiyang successfully infiltrated and communicated with the majestic pure force inside the spirit stone.

"What a strong attribute!" he secretly startled: "At least dozens of times stronger than the pure energy of the outside world!"

If you continue to absorb, even a pig can practice Wushen Realm.

Good things, good things!

The invader who created the Little God Realm is really amazing, even letting one side of the world produce such a thing.

If you fly the mainland, you can also grow spirit stones, it is not too cool!

Set aside your crankiness.

Yun Fei Yang Yuannian communicated with Pure Yuanqi and slowly pulled it out.


A gurgling of pure energy emerged from the spirit stone, which was a pale white light, which at first glance looked like an emulsion.

Pure vitality merged into Yunfeiyang's body, and went straight to Dantian along the meridian.

Pure elementary nucleus found pure attributes, like a hungry wolf, began to absorb crazy!

After half an hour.

The spirit crystal that was originally crystal clear and translucent was absorbed into the final energy and turned into a rock color into a stone ball.


Yun Feiyang froze.

Gou Li said that a spirit stone can be used by Wushen class to absorb an hour, how can half an hour disappear!

Under normal circumstances, a spirit stone can be used for Wushen level to absorb an hour.

But the point is.

Yun Feiyang Dantian's pure elementary core is not ordinary, only half step martial arts realm, to accommodate the eleventh layer of pure elemental force.

This is simply the king of the stomach.

Eat too much, eat fast, others absorb one hour, he will solve it in half an hour!


After absorbing a spirit stone, Yun Feiyang clearly felt that the pure elemental force in his body had not been greatly improved.

"At least it's the speed of my ten-day practice! It's a super tonic to improve the realm!"

Yun Feiyang's eyes shined.


He did not continue to absorb the other three, because the current state has reached the extreme, and no more pure elemental force can be accommodated, absorption is a waste.

"Next, you must quickly break through the Wushen to continue to absorb the spirit stone." Yun Feiyang calculated.

He decided.

In the future, continue to steal the spirit stone, save it, and after breaking through the Wushen, absorb it crazy, I believe that you can quickly upgrade the position!

"Click and click."

Suddenly, a clear voice came from behind.

Yun Feiyang looked back and saw that Chenchen didn't know when to show up, what his mouth was chewing, and the three spiritual cores placed on the ground, one less!


The corner of his mouth twitched: "Can this be eaten?"


Chenchen chewed the spirit stone, and the sound of breaking sounded horrible.

Yun Feiyang almost fell.

That thing is much harder than the crystal core, is this girl's teeth built with diamond diamonds!


Chen Chen looked up and swallowed, sighing, smiling with narrowed eyes: "Ah, what is this, it's delicious!"


Suddenly, she exclaimed: "What a strong energy..." He said, rubbing his eyes, saying: "It's so sleepy, I want to sleep!"


The voice just fell and fell directly to the ground. Nine tails emerged, completely covering the small body.

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

As long as Chenchen emerges from this state, the energy in the digestive spirit stone must be awake again, and it should be improved.

"She is now the pinnacle of seventh grade, and further improvement is comparable to the eighth grade of Wushen."

Yun Feiyang picked her up and walked into the city.

Such a beast as Chenchen, who swallows a spirit stone, if it breaks from the peak of the seventh grade to the eighth grade, then it can prove that its ability is magnificent!


There is a city in Feiyang mainland. The name of the city is Iron Bone City, which was built by Yun Feiyang according to the Iron Bone City of Wanshi Continent.

The purpose is also to allow Mu Ying, Liu Rou and others to get used to living here.

After entering the city, Yun Feiyang handed over the sleeping morning to Mu Ying and went to the Dan room to find Liu Rou.

"This is the spirit stone?"

Holding the spirit stone, Liu Rou looked at the left and said: "How can I not feel the energy inside."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Sister, the attribute in the spirit stone is pure vitality, and your body is pure spiritual energy, which naturally cannot be sensed."

"So it turns out."

Liu Rou realized.

Yun Feiyang said: "Sister, you take this spirit stone to study to see if it can be cultivated in Feiyang mainland."


Liu Rou said decisively.

Yun Feiyang said in amazement: "Why?"

Liu Rou explained: "This kind of ore-like species must be derived from the essence of the mineral. It can never be derived from just one piece."

Yun Feiyang heard a little confused.

Liu Judao: "Taking the gold rough stone that Shenjie used to forge equipment, this kind of mineral can proliferate, relying on the gold rough mother stone."

"I understand."

Yun Feiyang said: "Sister Sister means that spirit stones can grow, and there are essences similar to gold mother stones?"


Liu Judao: "It should be like this."


Yun Feiyang withdrew his soul and returned to reality, his eyes flashing hot.

If Liu Rou said, then that is to say, in the Yuxiaofeng Mine, there must be the essence of cultivating spirit stone!


Every spirit stone ore vein will have spirit stone essence, which is called the mother of spirit stones by the warrior of the Little God Realm.

The pure vitality energy contained in the mother of a spirit stone is comparable to a thousand spirit stones!

of course.

No one will use the mother of spirit stones to absorb. After all, this thing is buried in the ground. After hundreds of years of cultivation, more than a thousand spirit stones can be born.

As the parent body of the spirit stone, the mother of the spirit stone will definitely be at the center of the vein.

According to Lingxiao School estimates.

The Yuxiaofeng ore vein has a depth and width of at least more than 20 miles, but now it is only two-tenth of the mining. It takes a long time to dig the mother of the spirit stone.

Yun Feiyang guessed that there is the essence, and it is impossible to dig it.


It was not dawn.

Yun Feiyang got up early, carrying a bamboo basket with a pickaxe head, and entered the mine. The warrior who supervised before also followed He is not supervising whether Yun Feiyang will steal the spirit stone, but whether the supervision will be lazy.


At the end of the mine, Yun Feiyang immediately started mining. With yesterday's experience, he became even more handy.

The supervising warrior secretly sneered: "This guy is really working hard."

Thinking of this, he leaned on the stone wall with no interest and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

Yun Feiyang seized the opportunity to relax his vigilance, quickly excavated the spirit stone, and threw it into Feiyang mainland.

Come and go.

Until the dark came, Yun Feiyang dug out a total of fifteen spirit stones, but there were only ten in the bamboo basket, and the remaining five were swallowed.


Under the supervision of a warrior, Yun Feiyang dared to steal so crazy that he was brave enough.

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