Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1079: Easy

Seeing the man in front of him seemed to have to say something, the deputy hurriedly said: "Of course, this is the luck of Dalkeng and the others. They should be thankful that they have not made things out of control.

"I can assure the sun that the Dalkian Brotherhood will be punished for what they did for them," said the old secretary: "Of course, it is a public and fair trial in accordance with local laws.

Jiang Cheng asked dubiously: "What will you do with them?

The old Secretary said frankly: "I am a member of the team, and I am not very familiar with legal matters, but I can be sure that our legal person will make a reasonable judgment.

Me, I also have something to say. "Dalken's brother opened his mouth.

Jiang Cheng let out a cold cry.

I think that even if he is a prisoner, he still has the opportunity to appeal. "The old Secretary looked at Jiang Cheng with a gentle gaze: "Let's listen to him, um, let's report it. In this way, the ins and outs of this matter will be Will be clearer.

Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

The old company in front of him really has a convincing personality.

With this hard-won opportunity, Dahl’s brother Zhang Zhang: “First of all, I don’t want to be able to forgive us if we made a mistake. We should be punished due to our mistakes, but I just want to ask the picture not to involve me. Nephew.

He paused: "He is still young. If this matter has stained his back, then he will have to travel far away. In our place, even if he is the son of a rich man, he is still on this planet. It's a heavy burden."

Jiang Cheng noticed that the rest of the staff were nodding.

Brother Dalken’s expression was a bit of tragic imitation: "Now that my brother only has such a son, he puts all his hopes on this child, and so do I, treating him like a

Poor child, he has lost his mother since he was a child, and his father, even now, still spends most of his time in his business kingdom, he doesn’t stop because his company serves the mansion. Yes, once his company is down, a large number of people will lose their jobs.

"My messenger grew up in this situation, but he has no other points except the inside and outside of the animal grid. He learns well, and he can even be regarded as kind.

His biggest good is to weave the spaceship, we also understand him.

"After you screamed against your spacecraft, we didn’t have any other improper thoughts. I used my power to rebuild my renzi and fly like yours, but when I read the picture below After that flight, I knew that with the power of our planet, it is impossible to cut a flying edge like a county.

Our brothers in a desperate situation, although one is the richest man and the other holds an important position in Xingfang, but now we can't even realize the child's wish, and our brother Dahl has a voice.

The ins and outs of the incident are now clear, and even Jiang Cheng never thought that the cause of this incident was actually "love."

The others couldn't help but get up after finishing what Dalkun brother said.

As a member of the circle, the son of the Dalken family is indeed better, especially since he was born in this family, it is even more precious.

The Dalkun brothers actually wanted to occupy Jiang Cheng’s spacecraft through insidious tricks. This made Jiang Cheng angry. Although Dalkun ran away, Jiang Cheng caught his brother, but after hearing his statement, He found that the two brothers were not as bad as he thought.

Although the two brothers became greedy for a while, Jing didn't mean that they were wicked bad guys.

On the contrary, the two brothers, although one is a rich man, he has done a lot of practical things for the local people, and in people's mouth, his reputation is not so unbearable.

As for his younger brother, he is also a person with a reasonable character. He works in the scientific research department of the team, but he still wants to benefit the people of Yintong.

So put together, although the Dalkun brothers have done something shameless, it doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

The people attending the meeting were silent, they were waiting for the people from this terrible alien planet to settle down.

This person’s opinion is very important, he can almost decide the life and death of the Darken brothers

Even the respected old secretary makes people feel that there is no way to save the fate of these two people.

Jiang Cheng is not a person who likes to kill. Although he can be called ruthless and ruthless to the enemy, he is also very cruel, but it is also because the enemy has done something that he cannot accept, and he has to start.

Now, according to the old Siren's statement, although their mansion has such problems as such, it is still considered clean and fair in general. He assured Jiang Cheng that the Dalken brothers will get a fair trial.

There will never be any practice of favoritism because of their identities, one is a rich man, the other is a senior staff of the mansion.

Jiang Cheng felt a little bit convinced of this old company. Because of his character, this old man was receptive to what he said.

"Then, this matter will end here"," Jiang Cheng said: "You are now ordering to release my two disciples from the camp. Of course, if they are subjected to even a little copy, I reserve to continue. The right to be held accountable.

Hearing Jiang Chengfei’s words, the old secretary waved his hand, and his deputy immediately began to contact the team member. When he learned that the disciples of men on this alien planet had been free, and they were not subjected to any imitation, he Take a long breath.

They, your two disciples are very good. Not only did they not suffer any imitations, but on the contrary, "the deputy smiled bitterly: "Several members of the team misunderstood the identities of the candidates and caused a lot of trouble. A small conflict, but some of them ended up

Suffered minor injuries. "

It’s the luck of a few people," Jiang Chengcha said blankly, "This is also a blessing in misfortune.

Stand up: "Then, when I reach the side of my spacecraft, I can drive here profitably along the way, and there will never be anything happening again.

I assure you that everything is as you wish. "The man said.

Su nodded, and his figure disappeared.

The participants were three-faceted, and the people who blamed this strange planet would be like this. The original skill is so strong.

The Darken brothers are really inverted, and they want to fall into such an opponent.

It was the old secretary who made people feel stubborn first. He was able to look at Dahl's younger brother and said: "You are really, so old that you can make such low-level mistakes.

Yes, yes, the Secretary is in the picture, I am very surprised, I intend to accept the trial of Fa Yu.

Brother Dahl lowered his head and said softly.

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