Super God

Chapter 752: Breaking through, a breakthrough is imminent!

Beiyuan Yanwuchang.

Luo Mu and Yunli held their hands together, maintained a motionless posture, and exposed themselves to the hot sun.


This is being punished.

As for the reason, I will not mention it.


Dou Bi squatted in the shade of the tree, clutching his belly and laughing: "Your little rookie line, even the patriarch dare to be overcast!"

Luo Mu and Yun Li twitched their lips.


I wanted to blow him up.

Who knows, the suzerain first went to the latrine, which was really unexpected.

At this moment.

Yun Feiyang walked in from outside.

Dou Bi laughed: "Brother, how are you?"

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "I thought that the sixth star of the crazy star would be very strong. As a result, I still couldn't resist my punch."

These days.

He is not just practicing.

He will also go to the city, look for the ten mad stars, and take the initiative to challenge him.

Now that you have entered the mad sect, you must be mad and challenge the mad star when you come to the madman valley.


Dou Bi laughed and said: "These ten so-called crazy stars are usually very dragged, but in front of the younger brother, they are soft persimmons."


Yun Feiyang laughed: "Or, let's compare?"


Dou Bi was stunned.

This kid is crazy.

I dare to take the initiative to challenge my brother.

"it is good!"

Dou Bishuang said quickly: "Let's fight."



Luo Mu and Yunli are still exposed to the scorching sun, and beside them, Yun Feiyang rolls his eyes and pours foam on the ground.

It seems.

This guy was abused by his brother.

He with more than two hundred pure elemental strengths, and Dou Bi, who reached a thousand weight with a random blow, the result is obvious.


This guy is not convinced to lose!

In the next few days, Dou Bi has been challenged. Although he was abused every time, he never tires.


Witnessing Yun Feiyang and Dou Bili again on the performance martial arts field, Lan Shuang said: "Four younger brothers, would it not be a masochism, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to be abused?"


Xiang Yuan agreed.

Just then, the arrogant appearance of the gods haunted them and gave them a jump.


The two held their noses and kept a certain distance from the Sect Master, as if they smelled the smell of feces and urine.


Kuangaotian fisted down and dropped it to the ground, angrily said: "I have taken dozens of baths, and my body has no smell!"


Suddenly, there was a fist from Yanwuchang.

Not surprisingly.

Yun Feiyang was laid down to the ground again.

Lan Shou got up and said, "Brother Master is really, I don't know how to release the water. It's interesting to abuse the four younger brothers like this."

"That's it!"

Xiang Yuan shouted.

"You know what a fart!" Kuangtiantian said: "Dou Bi is doing training and flying."


Lan Shou and Xiang Yuan were confused.

Kuang Tiantian said: "That kid, you are fighting with your brothers, not to ask for abuse, but to practice the pace of rushing, to cultivate the reaction force and speed."

This powerful person who has perfected the perfection of the **** realm has already seen through Yun Feiyang's intention.

Not bad.

Yun Feiyang challenged Dou Bi, being abused again and again is a kind of spiritual practice.

He didn't expect to defeat the opponent because it was unrealistic, and only hoped that under the strong attack of the opponent, he could rely on his crazy skills to avoid it.

Even evading one move is progress!

Yun Feiyang dares to think and do what he wants to practice with the strong in the heart training period!

Dou Bi understands the thoughts of his younger brother, and every time he fights, he attacks with a training mentality instead of joking.


After half a month.

Yun Feiyang was put down to the ground 132nd, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Not bad."

Dou Bi withdrew his fists and smiled: "Under the pace of running wildly, Brother I almost did not let you down."


Yun Feiyang stood up and said, "Brother, come again!"

"it is good!"

Dou Bi raised his fist again.

This time, Yun Feiyang failed to escape and was directly laid down.


With the possibility of almost avoiding it just now, this made him much more confident, practicing day after day and consulting with his brother.

A month later.

Under the abuse and cultivation, Yun Feiyang's comprehension of the galloping step can be described as a rapid progress, and he has been able to avoid Dou Bi's moves.

Although it is only a trick.

But for Yun Feiyang, it is very important, because, in the actual combat with the strong heart training period and against the enemy, it is enough to save life!

Dou Bi retracted his fist and said, "You can avoid my blow in just one month. Brother, you can do it."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Brother, wait for me to step into the broken state and enter the plastic shaping period, you can definitely hide more!"

Dou Bi smiled and said: "I'm waiting for you to break into the broken realm!"

Yun Feiyang said by himself: "Brother, I won't keep you waiting."


Calculate time.

Yun Feiyang has come to Kuangzong for half a year.

During this time.

Luo Mu and others relied on Lingshi and the words and examples of the three brothers to improve their skills very quickly, and they successively broke through to Wushen Yazhong.

Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin also achieved the completeness of Wushen, and even the people of Faji and Fengshao Yan, also successfully entered the ranks of the half-step Wushen.

Only the clouds are flying, and the martial arts realm has not improved.

This is because the Wushen Great Consummation broke through to the broken realm, relying on understanding the world, not cultivation.

of course.

Yun Feiyang is not standing still At this moment, he has made no small progress, at least, he has touched the threshold of the broken state.

It takes a little time for distance to reach a higher level.


Another month passed.

Yun Feiyang didn't go to Dou Bi to practice as usual, because, under the impression of last night, signs of breakthrough appeared in his body!

finally coming?

Yun Feiyang smiled, sat down immediately, stabilized his mind, released Yuan Nian, and quickly merged with the world.


Suddenly, a gurgling breath emanated from his body, and he immediately rushed out of the room and drifted in all directions.


Luo Mu and others, who are practicing, felt that breath and were startled: "What a pure and pure element!"

"Here comes from the fourth brother's room, is he going to break into the broken realm?" The three brothers of Dou Bi came out.

As a person coming over.

They can naturally infer from the breath that this is a sign of breaking through to the broken state and entering the plastic body period.

"Are you going to break through?" Kuang Aotian also walked out of the study, looking at Beiyuan, with relief in his eyes.

In his view, Yun Feiyang is such a brilliant genius, and it is not uncommon to break through the broken realm.

The breath of promotion to the broken realm spreads in the Kuangzong, and at the same time, it floats towards the valley of the madman, and many warriors are stunned.

"In Kuangzong, someone wants to advance to the Broken Realm?"

"Can't it be Yunfeiyang?"

"It must be him. After all, the other three disciples have already broken through to this level!"

When everyone talked, their hearts collapsed.

It has only been two years since the opening of the Dragon Gate, and mortals from the third-order plane will have to break into the broken realm, which is really shocking!

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