Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1089: Clear

Good-hearted people," the mermaid leader looked at them and said, "I know you are not ordinary people," she pointed at the fiery crow and said, "Even the bird by your side, she is better at dealing with sea wolves than we are. , So I want to think about you, can point out a bright path for the survival of our mermaid clan.

Jiang Cheng smiled: "You are too polite. We are not as great as you said. The two races between you and the sea wolf are natural enemies, and only one race can survive."

The mermaid leader did not speak, she quietly listened to Jiang Cheng's words.

Jiang Cheng continued: "As you know, sea wolves live in the sea, and there are so many of them. It is not easy to catch them all at once.

And through their fights with you, I found that these sea wolves are also relatively cunning creatures. When they feel that the situation is not good, they will choose to flee. In this way, how can they be completely eliminated? It is indeed a tricky thing.

The mermaid leader listened to Jiang Cheng's words, and she kept nodding her head. Although the aliens in front of her had just arrived here, they had only seen a battle between them and the sea wolf, but undoubtedly, his eyes were urinary. , His words directly pointed out the point.

Is there really no hope? Does their mermaids really have to leave the place where they have lived for generations and go to a strange place in order to start this disaster that will destroy their race?

The mermaid leader lowered her head, and she could hardly help crying.

Just now, her men told her how these three people saved their companions who went out to play from the mouth of the sea wolf. When these people escorted them home, they witnessed that they were How to kill the sea wolf.

They have fought sea wolves for so long, and apart from driving the sea wolves away, it is very difficult for them to tie off the sea.

And these three people in front of them, they can easily kill the brutal guys

The carcasses of sea wolves floating out of the sea are real facts.

What is more convincing is that in the other battle, the crow beside them easily killed so many sea wolves. The mermaid leader saw fear in the eyes of her men, and at the same time, also saw hope.

Therefore, after the battle, she hurriedly came to see the visitors from these alien planets, on the one hand, thanking them for what they did, and on the other hand, she wanted to ask them how to save their mermaid clan. fate.

Jiang Cheng stood up. He ignored the mermaid leader who lowered his head in thought. He said to Bingran and Ba Ludi, "Look at it." He stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him, Ran and Ba Ludi stood up and faced Jiang. Makoto looked in the direction of his finger.

"Have you noticed, what are the characteristics of their habitat?" Jiang Cheng saw that his two disciples hadn't realized his ideas for a while, and he began to inspire them.

Characteristics? "Balluti looked confused: "What characteristics?" She scratched her head: "Apart from a lot of mermaids, I didn't find anything, could it be," she looked at her with an unbelievable look. Teacher: "〃 Teacher, do you want to use the beauty of a mermaid

Do you feel those sea wolves?

After hitting her, the leader of the mermaid was still there. It was not good to say that. At the same time, she felt that Barretti's whimsical idea was too ridiculous.

Oh, what are you doing. "Balu knows that what she didn't just say is too reluctant.

Knowing that her teacher did not blame her, but looked at her with a smile: "Yes, although it is not what you said, but it is close.

"Look at it" Ba Luyu said to Ma Ran excitedly: "The teacher said I was right.

However, she ignored her, if it was really like what she said, how would the sea wolves enter these mermaids? They would have been getting along with the sleeping mermaids, instead of trying to destroy them anytime and anywhere.

But since the teacher has no objection to what Baluti said, there must be some reason (Wang's good).

Yan Ran thought hard about what Cai Ba Ludi said.

Suddenly, Yan Ran understood.

She raised her head excitedly and said to Jiang Cheng: "Teacher, do you want to use these mermaids as bait to lure the sea wolves to attack?

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded Li.

Ba Luluo said in a puzzled way: "But, those sea wolves are already attacking the mermaid? Is it the same attack, is there any difference?

After standing up, she said to Baluti: "Come on, look at it." She pulled Baluti. "What do you look at? I've seen it here." Baluti still didn't understand their intentions.

At this moment, even the mermaid leader felt strange. What did these three people from different planets see from their burrows?

Jiang Cheng and the others faced the request of the mermaid leader, but instead of giving an answer directly, he asked his two disciples to think about the characteristics of the mermaid's habitat.

Xiao Mi Ba Luluo was straightforward. She didn't think deeply, but Yan Ran was different. She knew that at this time, her teacher would not joke casually, let alone play with them.

What he said must mean something she hadn't figured out yet.

Not only did she fail to figure it out, but even the mermaid leader who had been living here was saying to herself: "Features? What are our characteristics?

Jiang Cheng continued to remind them: "Look, the mermaid family's habitat, although they are here, it is safe for the time being, but one by one" he deliberately didn't finish his words, leaving room for imagination to be very peaceful. Luluo thought.

"However, once the invading sea wolves break through here, the mermaids will be devastated!" Ran cried out, she looked at Jiang Cheng and said, "Teacher, I know what you think.

Jiang Cheng looked at her, Xili went on to say.

Ba Green and the mermaid leader looked at her.

Yanran’s face was shining, and she was happy that there was a good way to rescue these beautiful creatures: "The mermaid’s habitat is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so when faced with a large number and fierce sea wolf , They can be invincible, of course, this situation is Zhe Shi.

She looked at the mermaid leader and said, "As my teacher said, you can only resist the sea wolf's attack by Zhe Shi. There is no doubt about this.

Oh, you just go on. "Baluti urged her.

Ran smiled: "And once the sea wolves break through the mermaids' defense line at the entrance, the mermaids will pass the history of extinction.

No? Although the sea wolves enter the mermaid's habitat, this situation is very unfavorable for them, but they can still escape. "Balluti asked.

So, this is the reason why the teacher asked us to take a look at the characteristics here.

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