Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1058: proposal

Jiang Cheng and the others didn't have a chance to think too much, and Baluti drove the gunboat to the ground barely.

Looking at the red light on the control console, Barrotti secretly took a deep breath. The boat they were driving was subjected to varying degrees of imitation in the fight with the enemy. The most serious injuries have already caused The protective energy of the gunboat has basically disappeared, and the energy of the gunboat has almost disappeared. If it is too late for a while, I am afraid the gunboat will fall directly from the air.

Since the enemy has stopped attacking them, there is no need for them to attack the enemy.

Jiang Cheng landed in front of the building in the middle of the base, and then followed him, but Ba Luzhe still stayed on the gunboat. She was careful if there were dozens of missiles on the boat and the energy in the main gun. You can also hit a few times.

The enemy's current situation is still very unclear, and once the enemy has any unyielding actions, they can at least counterattack.

In front of Jiang Cheng and Yan Ran, there were dozens of scholars standing, they were looking at themselves with fear.

Jiang Cheng knew that he had just destroyed two enemy gunboats in midair with one person's power. Such a shocking performance was indeed shocking. No wonder these scholars had such a vision.

Those scholars really felt scared from the bottom of their hearts to the man from another planet in front of them. They had just witnessed how this man destroyed their two gunboats in mid-air.

In their minds, men on this alien planet are far from being human.

The commander in the base gave the order in time to stop them from making counterattacks against the invasion of these three men, which was exactly what they thought.

Gui Yi thought, a person who destroyed two gunboats by his own power, how could they be his opponents?

I am looking for your commander. "Jiang Cheng looked at the scholars in front of him, and didn't do any politeness. He straightforwardly stated his requirements.

The faces of the scholars tell them that this person is an enemy. If they tell where the commander is to the enemy in front of them, it is a kind of betrayal. Report, that is to go to the team court.

Jiang Cheng frowned. He said to the scholars: "Believe me, I have no malice against you, including your finger-pinning people, and it is not my target for coming to this satellite.

After hearing what he said, the scholars obviously relaxed, and their expressions were loosened, but they still didn't show any signs.

At this moment, she stepped forward and said to Ruo these scholars: "We have come here to find your commander for very important things, but there was an obvious misunderstanding between us, so this unpleasantness happened. Things.

"Now that we are no longer attacking each other, at least it can be said that for the time being, we are not enemies yet.

Would you please tell me that your commander is inside?" Ran's expression is very thoughtful.

"Are you really not going to imitate him?" A scholar in the team suddenly asked her. It seemed that compared to Jiang Cheng, Yan Ran was more likely to gain the trust of these scholars than Jiang Cheng.

"I swear, we will never attack him!" solemnly answered the scholar.

"If we want to attack you, we won't stand in front of you now and speak calmly with you." Ran said with a sincere expression: "This is exactly what we tried to show you.

Those scholars believed what Yan Ran said.

Her appearance is very beautiful, and from her appearance, she is also the kind of person who makes people feel dear at first glance.

Especially her big eyes, and the simple gaze that appeared between Gu and Pan makes it easier for people to accept her.

It wouldn't be the same if Ba Lu landed here, she looked strange, she didn't feel honest and kind.

The scholar who asked them questions: "If you promise that you will not imitate our commander, then, then I will take you to find him.

"Thank you!" Yan Ran thanked sincerely.

This base is big or small, and it’s the first time they have come here. If you simply search here, it may take a lot of time. If there are scholars who are familiar with this place to lead the way, then It's different, they will save much trouble.

"Please come with me." The native said to his son-in-law. He didn't drink to face Jiang Cheng. In the mind of the scholar, this man was already a non-human existence.

Then Xiang Jiang Cheng nodded, and the two people walked into the base with Ruo.

Humpty Dumpty has a gloomy mind. He often acts as a betrayer for his own benefit, so he regards the commander in the base as the same person as him.

He thought that the commander of this base gave him as a gift to his enemy in order to save his life.

But what he didn't expect was that the base commander searched for him, and instead of going outside, he chose the opposite direction.

The base commander didn’t want to treat his boss so roughly, but before the enemy arrived, he had repeatedly asked the short group to consider his suggestion, which is to avoid these three people from other planets and wait for them to leave this place. After the planet, he will come back

But what made him feel strange was that he didn't know what his thoughts were. His boss, who seemed greedy for life and fear of death, refused his proposal flatly.

As for the base commander, he would never look at the group and die in front of him.

At the same time, he didn’t believe that the three men on the alien planet would let him go.


He knows what his boss is like. After all, everyone used to be in the team system. Although they are not familiar with each other, there will always be opportunities to hear about each other.

Humpty Dumpty is insidious, Jacques must be retributed, and the means are very effective, so as long as the enemy of Humpty Dumpty is a person who has a deep hatred with him.

People from these three different planets in front of them came here all the way, and they would definitely not let go of the short fat man.

Moreover, the commander has also seen how the man from the other planet kills in the old mansion.

The corpses were everywhere, and the blood was flowing. The most important thing was that the man had no hands to direct people. I believe that if these two pairs of very vicious enemies meet together, the result can only be life and death, and there will be nothing else. chosen.

Since those three people from different planets swiftly chased the old man of the dwarf group, the matter will never end easily, you will be the only result.

In the eyes of the commander, there was almost no suspense when facing the three people from different planets.

Humpty Dumpty thought about this commander, and now he has encountered a problem, then the commander will definitely do his best to solve it for him in return.

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