Super God

Chapter 735: Wushen Dzogchen


In the forest, Yun Feiyang ran all the way, the expression on his face was very wonderful.

"Grab this guy, don't let him run away!"

"There, hurry up!"


A group of martial arts-class strongmen, chasing and killing behind the buttocks, eyes are almost spitting fire.

The reason they chased Yunfei is that this guy stole the spirit stone of his own family!

Steal, just chant.

After all, after stealing in the middle of the night, he yelled to death in various family courtyards, "I have stolen your spirit stones, come and catch me!"

Good guy.

Call it out like this.

As a result, it is what it is now.



Yun Feiyang shuttled through the mountains and forests, and finally after an hour of rushing, he successfully got rid of the back chasing.


After stopping, he gasped and collapsed: "Stolen spirit stones, you have to shout out, what's the matter!"

Stealing the Spirit Stone is a task given to him by Kuangaotian, and its purpose is to practice courage.

Calling it out deliberately to disturb the family warriors, it is to implement the foundation of the mad sect and die!

Yun Feiyang's heart can be described by Wanma Pentium, because, as a master of death, he has never seen such death!


At this moment, the arrogant sky flew over.

Lin Zhixi and others, slowly shrouded by the pure elemental force of his left and right hands, slowly fell.

"Not bad."

Kuangtiantian praised: "Entering the major families to steal spirit stones, don't panic at all, you can be brave."


Yunli pouted, and said in secret: "This kid was in God Realm, and he went to the shrine of the gods, just as he went to his house, how could he be afraid?"


Arrogant heaven said: "There are still shortcomings."


Yun Feiyang was at a loss.

Arrogant Heavenly Road: "Run too slowly."

Yun Feiyang was speechless.

My own speed is fast enough!


Kuangaotian said seriously: "If you want to survive in Little God Realm, the strength can not be strong enough, but the speed must be fast, because only in this way can there be a chance to escape."

Yun Feiyang agrees.

You can become stronger when you are alive, and you can survive better in a desperate situation if you run fast.

"You are now training just Wushen Jiuzhong, even though the pure elemental force is comparable to the broken realm, but the speed is still too slow. On the way back to the Valley of the Madman, I will focus on training your speed."

Arrogant days began to make plans.


When Lin Zhixi and others heard what the suzerain said, they looked at Yun Fei in amazement.

Wushen Nine Heavy?

Comparable to a broken state?

"Lying trough!"

Luo Mu opened his mouth and said, "Brother Fei Yang, how did you practice, and even broke through to Wushen Jiuzhong!"

This year.

He and the five members of the Yunli have also been practicing, and there are still ten spirit stones every month.

"talk about it later."

Yun Feiyang didn't explain.

He distributed dozens of stolen spirit stones to everyone and said, "I don't need spirit stones in my current state. Take them and absorb them."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Luo Mu and Yunli said with a mouthful of words, but the action was beautiful.

Women such as Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin did not refuse. After all, they now need spirit stones even more.


Kuangaotian patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "I did not misunderstand you. I know that I am blessed and share the same. This is my disciple of Kuangzong."

Yun Feiyang smiled.

This spirit stone is just an appetizer.

There are many more flying continents. When the time comes, they will be settled in the Valley of the Madman, and let them go in to absorb and improve their cultivation.

Breaking through to Wushen Nine Heavy, it took a lot of spirit stones, and even if the remaining two thousand were left, breaking through to the next level would probably have no effect.

For Lin Zhixi to absorb them, they are the best choice.

"Do not worry."

Kuangaotian swears at these newly-introduced disciples and swears: "The biggest benefit of joining our Kuangzong is that there is no shortage of spirit stones!"

"Go grab it if you don't move, just steal. It's strange if you can lack a spirit stone." Luo Mu murmured.


Kuang Ao Tian punched him down and said, "Remember, although I am crazy, I am not a robber, but a way for Tian Xing."

"Walk for the sky?"

Yun Feiyang and others looked dazed.

So tall!


Kuangaotian took out a thick book and said, "This is the waybook of Kuangzong, and the crimes of many families and forces are listed above."

Everyone looked at it.

On the opened page, it was written: The Gui family, in a certain year and a certain area of ​​the Xiaoshen calendar, found a small mineral vein. In order to prevent the leakage of wind, it brutally slaughtered 361 ordinary people in the village.

"Lying trough."

Luo Mudao: "True beast!"

Those who practice martial arts have an unwritten rule, try not to harass and kill ordinary people.

A family, to kill the whole village in order to mine veins, the behavior is outrageous.


The arrogance of the arrogant and violent ancestors gathered at the meeting, saying: "The forces that committed crimes like this are countless in the Little God Realm, so we are going to **** them and destroy them to replace the way."

It turns out so.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "As long as there are families and forces of a small scale, buttocks are not clean, it is no wonder that Kuangzong will have so many enemies."

For some things, to do things that are utterly innocent, in his view, is the most normal, and this is the cruelest portrayal of weak meat and strong food.


The road to Madman Valley is long.


Yun Feiyang walked while going to the family and forces in the city to steal the spirit stone, even if he met his weakness, he would have to fight in it.

Luo Mu, Yunli and others were not idle.

They were also trained by Arrogant Sky, either stealing or running every day.

Lin Zhixi, because they are women, Kuangaotian did not let them participate.

A month later.

Luo Mu and Yunli and others have transformed from famous disciples like Lingxiao School into robbers and gangsters.

Don't say it.

Stealing non-stop, running non-stop, playing non-stop, in just thirty days, the strength of the five people, one after another, broke through to Wushen quadruple, and had not yet taken the spirit stone!

It must be said that Yun Feiyang is the fastest.

This guy has visited a lot of families in the past month, and has fought against the martial arts warriors. After being chased by the bone-hardening warriors, he has gained a lot of insights. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Successfully moved from Wushen Jiuzhong to Wushen Great Consummation!

After the breakthrough, Yun Feiyang walked out of the cave and came to a boulder, suddenly condensing pure elemental force, and bombarded past.


The boulder suddenly shattered.

Yun Feiyang's punch, the pure elemental force that broke out, has reached 150 weight!

that is.

After breaking through to the Wushen Great Consummation, he was already the same as Zhang Qinghai a month ago. Now, even if he doesn't have to turn his hands, he can play with him in the palm of his hand!

The arrogant sky on the tree was surprised and said: "Just breaking through to the Great Consummation, the pure Yuan Li has reached such a point, this is really not easy."


"Chen Lingyin, you gave me a big gift from Kuangzong, how should I thank you?"

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