Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1491 We went there

"Boss, now the war has started all over the territory. Many people were holding back before it broke out. After the death of the three universe kings, the fuse was lit." Alita continuously updated the memory inside the core. Sandbox, frowning.

"Now the four major camps on the entire island have become a mess. Now anyone who is not from our Justice League has basically started fighting."

"That's great. Finally, we don't have to hold it back anymore. We can have a good fight." Abrodi held the death scythe and was already a little impatient. As an overlord team, they have been unknown for millions of years since their establishment. This time is a good opportunity.

"Let's see what the boss wants!" Bo Jue said with his hands on his shoulders.

Chu Tiannan raised his head when he heard the sound, looked in the direction of the central island in front, stretched out his right hand, and a large amount of power from the underworld spread out, completely swallowing up the strong man from the underworld who had been instantly killed before. In the young man's starry eyes, , passing a trace of purple light.

"At the same time, other overlord-level teams told me that my miracle team is starting to prepare to enter the massacre state. Like us, teams that only recognize the camp and not the people can cooperate!"

"Boss, if we do this, we may become the target of public criticism!" Cai Ling said with some worry on her pretty face. She was not afraid, but worried that Chu Tiannan would be targeted.

"It's okay, just take care of yourself!"

"Who is this miracle ladder team? This is a bit crazy to say!"

"The Miracle Echelon Team? Why have I never heard of it? But I like this!"

"I'll wait and see first, don't be in a hurry!"

When the news of the Miracle Echelon Team spread, many people in the Justice League hesitated, because the popularity of this Echelon Team was very low, and few people in the league knew about it.

People are all realistic. Although they share the same hatred and hatred, they are not blind!

If you follow blindly and risk your own life, you will lose more than you gain.


All members of the Miracle Echelon Team were speeding through the forest. No matter what ethnic group they passed along the way, enemies below the Overlord level, led by the Dark Alliance, were instantly wiped out. After all, the strongest overlords of the universe were not even among the human race itself. There are many, and there are even fewer foreign races.

It is really not an easy task to meet a dominant team casually.

"This is the Fuhai Heavenly Echelon Team. This is the Fuhai Heavenly Echelon Team. We encountered an ambush. The enemy is a demon clan overlord-level team. We can't hold on any longer. Please support us from the nearby Heavenly Echelon Team!"

When this news spread, the Miracle Echelon team suddenly stopped. Hearing the name, Bo Jue frowned and said, "Why do I feel like I have heard the name of this team?"

"Don't tell me, I think I've heard it too." Wu scratched his head and suddenly realized it, and said: "Oh! I remembered it, do you still remember, this Fu Hai Tien Echelon is the first one of our Tien Echelon team during the battle? A met team!”

Hearing this, everyone reacted instantly. This Fu Haitian echelon was the team that they had played against for the first time. The moment everyone's eyes fell on Chu Tiannan.

Chu Tiannan looked at the battle channel of the virtual system and made a decision in just a moment. He turned around and looked at everyone, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said.

"This is an opportunity. Let's go over and don't let the people of the same race bleed any more!"

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