Super God

Chapter 770: Coincidentally

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Read the full text of Super God's Sin! Seek fiction net, have what you want!

Yun Feiyang turned his head and couldn't bear to witness the warrior in the Valley of the Madman, being bullied by a fierce beast.


The result is the opposite!

It was not the madman Gu Wu who was abused, but the courageous coquettish just now, who threatened to eat and drink enough to get rid of the gluttony of the invaders of Zhenwu God Territory.


The sound of broken ribs is gluttonous.


The spitting blood was still gluttonous!

Yun Feiyang's current mood can be described as a Japanese dog.

What kind of beast is this?

"Call me to death!"


A group of madman valley warriors ravaged madly.

They wouldn't think that they were fighting the gods and beasts who could stand shoulder to shoulder with God King before Wan Zai!

"Oh shit!"

Gluttonian covered his face and said angrily: "If this king had eaten too much in one breath, and consumed a lot of power, would he be bullied by your scum!"


I just opened my mouth wide and ate more than ten miles of soil and rocks, using the only remaining strength after awakening.

If it is God Realm, the attributes contained in the soil and the trees and rocks can provide him with a lot of energy.

Just by all means.

This is Little God Realm.

The cultivation of pure elemental power makes the condensed properties of all things very poor, and the energy it provides is better than nothing.

Jiang Shangyan and others were swallowed by him and spit it out again. Although it was very short, each one was very weak.


I can only watch my own king, bullied by a group of rookies in the Void Realm, and have no strength to speak.



Just when gluttonous food was ravaged by madness, Yun Feiyang finally couldn't help but shouted loudly.


This is a beast.

In case of being disabled, it's not fun!

As a disciple of the mad ancestor, Yun Feiyang still has some energy. He started to beat the gluttonous martial arts and stopped.

"You guys."

Yun Fei Yang said: "This is my servant. Do you have to look at the owner if you hit the dog?"

The gluttonous news, suddenly burst into anger, this king is the **** beast of the God Realm, you even described me as a servant!


Everyone was startled.

A Void Realm was consummated and collapsed: "Why didn't you say it early?"

"That's right!"

"We thought it was an outsider!"

"Hello, buddy." A strong man in the Nether Realm pulled the gluttonous and said, "Are you all right?"

"A bunch of scum!"

Although the gluttonous man was injured, but his temperament as a **** beast is still there, he said coldly: "Give this king..."


Yun Feiyang hurriedly covered his mouth and smiled: "I am a man, there is a problem in my head. When I see someone, I say scum."

When he was finished, he dragged his gluttons and left.

"Yun Feiyang!" said a warrior: "I was born with a vision, was the treasure taken by you."


Yun Feiyang casually pointed in a direction and said, "Just a few figures just ran from that direction. What treasure should I have obtained."


The crowd rushed over.

Yun Feiyang said silently: "I casually said that they really believed it."


At this moment, Kuangaotian flew over from a distance, and after falling down, he made sure that his disciples were fine, and then he gave a breath.

"Who is this?"

"Sovereign, he is my servant."

"How hurt?"

"It was accidentally injured by the gang of warriors in Madman Valley."

"Go away and hurry back to heal."

Yun Feiyang dragged the gluttonous away, and Jiang Shangyan and others lying on the ground looked hard.

Their ancestors searched for gluttons for generations, and it took thousands of years to find them now, and wake them up. As a result, they watched them taken away.

"Elder... Elder, what shall we do?"

"First find a place to recuperate, and then go to the Valley of the Madman to **** the king back!"


Five hundred miles away.

A young man in white stood on the boulder and looked at the gradually disappearing dark clouds. He said: "What the **** is, it will cause the world to change."


At this moment, two young people wearing the same clothes came over and said, "Since we found Ling Yuzhi, should we go back?"


The young man on the boulder said: "Go back."


He tipped a little and jumped gently.


As the three men were about to leave, the warriors of the Madman Valley rushed out and surrounded them.

"Haha, that guy Yun Feiyang didn't lie to us. Sure enough someone robbed the treasure."

"Fortunately, we are chasing fast, otherwise, let these three run away, it will be troublesome."

Madman Gu Wu, obviously misunderstood.

I am afraid that Lian Yunfeiyang would not have thought that if he just pointed a direction, there would be someone.

It really is a coincidence!

"Oh shit."

A warrior said: "In our madman valley realm, daring to take away the treasures is really impatient!"

The man in white frowned slightly, and said, "Everyone, we were found outside the realm of Madman Valley."

"Less nonsense," said the warrior of Madman Valley: "Hurry up and hand over the treasure!"

The man in white shook his head and said, "Sorry, that treasure is used to save lives."


A Void Warrior said: "You little baby, really toast without eating fine wine, everyone go together, capture it, and then ask the treasure!"

"it is good!"


More than a dozen Void Warriors, all shot together, attacked the young man in white and two brothers in the same discipline.


After two hours.

The handsome man in white, covered with blood, ran out of the dark mountain forest.

The two cousins ​​were also bruised.


They were abused by the warriors of Madman, the guys in Madman Valley are so abominable that they robbed us of the spirit blood Yuzhi that we used to save people! "

"What came here to collect things, the guy named Yun Feiyang, how could he know!"

The man in white wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes cold and said: "Crazy Valley! Yun Feiyang! This hatred, I write down the Xue family!"


The three men dragged themselves away.


Kuangzong, Beiyuan.

Yun Feiyang placed gluttony in a vacant room and called Liu Rou to heal him.


Seeing the purple-haired man, Liu Rou said with amazement: "Aren't you killed by Pi Xiu, how can you still be alive? Could it be that you ate yourself?"

Was killed by Pi Xiu?

Yun Feiyang stunned.

He thought before that this mythical creature could wake up, probably because God Realm shattered and ate himself in advance.

It turns out there is another hidden feeling!


Glutton said coldly: "How can the scum of Pi Xiu kill this king!"


He recovered, and said in amazement: "How do you know that I was killed by Pi Xiu? Who are you? Why does it give me a familiar feeling?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "She is the **** of wisdom."


Glutton jumped from the bed, leaning tightly against the corner of the wall, looking into Liu Rou's gaze, with deep fear.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Sister, this guy seems afraid of you."

Liu Rou said with a smile: "Because it used to be my mount."


Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapters of Super God Fairy, welcome to collect! Seek fiction net, have what you want!

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