Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1031: Run away

However, she has the ability to understand these two weapons without a teacher, and no one has given her any guidance. Even Jiang Cheng, when practicing, only pointed out some trivial mistakes in her. Had it not been for Jiang Cheng's obsessive-compulsive disorder, this error would be negligible.

If it hadn't been for Yanran to show other signs, Jiang Cheng would almost think that the two gods in their clan had reincarnated on her.

Now, his female disciple once again demonstrated her magical decoration skills. He taught her teammate's life first, which not only did not make him feel any uncomfortable, but sighed for it.

Taking advantage of the gap where Jiang Cheng was full of thoughts, the master once again attacked the alien man in front of him.

It seems that this person's character is really not very good, and the first thought when he meets an opponent is obviously a raid.

What he didn't expect was that the man wasn't actually resisting or evading, he turned his head and gave him a glance.

If it wasn't for the environment in which he was not suitable for laughing, he would laugh out loud.

At this time, can the vision be used to connect with people?

I thought so in my heart, but the master's movements never stopped, and his hands pierced Jiang Cheng's heart.

Suddenly (Li's), he was horrified to find that his movements seemed to be frozen. Although the tip of his knife was infinitely close to his opponent's heart, he couldn't leave that little distance.

He watched his opponent easily took the head of his hand, and said in his mouth: "I hate the person who is happy. As a warrior, why don't you have the courage to face your opponent?

Then he watched his opponent slowly insert the head into his own wall.

He could feel the coolness of the dagger.

Jiang Cheng turned his head, he looked at another master Xiangran, don’t stop, the attacker had fallen under his feet, and there was a sacred head stuck in it, and the blood was coming from the cracked mouth. Gushing out.

After the man died, his eyes opened wide, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Yan Ran and Ba Ludi couldn't bear the bad breath in their hearts, and decided to go to a big hotel where they were holding a grand cocktail party to celebrate the promotion of someone.

Of course, the two of them are not going to congratulate. They feel that the atmosphere of the human field on the planet Delmar is disgusting. The poor people are no one and no one cares. Even the people who are the boss of the planet Delmar seem to be talking. Fart! Other people can imagine.

So the two of them sneaked into this big hotel, prepared to catch the two culprits, exposed their ugly attitude to the common people through the news media, and let the common people see what kind of people they voted for.

At the beginning everything was pretty good, but as the enemy had two masters suddenly attacking them, Yan Ran and Baluti had to resist the attacks of these two men, and they had to catch the target that was about to run. .

Fortunately, at a critical juncture, their teacher Jiang Cheng showed up in time, and he asked Ba Luluo to continue to capture their target, and the master who had secretly attacked her could be solved by him.

Sure enough, in front of Jiang Cheng's powerful superpowers, the master had no power to fight back. After only one face-to-face meeting, the master was "time stagnated" by Jiang Cheng and easily killed him.

Until the man died, his eyes were still wide open, looking like he was aimless.

He deserves it! Who makes him a person who likes sneak attacks, and his target hates others to attack him the most. He feels that if a person always sneak attacks, he has lost his dignity as a martial artist. Falling into his hands, there is only one fate for him, and that is one death!

After solving this expert who likes sneak attacks, Jiang Cheng turned his attention to another expert, he is currently launching an attack on Ran.

But all masters have the ability to see and listen to all directions. Although the master did not see how his accomplice died, but there was no sound in the meeting. The fate of his accomplice was not good. .

So even though this master was fighting peacefully, he was very ambitious in his heart, and he had to be distracted to guard against a man from another planet launching a surprise attack on him.

As a result, his ability compared to Ran was limited. Now that Jiang Cheng is standing next to him, he feels nervous. He can't let go of his hands and feet. He was immediately beaten and sweated, only to fight him. There is no power to fight back.

Of course, she didn't think so much like he did. She couldn't let go of the expert, her attack became more and more fierce.

The figure revolved around Ruo that person, and the steel claw kept greeting Ruo's vitals.

Finally, the master couldn't stop Ma Ran's attack. After a few flicks, he slid his hand towards Yanran, and then a back fluid circle broke away from Ma Ran's attack range, and he rushed towards one. A low wall, I stepped across this wall in the blink of an eye and looked like it was going to disappear.

Jiang Cheng stood there without moving, he had absolute trust in his disciples.

Sure enough, with Chen's sound, an arrow shot into the man's neck from behind, and a sharp arrow penetrated his neck and came out.

The runner waved his hands a few times and dropped his head.

Jiang Cheng raised his big finger at Ran, Yanran made a playful face at him, and went to support Ba Lu.

Without the harassment of those two masters, ordinary people are not her opponents. After knocking down a few bodyguards who came to teach aid one after another, Baluti blocked the way of the two team bosses.

"I still want to get in!" Baluti retreated angrily.

The special envoy of the boss and the dwarf knew that the common people were not good when they did not come. Once they fall into the hands of these three aliens, they will not end well, after all, they know their own affairs.

The two people, like bereavement dogs, chose their way in anxious belief, until Ba Lurong's two short knives were inserted into their calves, and the two fell to the ground with a scream, holding their imitation calves rolling on the ground.

Look at their gloomy looks, as if they were broken.

Jiang Cheng, Ran and Ba Ludi looked down at the two people who were on the ground. They couldn’t imagine that a person with a high aura in front of them would now cry like a shrew rolling on the ground. , They felt that if they filmed this scene and showed it to the people, they would definitely applaud.

If it were not for Bingran to stop shouting, the Zhou drama starring these two people would not know when it would stop; "Stand up! Stand up for me!"

Of course, the voice of the city was impatient, and even a bit murderous. This sound made the two rolling people feel that if they did not listen to this alien planet, their lives would definitely be in danger. The two men got up in a desperate situation. Although the fake mouth on their calves was very painful, compared with death, such a small injury was obviously nothing.

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