Super invincible swallowing system

Chapter 996: The Sky-Swallowing Beast

After walking for a long time, the closer Chu Tiannan got to the scorched earth, the more he felt an indescribable fluctuation of cosmic energy and a powerful soul will. But even so, Chu Tiannan still didn't take it to heart too much. , Although his heart was solemn, he had enough self-protection ability after all and was not afraid.

When Chu Tiannan came to a valley, he looked over and his eyes were suddenly filled with a majestic beast.


This is a giant beast that looks like King Kong, but has the head of a rhinoceros. Its limbs are the same as those of an elephant, and its body is covered with dark scales. It is like a beautiful work of art, but this so-called beautiful work of art, But it possesses frightening power fluctuations. With every move, it releases air currents that burn the world, turning the originally lush ground into a burst of scorched earth.

"Is this the Sky-Swallowing Beast?" Chu Tiannan looked at the majestic roaring figure, and he had the illusion that his soul was being gradually pulled. If it weren't for the strong sense of his own soul, this detail would be really difficult to discover. .

"It seems that this guy can swallow souls, I have to be careful." Based on the scenes he saw before, Chu Tiannan understood that the strength of this swallowing beast is definitely not as simple and brutal as it seems on the surface, and it is more. It lies within. It can be seen that this guy has become a bit of a spirit, and his intelligence is no worse than that of humans.

It seems that the formation of the scorched earth was definitely caused by this big guy. Chu Tiannan's eyes were filled with a hint of surprise. He looked at the dozens of powerful figures circling around the giant beast and felt it briefly in his heart. Surprised.

None of these ten figures are weak. They are all at the peak of the fourth level of the law. The strongest ones are the two slender young figures at the head. One of them holds a sword in his hand, and the other is surrounded by cold blades. The appearance of the two There is a big difference.

Wearing a white robe and holding a sword, he looks like a spotless clean platform, with a hint of scholarly atmosphere, but every swing he carries carries an unparalleled powerful offensive, which is completely inconsistent with his own temperament.

The other cold blade is very hard, and it is like the incarnation of a soul master. It controls every cold blade incisively and vividly. There is a sense of who is in control of the ups and downs in the world. The fluctuations of the two people's auras can be called the strongest here. , apparently on the same level as the Devouring Beast.

The breath fluctuations and soul fluctuations of these two people have reached the fifth level of law and the soul will of the astral level respectively. If such a level is placed in the universe, it may be common, but this is a battle between geniuses in the universe.

"It seems that this competition is no longer comparable to the fourth level of the law." Chu Tiannan glanced along the battle field and found that there were many figures far away from the battle field who were secretly observing. , their law fluctuations are all around the fourth level of law, and are not as powerful as the dozens of figures currently fighting.

It seems that many people have been coveting this sky-swallowing beast for a long time, but unfortunately someone has already arrived first.

"Let them fight and see." Chu Tiannan is not in a hurry now. The fluctuation of the sky-swallowing beast's aura has obviously not caused much damage. Now he rushes forward. His power is weak, and they are obviously in a team. Let's not talk about whether he can get it. Even if he gets it, he can't guarantee that he can escape intact under the siege of two powerful enemies.

"Ho! Humans, you will pay the price!"

The sky-swallowing beast stomped on the ground, and the ground trembled with trembling. The sound shocked the heartstrings, causing many peak fourth-level law geniuses to frown.

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