"Let me briefly explain the rules in our Bachelor's Mansion!" Luo Xiangtian waved his right hand, and a screen projection appeared in front of everyone.

"The Bachelor's Mansion is divided into three areas: time, place, and people. You are in the area where you are now. The purple cards in your hands represent points. These points can be exchanged for weapons in the Galaxy Kingdom's treasure house. Equipment, even bloodline enhancers, etc..." Luo Xiangtian continued.

"As long as you have enough points, you can exchange them for everything in the empire, including the star field!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Even Chu Tiannan was shocked. Looking at the small purple card in his hand, he saw that it was not a point, it was clearly wealth!

"Of course, it would cost several million points to redeem a star field. Only one person among the thousands of geniuses in the entire Galaxy Country has ever redeemed it." However, before everyone could get excited, Luo Xiangtian's next words were like It was a basin of cold water that made everyone sober.

How many million points?

Chu Tiannan looked at the small purple card in his hand, and suddenly felt why these 10 points seemed so pitiful?

"In less than a hundred years in the future, you can earn points by contributing to the empire, you can also gamble, you can also get point rewards by improving the level of the universe, etc..." Luo Xiangtian looked at everyone and said calmly.

"Before the cosmic genius competition selection, the top 150 in points will participate in the genius selection of the Kingdom of God!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed. They looked at each other, especially when they saw the purple card in each other's hands, a touch of greed flashed across their eyes.

"Yes, from now on, except for killing and robbing, we don't care what method you use to get points, we only look at the results!" With that, Luo Xiangtian led the team of mentors behind him and disappeared in front of everyone. Before leaving, he said Don’t forget to remind me.

"I'd like to give you a kind advice. You can gain points quickly by participating in camp battles, but you may also lose points. There are still eighty years left. You can make your own decision. I wish you good luck."

Watching the mentor team leave, everyone slowly left while being wary of the geniuses around them.

"This mechanism is very interesting." Chu Tiannan was now in the air, looking at the vast and boundless inner world, his heart filled with desire and yearning for power.

"It turns out that the large-scale battle before was actually a camp war in the virtual world..."

Chu Tiannan carefully planned his path for the next eighty years. He raised his eyes slightly and landed on the virtual map that came with the system. He locked onto one of the areas and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Then let's start with you!"

In the inner world left by the Star God-level powerhouse, a figure in black quickly shuttled through this huge space. When the destination was reached, he fell down.

This is an area of ​​continuous mountain ranges, with mountains of emerald jade stretching out one after another, like a sacred dragon lying quietly. This majestic mountain range is no ordinary beautiful mountain scenery.

Because there are continuous housing areas from bottom to top. The housing areas are not ordinary houses for people to live in. They are lined up from bottom to top, and they are accompanied by Chu Tiannan's gaze and feelings.

I found that these seemingly ordinary housing areas are not ordinary at all, because the areas in these houses seem to be arranged in the same order.

The room area below is full of cosmic energy, which can speed up people's cultivation, while the room above...

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