Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 636: The Limit of Persistence

"Brother, come on!" Several princes in royal robes standing far away from Qihua Falls were cheering for their royal brother. Led by Luo Jitian, everyone was on the side of the eldest prince.

Among this group of princes from the Milky Way Kingdom, only Lot, the third prince with a weak innate universe level, is missing. However, although Lot is unable to participate in the genius bachelor's house, his good brother Chu Tiannan is here. This is Luo Te. Special's only trump card.

It was also a throw that Lot gambled his life on. After all, this was a royal competition, a bloody competition!

In the distance, Xian'er was looking worriedly at the young man in black under the waterfall with a pretty face, and said worriedly: "Sister, do you think that guy can persist in the eighth life core compression?"

After passing the Qihua Waterfall, even Xian'er was filled with shadows in her heart. This feeling of tearing her body apart was absolutely uncomfortable, and she only persisted for the fifth time before stopping.

Looking at Chu Tiannan who was trying for the eighth time, it was hard for her to imagine how the other party could endure the painful compression this time.

"You girl." Xian Yue shook her head slightly when she saw this, sighing secretly in her heart. She had been with the other party for tens of thousands of years, and Xian'er's face was almost filled with the word "like", so she rubbed the other party's head and said: "Look Come on, this guy won’t fall down like this!”

Unknowingly, even Xian Yue looked at Chu Tiannan with a hint of strange emotion. Her pretty face suddenly turned red, but she quickly hid it and was not discovered by her sister.

Under the turbulent and powerful Qihua Waterfall, as the eldest prince of the universe, Luo Zhongtian's eyes fell not far away, and the young man in black, who was also trying to compress himself for the eighth time, groaned in his heart.

"Hmph, this guy!"

Before, he was somewhat disdainful of this genius named Chu, because in his opinion, the opponent was the same as Liu Ben, a player who had performed five universe-level compressions. He originally thought that his biggest competitor was Xianyue, but he could I never thought that Cheng Yaojin would appear midway.

"Where did this guy come from? Where did the third child find this person?" As the eldest prince of the Galaxy Kingdom, if he wants to inherit the throne perfectly, he must eliminate all threats around him that are detrimental to him.

Just like the unknown Chu next to Lot, whether it was the latter's terrifying will, the strong ability to withstand pressure of the life core, and the undetermined level of the universe, Luo Zhongtian gradually withdrew his disdain. gaze.

On the contrary, he now began to look at each other squarely. Regardless of the experience of this small Qihua Waterfall, the two of them were left now. As the eldest prince of the Galaxy Kingdom, both his background and innate advantages made him suffer. Incomparable respect.

"I am the eldest prince of the Galaxy Kingdom, how can I be suppressed by a young man like you?"

Just because Luo Zhongtian's halo is so dazzling, the pressure on him will naturally not be small. At the same time, all eyes and expectations are on him, which makes his inner vanity must not be frustrated. .


At the same time, facing the crazy cathartic pressure of the waterfall, Luo Zhongtian continued to persevere, seeing that his eighth compression was almost coming to an end.

"The cycle is gradual. My heart is one." On the other hand, Chu Tiannan was cultivating as if no one else was around. He was now close to the zero point of the limit of cultivation. The young man's body was already crumbling. Many people saw this. I couldn't help but exclaim.

Even Xian'er exclaimed and covered her little hands.

Could it be that he couldn't hold it anymore?

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