Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 602 Battle with Luo Jitian

"Both each other!" Seeing that the other party thought that what he released was the power of law, Chu Tiannan naturally would not explain that such secrets were of infinite value, because this was the power left to him by the previous Chaos, so that he could still survive. Used when the law of chaos is not understood.

After all, it is too difficult to comprehend the Law of Chaos, and Chu Tiannan himself has practiced for less than a hundred years, so it is understandable that he did not comprehend it.

"Purple Wind Formation!" Following Luo Jitian's order, the two princes behind him sneered and formed seals. The purple wind all over the mountains and plains was extremely sharp. As if they had received orders from the commander-in-chief, they began to gather here crazily, and finally formed A large number of purple wind walls envelop this small valley.

"This move again?" Chu Tiannan raised his eyebrows when he saw the situation. He had already destroyed this move when he came just now, and he didn't feel how powerful this purple wind matrix was.

I saw the two princes who controlled the matrix, their eyes glowing with purple light, as motionless as statues.

"Yes, that's the move!" Luo Jitian smiled coldly. He slowly stepped forward, dozens of mercury knives flew around and condensed, and smiled cruelly: "You must have never seen the fusion control technique."

With that said, Luo Jitian didn't wait for Chu Tiannan to respond. The former waved his right hand as if to issue an order. Dozens of mercury knives were already ready to go. The moment they were activated, the purple wind roared under the sky of the entire matrix. , I saw purple light thrown at dozens of mercury knives, causing their purple light to explode, instantly increasing their combat effectiveness by at least 30%. The roaring impact made many ground surfaces unable to withstand the harsh impact and was lifted up.

"Stay!" Chu Tiannan felt the impact of the mercury knife with a sudden change in painting style. Without thinking, he directly drew his sword and swept the innate skills. He saw that wherever the golden sword light passed, it was compressed by time and space and slowed down. Luo Jitian's attack was in At this moment, Chu Tiannan's vision became extremely slow.

The talent skill "Stagnation" is the most powerful delayer for the soul, but in the face of a cosmic-level attack that surpasses itself, it can only slow down. The reason why Chu Tiannan directly used one of his trump cards was because he did not want to overturn himself. Because Luo Jitian's attack just now had threatened him.

"Hmph, let's see how you hide in the matrix!" Luo Jitian didn't notice the weirdness of the golden sword light. He still sneered. It seemed to him that he was lucky today, catch one and get one free.

But is things really what Luo Jitian thinks?

clang clang clang.

Chu Tiannan suddenly stepped forward, holding the Yantian Sword, and rushed forward as fast as lightning. Each of the purple fengshui silver knives fired along the way could penetrate the former's chest, but something strange happened like this. Those who watched The extremely sharp mercury knife was unable to lock onto Chu Tiannan's figure. Any double attack that came close to the opponent was blocked and deflected by a golden sword.

No suspense yet!

"This is impossible!" Seeing that his attacks could not get close to Chu Tiannan, Luo Jitian's sneer gradually solidified at this moment, and then his livid color gradually spread, and he roared: "My attacks combined with the Purple Wind Matrix are indestructible, you Why can it bounce off the front?"

In his opinion, the attack blessed by the Zifeng Matrix is ​​bound to hit, because the speed is already close to the speed of light, unless Chu Tiannan has a star level level.

But it turns out that Chu Tiannan did it. Instead of dodging, he deflected all Luo Jitian's attacks head-on.

I have to say that Chu Tiannan's move really shocked Luo Jitian.

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