Super God

Chapter 729: Come, teach me to be a man

Can we solve Yunfeiyang seriously?

Zhang Qinghai was too naive to think.

When he exhibited more advanced martial arts, he rushed over again and fought dozens of moves with Yunfeiyang. Although he gained an advantage, it was only a little bit!


Zhang Qinghai's martial arts broke out. After the pure elemental strength reached 120, Yun Feiyang could still be easily resolved without much trouble.

"This child, could it be that it has reached a broken state?" Bai Shouyi witnessed everything and was secretly shocked.

In just one year, from the half-step martial arts, to breaking through to the broken state, it is a bit scary to think about.

"Will he keep concealing cultivation behavior all the time?" Bai Shouyi thought a bit, but he was somewhat sure.

I was able to detect the realm a year ago, but not a year later. Perhaps, the kid did it deliberately, making himself think that he was only a half-step martial god.

Bai Shouyi affirmed this idea.


He really couldn't understand that a person can reach the broken state in just one year.

The head of the Lingxiao School never thought that Yun Feiyang would steal the spirit stone.

Even thinking of this, I would not think that in just one year, this guy would break through to such a strong level with the spirit stone.

After all, it takes a lot of time to absorb the spirit stone. From a half-step martial **** to a broken state in a year, who believes!

Bai Shouyi guessed wrong.

Yun Feiyang is not a broken state, not even Wushen Great Consummation, his realm is only Wushen Jiuzhong.

In fact, it is also good if it is regarded as concealing cultivation, at least, stealing the spirit stone will not reveal the stuff.



Zhang Qinghai seized the opportunity and hit Yun Feiyang with a punch, but he just backed up more than ten steps and was still not injured.

"This is the core disciple?" Yun Feiyang laughed: "Too disappointing me."

Provocative, absolutely provocative!

Zhang Qinghai heard the words and suddenly exploded.

As one of the nine core disciples of Lingxiao School, they all have their own self-esteem.


Yun Feiyang laughed: "Come on, teach me to be a man."

"I depend!"

"This guy is so abominable!"

"I really want to rush over and beat him!"

Everyone was angry.

Zhang Qinghai said hatefully: "Yun Feiyang, don't be crazy, then I will let you know how to behave in Lingxiao School!"


Suddenly, he took a step forward, his hands spread out, and a pure element of pure force appeared in his palm. Its strength instantly reached 150 weight!


The cold wind roared, swirling at the foot of Zhang Qinghai.

"this is……"

Someone was shocked: "Xuanjie first product, hurricane step!"

"Brother Zhang finally got the cards!"

"Hahaha, Yun Feiyang is going to be finished!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

Who does not know in Lingxiao faction, Zhang Qinghai has a unique Xuan-order body martial arts skill, the speed can be greatly improved when it is unfolded!

"Xuanjie martial art?"

Yun Feiyang frowned.

Sure enough, the core disciples are also good martial arts, it seems that this is a bit troublesome.

Sure enough, as he thought, Zhang Qinghai suddenly rushed over after exhibiting the "Blast Step", and the speed was so fast that it suddenly turned into an afterimage.

Taking his cultivation as an example, among the powerful space barriers of Little God Realm, running so fast, it can be seen.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was startled.

His Yuan Nian couldn't keep up with Zhang Qinghai's speed.

At this moment, Zhang Qinghai appeared behind him, condensing a 150-weight fist, slamming on his back!


Yun Feiyang flew out suddenly, under the eyes of everyone, he fell heavily on the ground, his back clothes shattered, and a crimson fist appeared.

The one hundred and fifty-pound pure elemental force is still very powerful. Yun Feiyang received hot pain from his body, and finally a wow blood spit out.


"Hahaha, Brother Zhang took it seriously, this guy wouldn't work!" Seeing Yun Feiyang injured, many disciples were extremely happy.

Lin Zhixi and others were immediately worried.


At this moment, relying on the gust of wind, Zhang Qinghai rushed over again, kicking over while Yun Feiyang had not stood up.


Yun Feiyang was kicked off again.

In the face of Zhang Qinghai who exhibited the Xuan-order martial arts, he could not catch the movement in advance.


Tang Ruojian shook his head secretly.

In his view, Yun Feiyang had already lost after performing Xuanjie martial arts, but the defeat was not shameful, at least a lot of tricks.

Who can do it for other disciples?


"It's very good to force Zhang Qinghai to perform the Xuan-order martial arts." Bai Shouyi is quite satisfied with Yun Feiyang's performance.


"Boy, are you still crazy?" Zhang Qinghai stopped and looked at Yun Fei lying on the ground, with a sneer on his face.

The disciples of each peak also smiled.

Oh shit.

After waiting for a year, I finally saw this guy being abused.


Yun Feiyang vomited to bleed and jumped from the ground.

Although his meridians were damaged, he still sneered: "Isn't it just relying on advanced martial arts, what's so great."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone smiled.


Brother Zhang exhibited advanced martial arts skills. The guy could stand up and change himself, but he couldn't do it at all. What's so great about this? What's so funny?

"Ha ha."

Zhang Qinghai said with a smile: "I can abuse you today because my strength is higher than you, and I have the ability, you come to abuse me."

This sentence is very familiar.

It was Yun Feiyang's words on Qingxiao Peak.

The disciples of Fengfeng heard that the feeling of self-esteem suddenly disappeared.


You don't care what martial arts people use to abuse you, that's the fact, you can only accept it!

"Torture you?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Yes."


Suddenly, his black hair gradually turned to silver-white, and even his pupils became the same color.

Forbidden blood sacrifice.

Yun Feiyang exhibited again, but it only rose from 110 to 120.

Although the ten-fold increase is small, it is better than no improvement.

"What martial arts is this?"

"Hair color changed too?"

Everyone was stunned.

Bai Shouyi in the Chixiao Temple said: "From the momentum point of view, it should be an increased martial art, and the grade may not be influential."


Yun Feiyang's forbidden techniques and martial arts practiced in the Continent of Ten Thousand Worlds, except for a few, are not influential in Little God Realm.

Zhang Qinghai said with a sneer: " You dare to exhibit this kind of low-level amplification martial arts, is it humiliating?"

"Can torture you, not shameful."

Yun Feiyang said coldly.


At this moment, Zhang Qinghai suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him!


Yun Feiyang was blown out again, but this time he stabilized his body without falling down.


Zhang Qinghai rushed again, relying on the speed of the hurricane, launched a wild bombing to Yunfeiyang.

that moment.

Everyone was watching Yun Feiyang get blown off again and again, and he stood firm again and again, even if he was beaten up in awkwardness, but his face was also reckless!

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