Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 999: Old island

Facing the robbers who robbed the common people, Ba Lu issued a jingle to them, forcing the robbers to evacuate to his spaceship. Within the time set by Ba Ludi, the robbers were preparing to leave here, but it was obvious. , Baluti didn't want to let them go easily.

These robbers relied on the universe of the universe. Every time they did a fortune, they would flee as far as they would go, and then they would find a planet to hide for a while, in order to enter the universe's search for elements, and wait until After the wind, they came out again to commit crimes.

Just like this constant repetition, their courage is getting bigger and bigger, and their methods are getting more and more cruel. From a simple robbery, it later develops into money-making, and then after the murder, the corpse is destroyed and the crime is bad. Extremely, but the universe scouts are powerless, often when they arrive at the crime scene, sometimes the Jizhilian crime scene will be destroyed, and the robbers have already escaped without a trace.

Therefore, these robbers have sold the blood of many people on their hands, and it is not an exaggeration to kill them dozens of times.

So after Jiang Cheng saw that Baluti had turned on a series of offensive weapons and entered the battle state, he didn't say a word.

In fact, he did it as Barretti.

A scum like a robber or a smuggler is just as insignificant as dead.

The bandits’ dual spaceships were still flying slowly at first, as if this was an attitude they showed themselves? When the reporting system on their spaceships showed that they had been locked by the gunboat’s sighting system, they started. Panicked.

Jiang Cheng and the others had no way to know what the robbers looked like when they were dying? But just after their spacecraft entered the acceleration state, the laser beams were fired from the two secondary guns on the gunboat, accurately The two spaceships that hit the bandits.

A burst of fire and smoke flashed, and the two spaceships burst apart and fell into the boundless universe.

Yeah!" Ba Luluo in the gunboat kept waving her double punches to express her excitement.

She is really excited!

In the past, she would not do it like this, because in her mind, she herself is a wicked person, a wicked person similar to the robbers in front of her, how could she go to drive them, or even kill them?

But after a long talk with Ran that night, she was moved by Ran's faith.

As my son-in-law said, since there are still bad people in this world and good people are needed to preside over justice, then let them take care of those good people.

Ba Lu is very happy to be a good person now.

Ran patted her hand next to her, also expressing her encouragement.

At this time, the communication device in their gun heard a voice: "Thank you! We are an interstellar transportation spacecraft, and I am the leader. On behalf of my crew members and all passengers, I thank you for your timely help.

Mom and Baluti were all red with excitement for this sudden, deep and sincere feeling. They didn't know how to answer the captain for a while.

They turned their heads to Jiang Cheng and looked at him asking for advice.

Jiang Cheng scratched his head. He himself was a person who did good deeds without leaving a name. He thanked others for unceasingly thanking him. He didn't know how to answer.

After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng finally came out a few words: "No thanks, this is what we should do.

After hearing their teacher came up with such a sentence for a long time, Ma Ran and Ba Ludi rolled their eyes, the two looked at each other, and both expressed their smallness towards him in their hearts.

However, the people in the spacecraft did not care about this sentence. The interstellar transportation spacecraft flew away after expressing gratitude. Before leaving, they expressed that they would report the matter to the main residence of Delmar, and they were promptly rotated to help. More bloodshed events should be widely publicized.

Jiang Cheng Heran heard what the captain said, but it didn’t matter, he was so happy with Baluti.

She was always praised when she completed the task since she was a child, but in order to avoid revealing her identity, or perhaps not to increase her arrogance, the senior management of the Sunspot Group always handled her affairs lowly.

Today, it was the first time that she met someone who said that they were going to announce their affairs with great fanfare, which would ruin Xiaozhan Niangle.

Then Jiang Cheng and Yan Ran's ears had never been quiet on the way.

Ba Ludi kept talking, saying that she didn’t talk a lot since she was a child, and that she sympathized with those Ting Luming when she grew up, saying that she tried to avoid showing Ming Ming to children when she was performing tasks, she said that she never stopped Now, she has even thought about what color she should wear when a TV reporter interviews her about this matter, based on what tone of voice she should start talking, and so on.

Jiang Cheng and Yanran smiled bitterly at each other. Neither of them knew it! They looked like a mountain of water when they were cold, and when they were fierce like a cheetah, they seemed to talk too much.

The little hen that had just laid eggs was clattering.

In the end, Jiang Cheng and Ma Ran couldn’t bear her babbling words. The two of them each found two sets of earplugs to put in their ears, and then they looked for a program and watched it, so that they don’t have to listen to Bae. Ludi's nagging.

Fortunately, the journey to the planet Delmar was not too far away. Jiang Cheng and Yanran didn't endure it for long before their spacecraft began to land.

As the largest planet in the Delmar galaxy, its civilization is quite high.

The people on the streets are constantly flowing, and they often see creatures from other planets. Some of them have bodies that are significantly different from those of them and those of Zhou, but everyone is accustomed to them and didn't cast a strange look at them.

After getting off the spaceship, I found the hotel where I was staying. Well, there was an episode in it. When Yanran heard the owner of that hotel say the price of accommodation, she was shocked to the extreme.

Her small savings can almost only cost one night here, and they don't even have money for dinner tonight.

Baluti was so surprised to see Yan Ran, she calmly stuffed her card into the hands of the hotel owner.

Jiang Cheng and his two female disciples drove the smoke boat to the planet Delmar. They plan to stay here for a few days to find a way to other galaxies.

However, the level of consumption here is very high. Of course, after knowing the price of their stay here for one night, she was shocked because she had little money left after paying for the accommodation.

But fortunately, there is also Baluti, this clever little girl, when she destroyed the headquarters of the Heichangzi Group, she asked to take away the money from the Heidiezi Group.

As for the Heijiezi Group, which ranks absolutely in the first echelon in the dark world, the funds of their group can be described as uncountable.

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