
With the explosion of the scarlet cage, the smooth and pale ferocious beast broke out of the restraints. It looked up to the sky and roared. In its violent scarlet eyes, it stared at the wave that was teleporting away. It had been covered by The hideous wounds caused by that group of humans were healing quickly at this moment.


It turned out that this space ghoul could actually speak. Its roaring voice was frightening, and it also turned into a white shadow and teleported away. It was obvious that it had no intention of letting go of the Miracle Echelon Team.

"We're almost there!"

During the teleportation process, everyone including Chu Tiannan felt an inexplicable meaning. That is, everyone discovered that in the cosmic sea protected by the supreme will of the universe, the pressure of the cosmic cross current was very strong. This means that the teleportation of all lives can no longer reach the most perfect level.

"As expected of a forbidden area in the universe, even teleportation can be suppressed!" Chu Tiannan was secretly surprised, seeing the light blue planet floating quietly in front of him, which was the space wormhole leading to the Canglan Domain.


It's just that at this moment, the planet leading to the Canglan Domain is in an unstable state. To put it bluntly, it is about to disappear and the transition point is approaching. The fundamental reason why this spiral labyrinth universe is called a cosmic labyrinth is because of its Constant change.

One second you may see this space wormhole, and the next second you may find that the other party has disappeared.

The coordinates of all space wormholes are not fixed. The only things that people can remember are these planets. But the good news is that these so-called unfixed planet points will not exceed the star field where they are located. Among them, if you look carefully, you can still find it.

"Friends, work harder!" Chu Tiannan was also facing the pressure from the cross currents of the universe at this moment. He saw that the light blue planet was close in front of him, but it was still still some distance away.


Just when everyone was about to approach the space wormhole, they saw a frightening roar coming from behind. Everyone turned around subconsciously and realized that the space ghoul that was getting closer and closer could actually teleport and follow it. come over.

However, looking at the opponent's posture, it seems that he will not be disturbed by the suppression of the cross-current of the universe. Obviously, as a product of the universe, he can coexist with the supreme will of the universe.

"No, this beast is going to catch up!" When Bo Jue saw this scene, his eyes were full of surprise. He clearly felt that the space ghoul was faster than everyone else.

"Yes, this beast will accelerate during teleportation, and we will be caught up!" Alita's angel core had already calculated various possibilities, and looked at Chu Tiannan, who looked calm beside her, and said softly.

Chu Tiannan, who teleported together, saw the light blue planet that was still some distance away. He immediately closed his eyes and saw a pair of huge wings of chaos unfolding. The moment the wings of chaos opened, the cosmic crossflow seemed to have encountered an enemy. The coercion has obviously become much smaller.

"Everyone, hold hands!"

At Chu Tiannan's prompt, everyone lined up horizontally. Chaos light erupted in the former's eyes, and he shouted: "Hurry up!"


With the slight vibration of the Chaos Wings, everyone instantly felt that they were teleporting. They could actually teleport. Even Alita, who had angel wings, looked at Chu Tiannan in surprise and said, "Teleport." In the middle, can you still teleport?"

"This is the second phase of teleportation!"

Chu Tiannan pulled everyone and accelerated suddenly, throwing the space ghoul far away. Seeing this scene, the latter roared unwillingly and teleported to catch up.

The chase between the two sides is like a blockbuster movie, exciting and dangerous.

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