Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 1826 Master and Disciple Goodbye

When Chu Tiannan saw Mingtian God's face clearly, the pupils in his eyes suddenly condensed, obviously he did not expect that things would develop to this point.

"This is impossible. This is impossible!"

At this moment, his steps were slowing down, and he kept retreating. The Luo Shen Sword in his hand was a little unstable, and his strong heart was a little broken because of this, and he roared.

"Why? Why would it be...would it be you?"


Chu Tiannan roared with red eyes at this moment. He looked at the extremely familiar face of God Mingtian. From his rebirth to now, except for the death of his relatives and friends, this was the second time that he had collapsed.

"Xiao Xuan, didn't you expect that? My precious disciple." Ming Tian Shen looked at the somewhat collapsed Chu Tiannan. Instead of showing any pity, he looked at him with an expected smile and said.

"Unexpectedly, my disciple, our master and disciple would meet in this way."

Chu Tiannan's eyes were still red. At this moment, he suppressed his broken heart, looked at the God of Mingtian, and said in a deep voice: "Should I call you God of Mingtian, or God of Chaos?"

Standing opposite Chu Tiannan at this moment, Mingtian Shen was one of the most proud and powerful men in the human race who had taught him step by step to grow like a master and a father from the beginning. In the end, he even sacrificed his own soul for him.

Chaos Lord!

It's just that the Chaos Lord who made great contributions to mankind has now become the extremely bloodthirsty God of the Underworld. The crime of massacre of the elves alone has left him with no room for explanation.

"Haha, is this how you talk to your teacher?" God Mingtian looked at Chu Tiannan, slowly stepped forward, and said: "My disciple, you are my proudest student. Back then, that guy predicted a new generation. The chaos would be my stumbling block, but I smiled."

God Mingtian came to Chu Tiannan's side. The two were facing in opposite directions. The former was still talking to himself as if narrating a story.

"You know, disciple, I really didn't take that guy's prophecy seriously at the beginning. I was just thinking that a student handed over by the Chaos Lord, even if it is really strong, can become a new generation of Chaos Seat, which is already very important to the human race. An amazing existence, but you!”

At this moment, Ming Tian Shen walked around behind Chu Tiannan, suddenly turned around and pointed at the latter, his voice full of unexpected appreciation.

"But you! My precious disciple, your growth has greatly exceeded my expectations. Not only did you split into two clones, the Heavenly Dao and the Underworld, you also reached the strength of the strongest person on the throne. To be honest, If I don’t become a god, I may not be your opponent.”

Hearing these words, Chu Tiannan slowly stabilized his heart. At this moment, he once again grasped the Luo Shen Sword tightly with his right hand and said word by word: "The elves, demons, and machines are all yours." Killed?"

"I undoubtedly killed the elves, because I need their purest life blood to nourish my body." God Mingtian did not deny his crime of massacre. He opened his arms as if he was enjoying it, and looked more like a A demon in human skin.

"But the disappearance of the demon clan and the machine clan has nothing to do with being a teacher, because at that time, I was not out of seclusion yet."

"There are so many lives in the Elf clan. You killed them all." Chu Tiannan felt that his heart was very cold, so cold that it made people tremble. He did not expect that he was so kind to him at the beginning, and taught him like his second father. A practicing Chaos Lord.

Now he has become a bloodthirsty demon who only knows how to kill!

"I don't have you as a teacher, and I'm not your student." At this moment, Chu Tiannan clenched the hilt of his sword with a squeaking sound, his voice was cold, and his aura gradually became sharper and sharper.

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