Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1540 Looking back suddenly, it feels like a dream

After everyone returned to the Heavenly Universe, they all returned to their own universe realm. Cai Ling naturally returned to the West Heaven Holy Palace, while Abrodi returned to the Death Arena, Wu returned to the Universe Knights Alliance, and Bo Jue returned. When we arrived at Shura Universe Kingdom, we found that Luo Er and Lord Fengtian also temporarily returned to the tribe. As for Alita?

"I want to go to the Universe Sea by myself to experience myself." Before leaving, Alita said to Chu Tiannan.

"Why don't you go by yourself? It's very dangerous there." Chu Tiannan frowned slightly and said, "And the Chonglou Tower incident has just ended, so you don't need to be so desperate, right?"

"No, you are all already at the Heavenly level, I can't be left behind by you, and I have more important things, have you forgotten?" Alita smiled meaningfully at Chu Tiannan, and had to say, Alita's smile is as healing as an angel's.

Chu Tiannan watched the angel girl leave with relief, and secretly sighed in his heart, believing that she must not be like this now.

In order to resurrect his beloved relatives and friends, since Chu Tiannan met Alita, he had never seen the latter have any rest time, and even struggled to the extent of fighting with him.

When he thought of resurrecting his relatives and friends, a flash of determination and determination flashed across Chu Tiannan's eyes. He had experienced all kinds of life and death to improve himself, with the purpose of reaching the final step and resurrecting his relatives and partners.

He does not have lofty ideals like the Five Emperors City Lords and the Wild Sky Seat. He wants to protect the human race and make the human race stand out among the thousands of races that coexist in the universe. Instead, he just wants to protect those around him who need his protection. Everything, especially when he met Luo Er, this belief became stronger, that's all.

Chu Tiannan looked at the direction in which Alita disappeared, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He suddenly looked back, as if in a dream, he was just a fledgling little kid in the universe. After millions of years, the knights were tested and devoured. With the bloodline of the Star Beast, he participated in the battle of geniuses in the universe and stood out. He fought in life and death all the way until he became the Chaos God respected by everyone.

Behind the infinite scenery, there are so many sad experiences hidden, and Alita is no exception.

As a cosmic overlord, she is an angel girl who can even compete with some cosmic kings in strength, but she has always been alone, until she met all the members of the Miraculous Echelon Team. Her lonely heart at the beginning, Then I slowly accepted everyone.

"Asra, help me check. What happened to Alita on Earth before she came to the Virtual World Group?"

"Returning to the master, because the Angel Overlord's information authority is too high, you cannot query it. Only a Cosmic Throne level powerhouse can view it."

Hearing what Asla said as the core of the virtual world network, Chu Tiannan looked startled. He did not expect that Alita's matter was included in the list of things that can only be viewed by the throne of the universe.

How many secrets are hidden in this?

"Asra, help me retrieve information about the Angel Clan!" Chu Tiannan said softly, sitting on the grass of the manor in his villa.

"Returning to the master, the Angel Clan has been destroyed for more than 13 million epochs per unit time. Which ethnic groups of the Angel Clan do you want to find out?" Asra instantly released a large amount of projection data in front of Chu Tiannan, Full of bedding covers half of the sky.

"There are other ethnic groups in the Angel Clan?" Chu Tiannan asked in astonishment.

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