Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,460 Father and daughter say goodbye

"I want to be with him, and I hope you can make it happen, dad!" Luo Er looked at the stunned Luo Tianshen seriously and said softly.

Luo Tianshen, who was still smiling at first, gradually faded away. He frowned and said, "Are you talking about that guy Chu Tiannan?"

"Why do you like him so much? There are countless geniuses in the human race."

"That's right! I just like him, I like everything about him!" Luo Er interrupted the other party and said seriously: "I even love him!"

At this moment, Luo'er no longer has the youthfulness of a girl, but is more mature. Every word she speaks is no longer casual.

She has grown up!

Seeing his daughter being so persistent, Luo Tianshen was stunned. He seemed to see his deceased wife, and Luo Er simply inherited her stubborn character.

"I hope dad will make it happen!" Luo Er knelt down on one knee at this moment and performed the highest junior salute with a sincere voice. Luo Tianshen didn't even react for a moment.

This is the first time Luo'er has begged him since he was a child, and he is so serious about it. For this guy named Chu Tiannan, it can even be said that he is desperate.

In the quiet temple, there were only the father and daughter. Luo Tianshen looked deeply at his child for a long time. He inadvertently saw one of the statues in the temple, and the latter actually had a trace of crystal light flowing at this moment.

This divine light statue is none other than Luo Er's mother, a cosmic powerhouse who once fell on the alien battlefield.

"Do you also agree?" Luo Tianshen asked silently in his heart. After a while, he gently pulled Luo'er up, looked at the beautiful girl who looked a bit like him, nodded slightly, and sighed.

"I'm also a bit old and confused. I won't get involved in your affairs anymore. You have grown up." Luo Tianshen stretched out his hand and tied the girl's changed golden hair behind her ears, and said with a smile.

"You have someone you like, daddy bless you."

Hearing that Luo Tianshen, who had been stubborn all his life, actually relaxed at this moment, even Luo Er was a little unable to react. There was light flowing in her glass-like eyes, and her voice trembled slightly.

"Dad, is this true?"

"What? When did your father and I fail to keep my word?" Luo Tianshen smiled, and the girl threw herself into the other's generous arms in the next second. The father and daughter hugged each other tightly at this moment.

Luo'er's small hands tightly grasped the skirt of Luo Tianshen's back, her pretty face was buried deeply in the latter's arms, and she murmured: "Thank you, dad."

For a long time, Luo'er opened the golden treasure box that had been sealed for a long time in his temple room. A golden holy garment similar to the Chaos Armor floated inside. This was the original holy garment of the Luo God Seat, and now it has completed the bloodline. Luo'er, who has inherited it, is naturally qualified to wear it.


When the divine light filled the air, Luo Er put on the Divine Light Saint Cloth. Like the Chaos Armor, it could change according to his own thoughts and transform into a long yellow dress in the blink of an eye.

This is her favorite dress.

After walking out of the room, Luo'er looked at Luo Tianshen who was waiting for him at the temple gate and walked over.

"What? Are you going to return to the Tier Echelon Team?" Luo Tianshen said with a smile. Luo'er nodded lightly and smiled sweetly.


"Go ahead and be safe."

After the father and daughter said goodbye, Luo'er left directly through the Kingdom of God. Luo Tianshen looked at the direction in which his daughter left, thinking that his sister was obtained by the Chaos Lord, and his daughter was also chased by Chu Tiannan, who inherited the Law of Chaos. , I couldn't help but roar with integrity and helplessness in my heart.

"Ah! You Chaos Clan are all poisonous, right? I, the Luo Shen Clan, owe you something? Even my daughter?"

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