Super Heavy Artillery

Vol 3 Chapter 372: First hit

   Although it hasn't been home for a long time, maybe it hasn't been with my father for a long time. But the habit of more than ten years is not so easy to forget.

   Just like now: Daddy An is cooking, An Luo is on the sidelines, peeling garlic, picking vegetables...

   Tang Xiaoru ran around with An Luo. She didn't know what to do, but sitting in the house was always not good.

   It didn't take long for the food to be ready at the table. Four dishes and one soup, pork ribs in sauce, sweet and sour pork, spicy chicken, braised eggplant, crisp soup, plus rice and kimchi. They are all Papa An's specialty dishes. They are delicious in color, fragrance, and taste.

   "Go on!"

   An Luo can't wait. After Father An moved his chopsticks, he gave Tang Xiaoru a piece of tenderloin. This taste was what she liked. Then he feasted on it. In the past few months, An Luo feels that he has had a good time. But only in this aspect, he was really miserable. The nutritious meals in the team are nothing more. None of the so-called Sichuan dishes that I eat outside is authentic. Either lack of spicy or lack of numbness, it is very uncomfortable to make Anluo not good enough.

  This meal is finally relieved! After eating, Tang Xiaoru took the initiative to ask Ying to wash the dishes. Naturally, Father An would not let it. But An Luo pulled him into the hall and told him about his next arrangements.

   "Are you going to see Xiaoru's parents?"

   "Um! Dad, we have been together for a long time. This time, it was both Xiaoru's parents' request and our original plan."

   "Does your mother know?"

"Mom must know! She originally wanted to come back with us, and then we went to Beijing together. But there were too many things over there, and Xiaoru and I felt that the first time I went to see her parents, I was alone. Go better."

   "That's right!" Father Ann nodded, and then exhorted: "You behave well! Be sure to leave a good impression on others. Xiao Ru is a good girl!"

   "I know, Dad! How about you teach me some experience! What did you do when you first went to my grandmother's house? Did they embarrass you?"

   "I was back then? Your mother and I were introduced by your grandmother! We recognized it before this. It's different from your situation! You can only rely on yourself for this matter!"


   stayed at home for two days. In the past two days, An Luo did nothing, except to eat and sleep! He is actually quite a person with good self-control ability. But every time he returned to his hometown, he couldn't control his laziness! Only here can he be unscrupulous.

   On the third day, An Luo and Tang Xiaoru set off again. This time, they went to Beijing.

   The road was calm. Before leaving, Tang Xiaoru dressed An Luo. Although there is not much change, at least it will not be recognized at a glance.

   It was already past 5 pm when I arrived in Beijing. In order to see his future husband in the best spirit, An Luo decided to take a rest for the first night, and then visit the next day. Fortunately, Tang Xiaoru only told the family that he was going, and did not say a specific time.

   The next day, four o'clock in the afternoon. The entrance of a courtyard in Huangchenggen, Wangfujing, Beijing.


"not nervous!"

"is it?"

   "Well! Your husband won the championship in front of 70, 80,000 people! He was from the national team. What big storms have not been seen?"

   "Oh! Don't hold me so tight!"


   An Luo felt like he was stepping on the court for the first time. He knows what he should do next, but he just can't step out!

   "Okay! It's just to meet up and have a meal! Let's go! It's been a long time since I was here!"

   "I'm not... Hey! Don't drag me..."

   In this way, An Luo walked into Tang Xiaoru's house for the first time. An Luo didn't know how to describe this, but he could clearly feel that his future old man was definitely not an ordinary person! He has never understood the housing prices in Beijing, but it is not something ordinary people can do to have such an exquisite and spacious antique courtyard in such a metropolis.

   Tang Xiaoru took An Luo through the archway and came to a small courtyard. The furnishings in the courtyard are very simple, with a big bucket of ginkgo tree on each corner. There is a table and four chairs on the northeast side of the yard. The colors of the tables and chairs complement each other with the same hue of doors and windows. There is a man and a woman sitting at the table, drinking tea.

   "Dad, Mom! I'm back!"


   "Xiao Ru, come here, let Mom see!"

   Different answers, but An Luo saw the same look in the opponent's eyes.

"You are An Luo? Stop standing, come and sit down and have tea." Just when Tang Xiaoru and her mother were hugging each other, Father Tang also chatted with An Luo: "What about you two, Xiaoru told us! In principle, we are not against it. However, as parents, things that children feel are not trivial. So there are some things that we still have to understand."

   Tang's father looks very elegant, but An Luo always has the kind of attitude of sitting in front of his junior high school class, he really can't stand it.

   "Uncle, you ask."

   "I heard Xiao Ru say that you met in university?"

   "Yes! We are classmates."

   "Why didn't you finish college?"

"Uh, uh! Well, uncle, you may not know my situation well. I didn't make it hard. I was admitted as a sports specialty student. So I always played basketball on the school team. After the freshman year, I participated in the nba. NBA draft and then entered the NBA. So I have to leave."

   "Will you continue to finish university?"

   "It should be! But, that has to wait until I retire."

   "Do you think basketball is good for you or work?"

   "How do you say? Basketball has always been my good. However, it can now bring me some financial rewards. I like it, and it likes me!"

   "How many years have you played basketball?"

   "I've been playing since I was young!"

   "Very good! But if Xiao Ru and basketball have a conflict, which one would you choose?"


  Who said that only women would ask those boring propositions! Tang's father's sudden multiple-choice question caught An Luo off guard. He never thought about this problem! He felt that he couldn't live without Tang Xiaoru and basketball.

   "Old Tang, look what you asked!" Fortunately, the mother-in-law came out in time to make a relief. Mother Tang looked at An Luo and nodded. She should be more satisfied! After all, An Luo and Tang Xiaoru are very good match regardless of their height, appearance or academic experience.

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