Super God

Chapter 721: Crazy breakthrough

Fifteen years have passed since the earth was reborn, according to the time of the World Continent.

The weak God of War who was once stabbed in the thigh by Mu Ying, finally stepped into the strongest state of the world, the God of War.

In Little God Realm.

This state is very common, and it is no different from the ordinary warrior.

But for Yun Feiyang, this is a hurdle. Only by stepping past will you have the opportunity to return to the top and the opportunity to become stronger!

After breaking through to Wushen.

Yun Feiyang's strength of pure elemental strength, from eleventh to twentyth, is comparable to ordinary Wushen Great Consummation!


Reaching the strongest state in the world, Yun Fei Yang's body of the body, the number of awakenings reaches twelve!

"Unfortunately, the storage space for divine power is no different than before."

Despite this, Yun Feiyang was quite satisfied, at least, one step further from the restoration of the divine personality.

of course.

It must be said that the biggest change is the flying of the mainland. After breaking through the Wushen, the area has expanded several times.

The current scale can already be equal to that of Wanshi Continent, that is to say, Yun Feiyang's world is enough to hold 10 billion souls!

Feeling the changes after the breakthrough, Yun Feiyang did not feel any excitement.

The Valkyrie level is just the beginning.

There is a higher realm waiting for a breakthrough behind. You must work harder and not relax!

Think so far.

Yun Feiyang merged into Feiyang mainland, entered the formation, and began to absorb stored spirit stones.

In the past three months, an average of five spirit stones have been hidden every day. For more than 90 days, more than 400 have been gathered!

If this is calculated by absorbing one half an hour, it is enough for him to absorb more than one month without interruption!

"bring it on!"

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down, immediately covered a spirit stone with Yuan Nian, and began to absorb frantically.

one day.

After three hours of Little God Realm.

All twelve spirit stones were ingested and turned into useless stones.


Yun Feiyang's eyes flashed with excitement.

After absorbing the twelve spirit stones, he has stepped into Wushen from the beginning, and has been firmly in the weight of Wushen. Even, he has become saturated!

"Will you absorb another day tomorrow, can you break through to the double?"


Returning to reality, Yun Feiyang went into the mine to mine as usual, then returned to the shed and continued to absorb the spirit stone.

Another day passed, the realm went from Wushen's first to breakthrough to double, and Pure Elemental Power also went from 20th to 22nd!


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Twenty-four spirit stones, in just two days (the time of the little **** realm is six hours), broke from the first to the second level of Wushen, which is flying fast!

"carry on!"

Yun Fei Yang's eyes showed madness, and now he can't wait to absorb the remaining spirit stones in one breath.

The road has to go step by step, and the food has to be eaten bite by bite. Next, Yun Feiyang mines daily, and when he returns, he enters Feiyang mainland to absorb.

Four days later.

After absorbing more than forty spirit stones, Yun Feiyang's realm broke from double to triple, and the pure elemental force also reached 25!

This is the role of the spirit stone and the realm system of the Little God Realm.

As long as it does not involve the big realm, and has enough spirit stones, it can completely break through the small heavy position quickly, so as to promote seedlings!

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang's fast, unbridled absorption spirit stone, in just six days, from one to three breakthroughs, not surprising.

The powerful forces with conditions like this. They use spirit stones to build a talented young man.


After two breakthroughs, the pure elemental force is increased by one double and one triple, which is more terrifying. After all, the increase of other warriors after the upgrade is also one!

The reason for this.

Or because Yun Feiyang has three internal bodies, every time the strength is improved, it will bring a stronger increase!


Ten days later.

Yun Feiyang's realm broke through from triple to quadruple, and the pure elementary force reached thirty, which was increased by five!

Although it was cool, it also made him very tangled, because from the triple breakthrough to the quadruple, a hundred spirit stones were fully absorbed.

According to this terrorist growth, if you want to break through the five-fold, I am afraid it will be 200!

as predicted.

A month later, Yun Feiyang absorbed 232 spirit stones, breaking from the fourth to the fifth, and the pure elemental force reached the thirty-eighth!

Calculate time.

It took less than two months from the first breakthrough of Wushen to the fifth of Wushen. This speed is really amazing.

of course.

Yunfeiyang will absorb spirit stones, and will enter the Feiyang mainland, absorbing while mining, while the Little God Realm has only passed half a month.

"There are more than three hundred remaining, which seems to be insufficient to increase to six." Yun Feiyang gave up absorption and turned his mind to mining.


This guy tasted the huge sweetness brought by the spirit stone and began to become greedy.

Working at a few hours every day, at his speed, about 15 can be taken out, only five are turned in, and the remaining ten are swallowed!

of course.

The performance is indispensable.

Every time he came out of the mine, Yun Feiyang looked pale, walked unsteadily, and appeared very weak and tired.

After digging for five months in a row, I was tired to such an extent every day that I could turn in five spirit stones, and the two supervisor elders could say nothing.


time flies.

In an instant, another three months passed.

Over the past 90-odd days, Yun Feiyang has secretly collected eight or nine spirit stones every day and obtained more than nine hundred.

Start absorbing!

Probably because of the improvement of the realm, the speed of absorbing spirit stones has also developed from one in half an hour to three in one hour!

Only one and a half months.

Yun Feiyang absorbed all 1,000 spirit stones, the realm was raised from five to seven, and the pure elemental force was from thirty-eight to seventy.

According to such a growth trend, if the breakthrough to Wushen Nine Heavy, the pure Yuanli may be broken!

In Little God Realm, the warrior with pure Yuanli breaking through a hundred, must have stepped into the broken realm.

Yun Feiyang did not enter the Wushen Great Consummation, if there is that kind of power, it will definitely sensation the Little God Realm.


During this time.

It's not just the realm that improves.

His soul power is also constantly improving. According to the level of the realm, he has entered a broken state.

Soul power increases, Yuan Nian is stronger.

He enters the mine No need to stick his hand on the wall to induce the heartbeat of the spirit stone, Yuan Nian sweeps it, he can judge the position of the spirit stone from the induction from the wall.

of course.

The stone wall containing the spirit stone has a special energy. He can only observe it with Yuan Nian and cannot penetrate.

"In four months, it should be possible to break through to Wushen Jiuzhong..." Yun Feiyang carried the bamboo basket and followed the disciples of the outside door into the mine.


Immediately after entering, a supervising warrior was kicking and kicking an outside disciple, saying: "A waste, what is lazy to steal, hurry and dig!"

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

Outside disciples came to mine, it was unbearable. They liked to be lazy in the mine, and were caught by the supervising warrior, not once or twice, nor did he care.


As soon as he was about to leave, he saw the man falling to the ground and looked up angrily.

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