Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 924 Floating Dragon Suppression

"As long as I can eliminate you, I have unlimited possibilities!" Chu Tiannan closed his eyes slightly at this moment, and then opened them again. The starry sky in the Chaos Realm was overwhelming and spreading. In his eyes, it was like a beautiful radiance. However, in Wu Dongtian's eyes, the starry sky is like a dark swamp like an abyss. As long as he is not careful, he may be pulled into the endless abyss.


"You madman, you are a madman!" When Wu Dongtian felt the power of the stars surrounding him restraining him, he roared immediately. The floating dragon seal in his hand appeared at this moment. Now everyone has taken out their trump cards. At this moment, whoever softens his heart may fall into a place of eternal destruction.

"Floating Dragon Seal, suppress!"

Wu Dongtian took out the only important treasure in his hand. The moment the golden dragon seal was sacrificed, a golden sun seemed to rise in the dim and bright space. At this moment, there seemed to be a million possibilities, and the golden giant The dragon roared in the bright starry sky, and the golden seal continued to amplify in the realm of chaos. It was also a kind of infinite amplification in space, as if it wanted to completely open the realm of chaos.

"Feel the power of the heavy treasure. If you can be defeated in its hands, you can be considered a proud genius." Wu Dongtian also worked hard at this moment, blessing all his attribute power into the Floating Dragon Seal. It is said that both sides have tried their best. Even though this is a virtual space battlefield, the power exerted is very impressive. This is the power and mystery of the soul.


The floating dragon seal continues to enlarge in the realm of chaos. The overwhelming momentum formed around it makes the black figure in the starry sky completely suppressed. It is worthy of the power of the heavy treasure. The moment it appears, even Chu Tiannandu I felt an inexplicable powerful power. This power was completely beyond the five elements. It was not outside the elements. It only existed beyond the value of the artifact and the overwhelming power.

"Have you finally used it?" When Chu Tiannan felt the floating dragon seal suppressing it with absolute power, he also had a deep understanding of its irresistible power. It is worthy of being a treasure-level weapon. His power is really not comparable to that of a quasi-fourth-level genius, but he is also not an ordinary person. Perhaps other quasi-fourth-level geniuses cannot shake him, but who is Chu Tiannan?

He is a powerful genius with both strength and soul, and from now on, Chu Tiannan is by no means the weakling who had to walk cautiously at the beginning. Instead, he is starting to climb up step by step, and is beginning to gradually prove himself. This is also the moment when his edge first appears. How could he back down at this moment?

"He can activate the heavy treasure-level weapons, but he cannot fully exert the power of the heavy treasure." The moment Chu Tiannan felt the golden seal suppressing him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a small blue shield appeared in his hand at some point.

"Suppress him!" At the same time, Wu Dongtian was roaring fiercely. For Chu Tiannan, he just wanted to kill him first and then quickly, because the opponent had already made him feel it, both in terms of strength and talent. It's a threat enough. If Chu Tiannan is not eliminated, his status will be in jeopardy, because such a potentially powerful opponent is really a headache.


The next second, the golden seal carried the destiny of the heavenly dragon, and completely suppressed it with an incomparable majestic force. Immediately, it enveloped Chu Tiannan, golden light emerged, the sky dragon roared, and the floating dragon seal gradually shrank, also shrinking to enough. Wu Dongtian sneered at the appearance of being able to suppress someone the size of a person.

"Hmph, let me see what you can argue with me about?"

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