Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1,716: Fire Dao with its own rebound damage


The blue light fire pillars were like giant dragons that filled the air. They roared and glared at the several figures under the screen of Haotian, trying to completely submerge them in this special or leading.

At the same time, in the surrounding fire path, there are some throne-level experts who are slowly flying, and they are also searching endlessly. Now there is no way back, because this fire path is like a maze, and anyone who comes in , they seem to have no intention of releasing them.

Chu Tiannan and others continued to chase after Ming Tianxing and others as they left.

"If we break down all these walls, won't we be able to get out of this maze?"

"Yes, let's work together to break these walls, and then we'll know where the exit is!"

Many throne-level powerhouses have their own ideas, but this time no matter which fire path powerhouse they are in, they all have one idea.

That is to break the wall of this fire path. In this case, a lot of things can be saved.

The majestic power of law spreads in this fire labyrinth field. Although the power of a nine-star throne-level powerhouse may be limited here, it cannot withstand hundreds of throne-level powerhouses gathering from various places at the same time. The mighty wave power, even the fire path in the dragon temple, has some trembling fluctuations.


The majestic power of laws merged and stalemate in various ways. While the surroundings of the fire path were quiet, Chu Tiannan and others only heard various earth-shattering sounds. Except for the special orchid-colored fire path where they were, all the other powerful aliens Therefore, they bombarded the walls of the fire path with the most ferocious offensive, and the entire fire path became extremely lively for a while.

Bang! Bang!

As the explosion sounded, the surrounding fire paths were shaken. What the fire path endured was the combination of the strongest throne-level experts in the original universe. Among the hundreds of throne-level experts, There are even some of the strongest people in the universe, but the walls of the fire path look a bit fragile to them.

Boom! Buzz!

Perhaps because of the huge battle ripples, the turbulent fire path seemed to be angry. The originally calm and hot magma below suddenly became overwhelming and ferocious, and the walls on both sides of the fire path , seems to have a shiny film.

In the film, an attack air wave like a vitality bomb suddenly appeared. Many throne-level experts were instantly knocked to the ground. Some of the unlucky ones were caught off guard by the sudden fire attack. , falling down one by one.


Some throne-level experts had no time to react. When they were hit by the rebound damage from the fire path and fell down, they were completely contained and swallowed by the hot magma below, and disappeared in an instant.

It's a pity that these powerful throne-level men couldn't even scream in agony before they were instantly swallowed up into nothingness!

"Stop it!"

"Stop fighting. This fire path has its own rebound damage, so don't fight!"

After many throne-level powerhouses restrained and informed each other, the originally turbulent and lively fire path suddenly became silent.

"It's strange, why are there no figures of the Nether Race and the Human Race?" As the other peak tribes of the Dark Alliance, the strong ones of the Machine Tribe, Monster Tribe and Zerg Tribe were all confused. The Goddess of God looked at the Queen of the Zerg Tribe beside him, Shen vocal channel.

"They have most likely found the direction of the exit. Before Ming Tianxing came, I saw them taking another fork. Let's go back."

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