Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1028: Punish

After those little children had food, they were younger, and after a short grief, normal happiness began again. They ran between the tents, laughing and laughing, bringing this lifeless area. Here comes some joy.

Jiang Cheng and the others were enthusiastic about helping these people, and all the things they paid for and contributed to them were looked at by these people. Apart from constantly saying some feelings, they could only secretly wipe out when they were unprepared. Go to the tears in their eyes.

In the busy schedule, time always flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the sky falls.

Jiang Cheng raised his head, looked at the distance, and threw out the thing that was in his hand.

He was very angry.

That Delmar boss just wrote him a bad check, what kind of pension or compensation for the house, he didn't see all of these.

The situation here should be tightly sealed, because he didn't even see a reporter in the vicinity of this waste slope, and even when some people passed by here, I wondered why it became the way it is now. When I stopped to take a look, some people would take them away.

Although those people were wearing plain clothes, Jiang Cheng saw the short guns they hung around his waist at a glance, and from their actions, it could be seen that they were some trained people.

Although Jiang Cheng was very angry, angry that Delmar Palace was so insensitive and didn't treat his people to help others, but he didn't want to embarrass those plainclothes people.

He decided to observe for a day or two before talking.

When they returned to the hotel after a busy day, a news on TV made him

The anger exploded his lungs.

They could see clearly. Accompanied by the sound of Xinmian's announcement, the boss envoy who was slapped by Ye's palm was shaking with energy, and walked forward with red light, and then the news announcer began to introduce his style. In the end, Finally speaking of his current position.

The boss special envoy became the team's first boss.

And what about that dumpy fat man?

The announcer continued to broadcast, probably meaning that the original team's top boss made some behavioral mistakes, so he is not suitable for the position of the team's top boss at present, and he has already dropped his position.

He became the second boss of the team.

This is what always promised to Jiang Cheng himself, the severe punishment to this short fat man.

The lives of hundreds of people and the lives of hundreds of ordinary people are not worth anything in the eyes of these people.

If you die, you die.

They have more team members, and there are more people. What impact will there be less?

Jiang Cheng, Yanran, and Ba Luluo watched Xinjian on TV without saying a word.

The announcer on TV didn't care about the mood of the three of them, and continued to report regardless.

Tonight, under the auspices of that short group of people, they held a grand cocktail party at the most high-end hotel on the planet Delmar to welcome the boss envoy to become their new boss.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, and after some simple grooming, he sat cross-legged on the bed and performed the daily simulant training.

Except for special circumstances, it is of course inconvenient for him to live in a room with his two female disciples, so after greeted him, Ran and Ba Lu also returned to his room.

During the day, they were busy with the disaster-stricken people for a whole day, and from beginning to end they did not see the personnel in the main palace of the planet Delmar appearing. This made Jiang Cheng and the others very angry.

When they returned to the hotel, they saw the culprit of the incident on the TV. The boss of Delmar kept saying that he would be severely punished, but he was only downgraded by half.

And as a good friend of Delmar planet boss, the boss's envoy got his wish and became the star's tallest boss.

This kind of punishment is simply infuriating.

In the face of the people affected by the disaster, they did not make any response, but they promoted personnel very quickly.

After exchanging goodnight with their teacher, Ma Ran and Baluti returned to their rooms

The two of them sat on the edge of the bed sullenly. Although they were a little tired, their hearts were filled with fire for the victims, and they really didn't want to stop thinking.

"Just forget about Jindao?" Yan Ran seemed to be talking to herself.

Baluti heard what she said clearly, but she didn't say a word either.

Yanran raised her head: "Hey, talk to you." She said to Barrutti, "Did you hear me talking to you?

heard it. "Balv said and fell on the bed.

Hey, what do you mean, this is how it leads?" Then he asked Ruo.

Ba Luluo sat up again, she looked at Ma Ran's expression: "Looking at you like this, it seems that you have some thoughts?"

Yanran raised her hand and hit her: "What do you mean, bad things, do I have to tell me?

Ba Lu smiled: "But look at our teacher, he didn't have any reaction, you said that if we do something, will he fine us?

Bingran "cut" and said, "That's because you don't know him, he is definitely the kind of hatred and hatred. I think he didn't say his views, but in his heart

Here, he must know what we want to do.

Ba Luluo stood up, changed herself into black clothes, took out a pair of knives from a drawer and stuck them on her belt, took out two short guns, and said to Ran, "What are you waiting for? ?Since the teacher won't punish us expensive, there is nothing to be afraid of.

When she took up her bow exhaustively, the two little girls who were not afraid of misfortune quietly left the hotel. This time their goal was a high-end hotel on the planet Delmar.

There is a very short time there now, because there is a master who held a cocktail party there, he invited many guests to celebrate his promotion and to celebrate his becoming the tallest boss of the Del Mar star team.

The ordinary people who were attacked by the Del Mar Star team, the reporters did not pay attention, and their figures did not appear there at all. However, in this large hotel where people gather, they are holding words in their hands and are constantly running. After running forward, make specific reports on the scene.

The dwarf was holding a glass of wine in his hand. Although he was demoted, he was in a particularly good mood.

It's no wonder that although he stabbed such a big Louzi this time, the punishment for him was only to prevent him from being the first boss. It can be said that the punishment was quite light.

Especially, through this incident, he and the original boss became the first-line people, even the boss of Delmar planet.

The short group of children gave a mysterious smile. The smile made people think that he was a little unpredictable, and it seemed that there was a little irony in the smile.

However, even though Humpty Dumpty was punished, his identity was still very Ge Gui, so other experts saw him respectfully greet him.

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