Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,566 Entering the City Lord’s Mansion Three Times

Human Thunder Island, City of Five Emperors.

A black light was like a shooting star chasing the moon, crossing the sky directly, and finally landed in front of the City Lord's Mansion of the Five Emperors City. The young man in black looked very calm at the moment, but the brow above his starry eyes was always frowning.

There seems to be something that makes him upset.

"Who is here?" The guard responsible for guarding the gate of the City Lord's Mansion has changed after an era of changes. They do not recognize the person in front of them who looks very young, but is on par with themselves in terms of strength. The young man shouted.

"This is the residence of the Lord of the Five Emperors City. What is the purpose of your visit?"

"I want to see the city lord. Please go in and inform me." The young man in black had a calm voice. This was the calmest voice he had ever heard. However, those who knew him knew that the calmer the other party was, the less peaceful he was inside.

Hearing this, the two guards guarding the main gate of the Five Emperors City looked at each other in confusion. They did not know this person, but they knew that they wanted to know the other person's title, but unfortunately the other person did not reveal his identity.

"Sorry, the city lord is in retreat. No one can see him now. If you want to see the city lord, please come back later." One of the majestic guards holding a long-handled three-dragon ax shook his head and said.

"Teacher is in seclusion?" The young man in black frowned when he heard this, and said repeatedly: "I have something urgent to do with the city lord. Please report it to your Excellency, and tell Chu Tiannan to come and see me."

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Chu Tiannan, we are just guards and can't help you, because retreat is also very important for the city lord. You are also a powerful person in the universe. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to be disturbed in retreat?" The guard holding the three dragon ax said He frowned and said in a deep voice.

Chu Tiannan looked at the guard who refused to let him enter the mansion after his death. He really wanted to give him a slap in the face, but thinking that his teacher was in seclusion, he simply did not embarrass him.

"Excuse me, I'll come back another day." With that said, Chu Tiannan turned and left.

The guard was right. When in seclusion, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed, so Chu Tiannan understands, and in his eyes, this so-called Tianzun-level guard is only Xiao Yuanyuan's strength. He has only half of his artistic conception. Having stepped into the existence of the universe lord is not worth mentioning at all.

"Let him in."

Just as Chu Tiannan turned to leave, a disembodied voice came from the Five Emperors City Lord's Mansion, and this calm voice also made the two guards respectfully salute in the direction of the source of the sound, then looked at Chu Tiannan, nodded and said .

"Your Excellency, you can go in."

Chu Tiannan raised his eyebrows and immediately walked into the city lord's palace. Without any pause, he teleported directly through the floating corridor and arrived at the top of the city lord's palace.

Entering the palace of the city lord, the scene in front of Chu Tiannan remained unchanged. It was still a pile of countless alien corpses, and among the human race, the red-robed figure admired by thousands of people was still sitting quietly where many alien corpses were piled.

Chu Tiannan looked at his teacher and felt the aura fluctuations in his body rising again. He couldn't help but said in surprise: "Teacher, have you made a breakthrough?"

This sentence is a breakthrough, not a simple breakthrough, but the highest level within the vast shackles of the entire universe.

"It's just that one of the clones has broken through. I need to reach the same level as Huang Tianzuo, but it's not enough." The clone of Yandizuo, who is in charge of killing and punishing, the Five Emperors City Lord shook his head slightly. He stood up, looked at Chu Tiannan, and said slightly nod.

"Well, I kind of feel that way, but I guess your search for a teacher is probably not a matter of cultivation, right?"

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