Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1017: calm

But it's definitely not the time to consider this issue. Those grenades are among the desperate guys.

Xia, Boom, Boom, a series of explosions sounded. Except for one or two quick reactions, more lucky players were spared and escaped the danger. The other players all died in the continuous explosions ( The Zhao who got it was clean, there were those who were particularly unlucky and needed eggs, and even the corpses were torn apart.

We encountered an attack, request support, request support! "The remaining supporters began to request reinforcements in a panic.

What they don't know is that their perimeter teams are not much better than them.

The team staying on the periphery couldn’t figure out how the man from the other planet threw the grenades so far. Although they had retreated far enough, the grenades would still fall by their side from time to time. , The explosion sounded, always accompanied by their comrades in arms.

And they, so far have not even seen the figure of that man.

No one is coming forward to help their injured comrades in arms, they can only hide away and watch their comrades in arms grind and struggle on the ground.

However, the man from the alien planet was a bit of a sacrifice. He didn't attack the injured team members, although in any case, that was a particularly obvious target.

The short guy witnessed the players' offensive push from the monitor, which made him almost intolerable.

The regular troops on the planet Delmar are fully armed, with advanced weapons in their hands. Hundreds of people are actually unable to deal with three bare-handed aliens. If such a thing is to be spread, what face does he have to be the top leader of the team? People? This is just a big joke!

No! He will never allow such a thing to happen, even if he pays more, he will strike these three people!

Only in this way can the anger in his heart calm down a little bit.

The short fat man turned to his hand and ordered: "Give me several teams of battleships and tanks.

He looked at the player building on the monitor and smiled gloomily.

Facing the attack of a hundred full-armed regular teams on the planet Delmar, **** Heran and Baluti did not take them to heart at all. Since they launched a full-scale attack indiscriminately, they wanted to destroy them. , Then resistance is what Jiang Cheng and the others must want.

If you don't fight back, no matter it is Li of these three people, they will not do such a thing.

The offensive of the team members who entered the team building was met with relentless counterattack by Jiang Cheng and the others. They suffered heavy casualties and could only temporarily stop their actions, waiting for the arrival of the aid team.

But Ran and Baluti won't give up such a good opportunity. The enemy's refusal to attack them does not mean they do not attack them.

As people with clear grievances, once they identify the enemy, they will attack as if they are soft-hearted to the enemy. There is no way to be kind to the enemy. The only way to beat them is to be afraid. Shaking involuntarily is the right thing to do.

Those team members huddled in a corner, eagerly waiting for the arrival of the aid team. There were some players among them, but even these players had never seen such a terrible enemy.

The combat methods of these enemies do not seem to have any rules to follow. Their attacks always seem to be casual, but they often give them a lot of killing.

Suddenly, a flash bomb was thrown over, and the team members immediately began to dodge. One or two of them were panicked and started firing randomly before the enemy's direction was clear.

After the chaos, when they came to their senses, they discovered that there were two more young girls beside them.

This is exactly what they want to capture. If they appeared more than ten minutes ago, these players might be ecstatic. Unfortunately, after this continuous blow, they now realize that their mission is How huge.

The two girls are like ghosts and they are spinning among the players like a light smoke. The weapons in their hands seem to touch the bodies of the players lightly, but every time they touch, someone will yell. Fall down.

In a blink of an eye, several team members were on the ground, and some of them groaned dyingly, and the blood soaked where they were in a blink of an eye.

Facing the attack of Guo Ran and Ba Lu, these team members hardly had any chance to fight back. Although they also had considerable fighting skills, they were almost only able to parry under the attack of these two alien girls.

With fewer and fewer companions they could stand up to, their will finally collapsed. Some of the team members randomly waved the first part of their hands, yelling and thinking about running in, facing a strong enemy. At that time, their actions will undoubtedly make them die faster.

Yan Ran and Ba Lu stopped their attacks, they were slightly angry, almost all of their faces and bodies were covered with blood from the enemy.

Beside them, the bodies of the players twisted and fell to the ground in various postures. Perhaps they had never thought that one day they would die in such a posture.

The two looked at each other and smiled, their bodies stretched, and they rushed to the location of the other group of enemies, and they had to remove the roots! To treat the enemy, you must kill them all. Jiang Cheng leaned against a window on the fifth floor, and looked at the opposite enemy blankly. Originally, the planet Delmar was just the place they passed by. I didn't expect to fight them here, and the scene was not small. This was really unexpected.

If the Delmar people follow his proposal and deal with those who use their private power and do evil, things will not be so uncontrollable. As a result, they will not only refuse to listen to his proposal, but will also rush to attack themselves.

Well, as they wished, see what kind of effect their attack can receive. They should be satisfied now?

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng snorted coldly. Some people just say, you talk to him well, he treats you as weak, and they don't know what it is to be afraid if you don't hurt them.

In the team building, the voices of the incoming enemies gradually subsided. Jiang Cheng smiled slightly. It seems that his female disciple is still somewhat capable.

Looking at these well-equipped and armed to the teeth, they are actually vulnerable to the disciple with the cold tool in their hands. They only struggle, but it is funny that they have to take the initiative to attack and think about it.

The enemies outside have lost their movement, Jiang Cheng wouldn't think they would stop there. Those enemies must be looking for a better way to destroy them.

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