Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,639 Ethnic Plan

"Now, do you have any questions about Lord Chaos joining our human race's supreme palace and the Temple of Kings?"

Huang Tianzao turned his eyes to everyone and said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent. Even Hanyu Zuo, who was mainly opposed at the beginning, had nothing to say at this moment, because Qionglong Zuo had stopped it.

"Lord of Chaos!" As the supreme leader of the Space Knights Alliance, Qionglongzuo slowly stood up, looked at Chu Tiannan, and bowed slightly.

"I apologize for my rudeness just now and the rudeness of my subordinates. I didn't know that you were the person chosen by the supreme will of the universe."

"The Qionglongzuo is serious, it's just a misunderstanding." Chu Tiannan shook his head slightly, not paying attention to this matter at all. After all, people were right to look down on him at the beginning.

There are all throne-level powerful bosses here, but I am just a universe lord. Perhaps from the outside, even for a hundred thousand universe nation, a universe lord is too powerful.

But in the eyes of the Five Emperors City Lords and others, the universe lords are just geniuses who must be protected.

Because in the universe, you really have to compete with others for resources, and you really have to compete with others in terms of ability. Only those who are powerful at the throne level can speak.

"Desolate Sky Seat!" The Prophet Seat turned to look at the gray-robed man beside him at this moment, and asked with the scepter in his hand slightly tapping the ground.

"What are you going to do?"

At this time, Huang Tianzao looked around everyone, his voice was calm, and finally handed the words to the Five Emperors City Lord: "Junior brother, tell me the plan!"

"Yes, senior brother!" The Fifth Emperor City Lord stood up, glanced at everyone, waved his right hand, and saw Asra's screen blueprint suddenly displayed in front of everyone, and said.

"Two plans, one is to prepare for the future war of destruction. Huang Tianzu will take the Chaos Lord to the supreme divine realm of the universe for further training. As you all know, only the strongest in the universe are qualified to enter the realm. The Chaos Lord can now Entering means that the supreme will of the universe has chosen him, so we start now. To get your support, we will spare no effort to support you. We will pour all the resources of the clan on the universe lord, so that he can quickly become the most powerful person in the universe. Strong!"

As he said that, the blueprint on the screen commanded by the Lord of the Five Emperors suddenly changed. It was a continent of birds singing and flowers fragrant, green mountains and green waters, and the area of ​​this continent, according to Asra's rough calculation, was 10 billion light-years!

"The second plan is to plan for the survival of the tribe. During our unintentional adventure, Aratenza and I found the pure land world that the teacher once said. The coordinates of that place have been erased by us. To put it bluntly, We have left a backup plan for ourselves. If we fail in this devastating battle, the human race will not suffer catastrophe."

Chu Tiannan looked at the pure land world, a territory of 10 billion light years, which was simply too scary.

The total of the ten major cosmic realms of the human race is estimated to be only a few billion light years, which is equivalent to finding the eleventh universe for the human race!

"Everyone, you can express your opinions. Let's discuss freedom. At present, through Asra, our Virtual World Group can only calculate these two most conservative plans." After speaking, the Lord of the Five Emperors City sat down directly and waited. Everyone speaks.

For a moment, the entire King's Temple became silent. Everyone was calculating the pros and cons. After all, the news was so shocking that it caught people a little off guard.

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