Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 643 Special Space

"Reward galaxy? So powerful?" Many people present came from indigenous life planets. Including Chu Tiannan, many people knew that the galaxy where the reward is located is the main one, which means that they can become a small tycoon in the universe. .

"Cai Ling's hometown is also in the Milky Way. It seems that my pressure is a little greater." Hearing this, the corner of Chu Tiannan's mouth raised slightly. His goal was not to qualify for the qualification competition, but to compete in the real universe genius competition. Selection quota.

"Go, I will be waiting for the good news from you all here!" At that time, Luo Tianzheng did not seem to want to express anything too much, so he waved his hand, and saw that people including Chu Tiannan, Xian'er and Xianyue were present. A purple light shrouded it, and before everyone could resist, they fell asleep.

Looking at the huge light pool shrouded in purple light entering a special time space, Luo Tianzheng said slowly: "Go to sleep. When you wake up, you will know what you should do."

Luoshen Universe Kingdom, Tianlong Island Royal Family.

"Go, children, you will be the glory of our Tianlong Island!" The Emperor of Tianlong Island also waved his hand, and everyone, including Dao Cailing, was teleported to a mysterious place.

"Go and fight for our clan!"

The imperial capital of Luoshen Universe Kingdom, Luoshen Kingdom!

I saw a beautiful figure dressed in yellow walking into a time and space tunnel alone. She did not look at the expectant eyes behind her, which were blood thicker than water. Instead, she focused her dazzling beautiful eyes on the other side of time and space.

There, a vague figure seemed to appear.

He was dressed in black and had a dark cloak that vividly displayed his majesty. Especially the golden sword on his back and his handsome appearance were the deepest memories buried in her heart.

"We will meet soon!"

For some reason, every time she repeated this sentence in her heart, the cold flowers that had not smiled for ten thousand years bloomed beautifully at this moment.

Where is this place?

In the haze, Chu Tiannan only felt that his head was a little heavy. He felt as if he had been sleeping for ten thousand years. The young man opened his eyes with difficulty and looked around with a dazed expression.

I saw that I was in an empty room. The display in the room was comfortable and neat, and the lighting effect was very good, giving people a relaxing and comfortable feeling.

Chu Tiannan wanted to stand up, but found that he had not stood up. He subconsciously looked down, and in the blink of an eye, his eyes widened.

"This is what you are."

It turned out that there were two beautiful figures resting on Chu Tiannan's legs, and both of them were people he was familiar with. The young man suddenly became a little uneasy, but seeing that the other party showed no sign of waking up, he sat there awkwardly for a while, why? He didn't even move, for fear of affecting the other party.

"Liu Ben? Luo Jitian? Luo Zhongtian?"

Chu Tiannan looked elsewhere in his spare time and saw that there were a total of six people in the room, including himself, and besides that, there was no other candidate.

"Well, it hurts!" Although Xian'er was the weakest among the six people, her soul power was surprisingly strong. She sat up subconsciously and looked around blankly, as if she was thinking of What happened? She suddenly looked at the young man next to her who was looking helplessly at her, and her pretty face suddenly became happy.

"You're actually in a group with me?"

"Why can't I be in a group with you?" Chu Tiannan was speechless and raised his forehead. He gently lifted Xian Yue up, then handed it to the other party and said, "What is a group?"

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