Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 883 Geniuses vs. Managers


The "sun" that was capable of destroying the world at the moment when the seraphim waved the sun sword seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. After advancing for several seconds, it could no longer move.

At the same time, the entire space seemed to have been drained of air, and everything began to solidify at the speed of the naked eye. The entire auction square space was imprisoned by a strange force.

This is the power of confining space from a stronger person. Its strength has completely surpassed everyone present. Everyone including Wu Dongtian felt the unparalleled power of oppression.

This kind of power forms a world of its own, and everything under it will obey the call.

"This is the Stormwind City Auction Plaza. The auction is about to begin. All talented players are asked to return to their seats without making any mistakes."

Following the power that solidified in the space, came an incomparable majestic voice from nowhere. The voice was suppressed from the sky, making all the geniuses unable to resist. Even Chu Tiannan felt the unparalleled compulsion. pressure.

"The pressure of the law is so strong, it is not comparable to that of the star field level, this guy."

As Chu Tiannan was one of the fighting parties, both he and Wu Dongtian suffered the most direct pressure from the law, and it seemed more like some more mysterious power. Chu Tiannan might have guessed some of this power. .

"Give up, kid, this is the innate skill of a star-level powerhouse, world!" The swallowing dog's voice sounded in Chu Tiannan's heart at this time, and he chuckled.

"The two of you are making such a big noise here. Naturally, the people above can't stand it anymore and want to stop it."

"Didn't you say that this Stormwind City has no rules? Why do you still care about us when we fight?" Chu Tiannan was confused. What he wanted to do most now was to deal with Wu Dongtian in Shen Ji. Otherwise, it would definitely be a super hidden danger in the future.

If such hidden dangers are not resolved as soon as possible, they will cause more or less trouble in the future.

But now that a more mysterious and powerful person has arrived, this battle will definitely be impossible to win. Many talented and powerful people sighed when they saw this scene.

But now the entire space is imprisoned, so they can only communicate between souls now. It is impossible to communicate through words because the power of the world is too strong.

Realm is the unique symbol of a star realm level powerhouse. Different from a star realm level powerhouse, the life core of a star realm level powerhouse is the expansion of the galaxy into a self-contained area, while a star realm level powerhouse expands the life core into After the domain, it began to condense and shroud, compressing and condensing the entire domain into the world inside its own body. This kind of power would not be dispersed, but could be better controlled.

Jie is also an innate skill. Under the control of Jie, unless the person coming is a strong person of the same level or astral level, those below the star level will have no power to fight back.

In front of the star realm level, even the peak of the star realm level, or the strong person whose soul will transcends the star realm, is of no avail.

Because the talent of the world is too strong, it is also a little favor given to humans, a group that seems to be inherently weak, in the mysterious and unpredictable universe.

With the power of the world locked, no one could move. Chu Tiannan and Wu Dongtian looked at each other. They both saw fierce murderous intent in each other's eyes. Wu Dongtian sneered at the corner of his mouth, and so did Chu Tiannan.

At this moment, a gray-robed figure slowly descended from the sky. He stood with his hands behind his back. There was no emotion on his calm face. There was a hint of majesty between his brows and he said calmly.

"I am the manager of the virtual world genius battle, Wu Ming!"

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