Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1019: disappear

The earth shook slightly, the figure of the enemy tank had slowly appeared in the distance, and in the air, the enemy's battleship had already appeared.

A rotten light hit a corner of the building, and the tanks on the ground attacked them first.

Immediately afterwards, the combat spacecraft flying in the air was about to approach the team building and began to throw precision-guided bombs at them.

For a while, the building of the team building shook uncontrollably, shaking slightly under the fierce attack, and the bricks of the broken monument flew everywhere.

On Jiang Cheng’s body, a protective cover covers his whole body. This protection has sufficient defense against some low-energy imitations, but it cannot resist those with huge energy, such as ion smoke, with large-caliber. Imitation of laser cannons.

This is also the reason why Jiang Cheng Ke Yanran and Ba Lu just now.

Jiang Cheng's protection is not omnipotent, especially in the face of some heavy weapon attacks, the role of protection is almost limited.

The battle spacecraft hovered in front of him, and two beams hit a place not far away from him. Jiang Cheng smoothly threw the grenade in his hand.

The grenade accurately hit the combat spaceship, and with a sound, the spaceship exploded and burst into flames, with black smoke and fire, and if it revolved to the ground, there was another rumble, and the spaceship exploded.

On the first floor, Ran and Baluti were not frightened by the enemy's fire. On the contrary, they relied on their speed to move through the falling stones.

After finding a safer place, the two little girls put down a light cannon on their shoulders.

Hurry up, do you see the tank not far in front of us?

Ba Luluo answered her: "I see it, I have locked it.

Hit it! "Yan Ran waved her small fist, her expression moved, no wonder, although she has experienced a lot of battles, it is the first time she has fought heavy weapons like tanks.

"Hit it!" She urged Baluti: "Can you do it? If it doesn't work, let me come." Don't shout. "Balluti interrupted her and pressed the button.

A strong light shot out, and the tank in the distance stopped moving, and then there was a strong explosion.

Yeah! "The two little girls high-five excitedly.

Come on, let's change place quickly.

Dragging heavy laser cannons, the two began to shift their positions before the enemy found them.

Humpty Dumpty looked at the battlefield situation through the monitor with timely wind.

Seeing that the building of the personnel building was crumbling under the attack of the tank brigade and the combat spaceship brigade, the short fat man couldn't help but flushed with excitement.

He secretly said: "Okay! Just hit it like this! I don't believe it can't force these disgusting mice out of their den!

But afterwards, he also saw a combat spaceship falling from the sky and sending out a shocking explosion. Under such circumstances, the people on the spaceship did not even want to survive.

Immediately afterwards, a tank was also hit by an enemy's laser weapon, and saw the head of the tank separated. Needless to say, the people in the tank didn't want to live.

The chunky guy gritted his teeth and looked at all of this. The enemy was dead and he hadn't seen it yet, but there were already casualties on their side.

Is it so difficult for people from these different planets?

These heavy weapons are already the highest-level weapons he can mobilize. Can these tanks and combat spaceships still not solve them? Are these people on alien planets who have super powers?!

As if to answer his question, on the display, another battle flying sun was shot down.

Jiang Cheng retracted his fist, don’t let a shock wave that he sent out and knocked down the ordinary combat spacecraft. Now his figure is constantly walking through the building. Only when he has the right opportunity, he will launch against the enemies he can see. attack.

Yanran and Ba Ludi had already ran out of the personnel building. These two little girls, who didn't know the height of the sky, started fighting, and forgot their teacher's.

There is only one thought in their minds, that is, kill the enemy.

At this time, they have given up the heavy laser cannon, and they now have DS-type attack missile launchers on their shoulders.

This kind of missile has great attack power. One missile carries three sub-guided warheads. It is very powerful. It is almost the standard weapon of all star teams in the universe. It is on the boat that they drove from the headquarters of Heizi. , There are also missiles of this type.

A combat spacecraft found the whereabouts of the two of them. In the spacecraft, the hand tooth pressed the button of the light cannon, and several dead lights exploded next to them. With a cry of exclamation, Ba Lu was blown over by the blast of death light and fell to a far place. The whole person was buried under the mud.

She stood up desperately, and the missile launcher she was hitting on her shoulder pointed at the combat spacecraft and began to aim.

The exposed figure attracted the enemy’s artillery fire. For a while, various weapons fired on her.

She gritted her teeth and put her own life and death out of her mind, her life-threatening transmitter's purchaser, and finally, with the sound of "Didi", the spaceship was locked by her.

Press the switch of the launcher, and a missile was shot out. When it was about to approach the spacecraft, the missile separated three small warheads. Although the combat spacecraft sent out various interferences one after another, it could not escape its grief. Fate.

There was a loud noise, the spacecraft exploded after being hit by the missile, and it disintegrated directly in the air, and the residual acid of the spacecraft flew around.

Before she could have time, another combat spaceship flew at low altitude, and a series of beams hit in front of her, and for a while, danger was everywhere in front of her.

Although she kept tumbling and jumping, the spaceship just bit her tightly. Although she used her whole body solution, she couldn't use it.

However, she was forced to a dead end by that spaceship, and she was about to die under the spaceship's attack.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng saw Yan Ran's danger, and he leaped from the rooftop and showed a long sword with mental strength in his hands.

He held the sword in both hands and leaped down into the air, like a god.

He only heard him shout, and the long sword slashed towards the spaceship at an indescribable speed. There was hardly any sound, the spaceship was cut in two, rolled down from mid-air, and exploded when it hit the ground, sending out a sky full of fire.

In the spacecraft, a member's helmet fell off, and the spaceship captain's face was full of surprise, as if he didn't believe what he was seeing, until he swallowed his last breath, his eyes and his eyes were wide open.

Jiang Cheng fell by Yan Ran's side, gave her a fierce look, and then rushed to the position where the enemy tank was. In his heart, he was a little afraid of the danger that Yan Ran encountered just now.

If he hadn't found out in time, even if he was a little late for a second or two, Yan Ran might have died at this time.

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