Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1048: fear

So he went directly to the old mansion of Delmar planet.

The planet Delmar is so big, it's impossible for him to find two people in such a big place, it's no different from finding a needle in a haystack, it takes time and effort.

But the mansion of the boss of Delmar is different. It doesn't have long legs and will never run around.

So Jiang Cheng went directly to the old mansion.

The old mansion is not easy to enter, so when Jiang Cheng came to the door of the old mansion and told a scholar on duty that he wanted to see the boss, the scholar said that the boss was not free and he ignored him Step on Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng is also a real person. It is normal that the boss is not available. After all, he is the boss, but I am different. I am not a bird boss. I have time. Since he is busy and he can't come, then I'll go find him.

Jiang Chengpo walked towards the old mansion.

This was terrible. Immediately, all the scholars in the old mansion of Losing Weiwei rose up like a big enemy, and all their guns were aimed at Jiang Cheng.

ーA scholar shouted to him: "Get out of the old mansion immediately, or else kill him!

As if he hadn't heard it, Jiang Cheng continued to the old mansion.

With a gunshot, Jiang Cheng's body appeared to be protected. Although in the eyes of the scholars, the light beam hit him, he still continued to move forward without incident.

All the guns fired at Jiang Cheng together, countless beams hit Jiang Cheng's body, and the protection bounced those beams away. For a while, Jiang Cheng's body was completely covered by the light of various colors.

The enemy's unbridled attack on Hui annoyed Jiang Cheng, his mind moved slightly, and the people who shot at him suddenly lost their target.

This sudden change left the scholars confused for a while. They stood up from the shooting position, stretched their heads, and looked everywhere for the suddenly disappeared target.

Jiang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared!

But this time he is no longer the target of the scholars, and the scholars, オ is his goal.

After sending two laser guns from the scholar's hand, Jiang Cheng took more than a dozen grenades in his pocket, and Jiang Cheng began to counterattack.

His figure flashed randomly in the old mansion, and his muzzle shot deadly light anytime and anywhere. He waved it at will, and each grenade would explode accurately among the enemies.

Where have those scholars met someone like Jiang Cheng? Some of them hold head rats [Xinbiquge], and some horns are tucked away in hidden corners. The dead natives are motionless and imitation taxis People kept rolling on the ground.

The entire old mansion has become hell.

Soon a scholar with enough brains discovered that the intruder seemed to open fire casually, but the actual situation was that he would hit anyone if he attacked him!

So gradually, the gunfire of the scholars subsided.

Since no one shot him again, and no bad-minded scholar dared to stop him from entering the old mansion at this time, Jiang Cheng took the gun and walked into the old mansion like that.

The scholars guarding the old mansion have suffered from Jiang Cheng, but other people, such as those agents of the old mansion, have not yet.

So while they cursed the scholars who guarded the Xitong Mansion for being timid and without the blood of the team, they attacked Jiang Cheng.

On the way Jiang Cheng went to the boss's office-this is Jiang Cheng's second visit to the boss, so he can be said to be familiar with the road.

Agents have been constantly attacking Jiang Cheng in different ways, and in Jiang Cheng's eyes, these agents are even more inconsequential and boring than the scholars.

Although they died and were imitated under Jiang Cheng one by one, they seemed to be frenzied, and one by one, they rushed towards Jiang Cheng in a crazy 057.

Although Jiang Cheng is not willing to kill more people, he is a human, and he generally does not kill, he is not a householder, he is not a dog and a chicken; but since those agents do not take their own sacrifices for good, they cannot be anxious. I wanted to die patiently, then Jiang Cheng had to force himself.

As long as they attack Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng will not let them escape his counterattack.

Come one to die, one pair to die.

Jiang Cheng used various methods to end the lives of those agents.

In the process of killing, his face was indifferent, his eyes were calm, and the agents were inferior to livestock in his eyes.

Whether it is a man or woman, or an old man, or whether they are agents or ordinary office workers, as long as they attack him, they will often have only one end, and that is death!

Of course there will be exceptions, such as those who are seriously injured. Jiang Cheng can only say heartfelt hugs to those who are struggling and dying on the ground constantly.

Jiang Cheng strolled in the old mansion, as leisurely as walking in a leisurely courtyard.

In the boss's office, several people are watching the surveillance with the boss. Their cold sweat can't help falling from their heads, especially the boss and the highest boss of the team. The others have seen their fear and despair.

The forceful hand held Agent Ruo's hand, together with the head he held in his hand, slowly pulled out.

The agent was horrified to find that the head was slowly approaching his heart.

The big beads of sweat ran away on the agent's face, and he exhausted all his strength to fight with that hand.

It's just that his resistance seemed so ridiculous and so weak, he could only watch quietly as Bishou slowly left his heart.

No, please, please. "The agent finally couldn't help being afraid of death. He started crying and begging for mercy: "Please, let me go!

"No, no, no

The voice of Shengsi's exhaustion suddenly stopped, and the remaining voice turned into meaningless characters in his room, slowly but firmly inserted into his heart.

The agent suddenly lost his strength, his body softened, and the head was deeply inserted into his heart, leaving only the handle of the head outside.

The agent died, and he could not hear the words Jiang Cheng left in his ear: "Now Houmei, it's late.

With a "plop", Jiang Cheng let go of the still warm body of the agent and let him fall to the ground. As soon as he revealed his figure, a few beams of light hit him.

Although the agents are all veterans who have been fighting for a long time, when they face such an inhuman and inhuman expert, their hearts are held in the air.

The cruel killings in front of them are always reminding them of their upcoming end. After all, they are still human beings. Since they are human beings, it is inevitable that some people have shortcomings.

Fear always pervades their hearts. Their madness is not so much to protect the boss, but to protect themselves.

Several agents who fired at Jiang Cheng were surprised to find that the target, which was still some distance away from them, had suddenly appeared by their side.

They hurriedly turned their guns, but although their movements were fast, Jiang Cheng's movements were even faster to the extreme.

With a sound of "", a loud slap on the face of an agent, the agent was beaten out, and his body was rolling in midair. If the remaining agents at this time were willing to watch him, they would You will find that his card neck has dropped softly, forming a weird angle with his body.

The body did not fall in mid-air, Jiang Cheng grabbed the hand of another agent

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