Super Heavy Artillery

Vol 3 Chapter 31: That wall

For a team in a winning streak, losing is not necessarily a bad thing.

The loss allows Donovan to better find out the team's current problems, so as not to be caught off guard at a critical moment. In addition, the Thunder's performance at the beginning of the season surpassed actual strength. Over time, players will have the illusion that they are really strong, so that they are blindly arrogant. Losing the game now is a better warning for the Thunder. Let everyone calm down, examine their shortcomings carefully, and then improve their abilities as much as possible.

Moreover, in the state of winning streak, the players' energy has always maintained an extremely tight state. Not getting rest mentally is more dangerous than physical fatigue.

Losing now is a good thing. After losing to the Raptors, the Thunder breathed a sigh of relief up and down. Everyone felt a lot easier. In 82 games in a season, you may keep winning. Stronger than the Bulls and Warriors, they will still lose. At the press conference, Donovan and Westbrook were very relaxed facing the reporter's interview.

Reporter A: "Mr. Donovan, what do you think about the loss in this game?"

Donovan: "We really didn't play well in this game! We missed a lot of shots and didn't play a lot of tactics. But losing is part of every season. Maybe not tonight, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Will lose. This is a normal thing! Players are not superman, they can not always maintain the best condition. This must be understood by everyone." Reporter B: "Coach Billy, after the winning streak is ended, right Is there any adverse effect on the team?"

Donovan: "I don't think there is any bad influence. Everyone is trying their best to win. As for the outcome of the game, there are many unforeseen circumstances. But that does not affect anything. After all, we have been walking on the right track. On the road!"

Reporter C: "Russell, do you think Ann's performance has a big impact on the team?"

Westbrook: "Yes! I think the impact is great. You know, he is a scorer averaging 20+ per game!"

Reporter C: "So, Russell. Do you think An Luo is responsible for the loss of this game?" This question obviously stunned Westbrook, and he was very speechless about this reporter's question. I could not help but shook his head and replied: "I don't know why you think this way. But what I want to tell you is that we should be grateful to Ann. We are grateful to him for helping the team win the game. But this is not his responsibility. He is only 19 years old! It takes time to grow up. Losing the game, I think it is entirely my responsibility. I made too many mistakes, which gave the other side too many chances to score."

Westbrook obviously already knew how to be a leader. And it looks pretty good.

As the protagonist of this topic, An Luo is not quite calm now.

After the game, he soaked in the bath in the locker room and forced himself to be quiet. He must figure out the problem, and then think of a way to solve the current dilemma.

An Luo hasn't entered the bracelet space in some days. He was afraid that he could not bear those temptations and played off his life.

It was the empty basketball court, and An Luo's basic attributes were displayed on the big screen.

An Luo understood where his problem was when he saw it.

The basic attributes have not changed much, and they are still the same. However, in the blank space to the right, there is an extra countdown and a paragraph of text that has not been seen before.

It turned out that he really hit the rookie wall.

An Luo is no stranger to this term. Anyone who watches the NBA knows that most rookies encounter this situation. But the rookie wall that others ran into is unclear, and An Luo can see clearly now.

It's not so much a state, it's a task to pass the level given by the bracelet. It does not appear randomly, but is activated when certain conditions are met. This was completely unclear before An Luo.

An Luo couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed, "I don't know how many things in this bracelet I don't know!"

To activate this thing, it is very easy, as long as the regular season score is full of 120 is enough! An Luo doesn't know if all rookies are the same, but this condition is really too low!

When the rookie wall is activated, all of Anluo's offensive capabilities will be sealed. Ability like three-point shooting and backward jumpers are basically useless. After the rookie wall is broken, it will be effective again.

No wonder, there is no vote!

As for why the defensive ability has not been sealed, it may be an opportunity to give An Luo a chance to complete the conditions!

There are two conditions for breaking the rookie wall. The first is to score 1,000 three-pointers in total, of course, in the training game, if it is placed in the game, it is definitely impossible. But the second condition must be fulfilled in the game, and the opponent has been stealed 10 times!

If you want to recover, you must break the rookie wall. And according to the prompts, after breaking the rookie wall, will randomly select one of the sealed abilities and raise one level.

This is a good thing! An Luo has only a few offensive abilities now, and any one who wants to improve it needs a lot of vitality. It’s great to have a chance to upgrade one level for free now!

But An Luo understands that things will not be that simple.

Taking steals for example, 10 doesn't seem to be much, but with An Luo's inefficiency on the offensive end, his playing time will also decrease. It is still very difficult to complete. You know, he can now contribute nearly 2 steals in 20 minutes per game.

1000 three-pointers are not easy! Before that, An Luo felt that he could finish it in one day. But now, maybe 100 shots a day would be good. After all, without the bonus of the bracelet, the hit rate must be terrible. And you can't be too hasty, you must cast a limited amount, or you will strain your muscles and it will be impossible!

Of course it can't be too slow. The countdown on the screen has started, An Luo took a look, four days have passed! There are less than 11 days left. Looking at the Thunder's next schedule, there are still five games to play in the next 11 days. Only one game is away, the others are played in Oklahoma. An Luo has enough time to fulfill those two conditions.

In short, this rookie wall is a challenge and an opportunity for An Luo. If you grasp it, you can go to the next level. If you can't grasp it, then return to the pre-liberation overnight.

Everything depends on the next 11 days!

An Luo made a simple small goal for himself. Starting tomorrow, 100 three-pointers a day, 2 steals per game.

Right now, Anluo must deal with the twittering reporters.

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