Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1091: End

The leader of the Mianyu was moved, and her beautiful eyes were full of tears. She looked at the three people in front of her, and could not speak for a while.

The charming appearance of the mermaid leader once again touched Ran and Ba Luluo. These two kind little girls are determined to save these beautiful creatures and let them escape the fate of destruction.

Jiang Cheng is not as sentimental and easily moved like his two female disciples. He pays attention to more substantive issues.

Now, we need to know the approximate number of sea wolves." He looked at the mermaid leader: "Can you roughly estimate how many they are?

The mermaid leader frowned. Seeing Ruojiang Cheng's questioning eyes, she shook her head: I don't know, but I feel there are a lot of them.

Jiang Cheng said: "My opinion is the opposite of yours. According to the size of sea wolves, I don't think there should be too many of them.

"Well, tell me where they live. I'll go and see. Maybe I can find something.

The mermaid leader heard Jiang Cheng’s words and was shocked. She hurriedly dissuaded her: "Good-hearted people, I know your abilities are very powerful, but as you said, they are marine creatures. In the water, they are Extremely fierce.

I don’t want you to take risks for us. "The mermaid chief said: "Once you make any mistakes, me, me" she couldn't continue.

The mermaids are really kind creatures, and Jiang Cheng and the others have a better impression of them.

Teacher, let's go with you. "Yan Ran is also a little worried about Jiang Cheng.

Although her teacher was powerful, it was on land, and she had never seen her teacher fighting an enemy in the water.

Baluti also requested from the side: "Teacher, I will go with you, my water animals are very good.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "I'm not going to fight, what do you want to do with you?

Besides, there are so many people we go there, maybe it will alarm those sea wolves, which will not achieve our goal.

He looked at the mermaid leader and said, "You have a good view here. If you have time, you can take my two disciples on a tour.

The mermaid leader said: "Good-hearted people, I also want to remind you that it is very dangerous for you to go to the sea wolf retreat. I hope you don't take risks.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand: "You just need to tell me where they are.

According to the leader of the mermaids, when the sea wolves' habitat was not very close to theirs, the sea wolves did not have the ability to withstand the sound waves of the mermaids. They were once driven far away by the mermaids. Place, and for a long time, they never came to fight them again.

The mermaids thought that they could do this, so after the sea wolves left their sight, they continued to lead their leisurely and contented lives.

Unexpectedly, after only more than a year, those sea wolves would come back again.

This time, they faced the sonic impact of the mermaids, although they still had no good way to deal with them, but they relied on their rough skin and thick flesh.

Moreover, they discovered the life patterns of mermaids. No matter how long they play outside, they will definitely return to their habitat at night.

As a result, the cunning sea wolves often hide on the only way the mermaids go home, looking for opportunities to attack them.

Such an attack caused the mermaids to lose many members.

As a last resort, the mermaid leader ordered that all members are not allowed to go out and must stay in the sea, not because of special circumstances.

Although the leader issued such a strict order, how could those young mermaids willingly look at the sea outside while suffocating in this small bay all day?

In order to get information about the sea wolves and learn more about their conditions, Jiang Cheng decided to go to the sea wolves' habitat and check their numbers.

Liang's mermaid leader repeatedly dissuaded Jiang Cheng from going. She thought that although Jiang Cheng's ability was very strong, it was too dangerous to go deep into the sea wolf's title.

Even Jiang Cheng's two disciples, Ran and Ba Ludi, were afraid of any danger he would encounter and wanted to go with Ruo him.

Jiang Cheng refused them. Bi Jing was going to scout instead of fighting. After all, he was going to fight. Even he would be in danger. Then it would be useless for his two disciples to go.

The sea wolf’s habitat is not very far here. Jiang Cheng guessed that it might be the cunning creatures who felt that the mermaids were not too big for them. The mermaids are very close.

In the past, facing the danger at the door of their homes, the mermaids could only resort to avoidance. They did not go out in the bay, so that they could avoid the rabbit and face the enemy as much as possible.

Although the mermaid leader issued a strict order, there are always some young mermaids who cannot withstand the outside world. There will always be some mermaids who go out to play secretly, and their fluke mentality cannot save their lives.

The sea wolves are already familiar with the rules of their lives, and they often lie in groups in ambush where the mermaids must go home.

Therefore, death is often their destiny, becoming food for sea wolves, almost the fate of these mermaids.

Following the instructions of the mermaid leader, after a period of time, Jiang Cheng reached the place where the sea wolves were resting.

In front of Jiang Cheng's eyes are several islands of different sizes, and here are the habitats of sea wolves.

Looking from a distance, Jiang Cheng discovered that sea wolves were constantly haunting those small islands.

After removing the air bubbles in the cage, Jiang Cheng sank into the sea.

Although the whole person is in the water, breathing is not a problem for Jiang Cheng.

In his body, his breath can circulate continuously, which is also his willingness to travel in space for a long time.

What hindered him was the sea water, which slowed his movements a little bit.

Jiang Cheng slowly searched the small islands in the sea.

The mermaid leader led Ruo Ran and Baluti to play around in the sea.

At this time, she was in a particularly good mood. With these three alien planets as a strong presence, the heavy burden on her head seemed to be lightened a lot.

No matter what the result of the scout that the man from the other planet went to the Sea Wolf's Rest this time, it couldn't affect the plan they had drawn up.

In the plans of these three alien planets, they will make full use of the characteristics of the mermaids’ habitats, using the mermaids as bait to lure those sea wolves into it, and then they will block the retreat of the Jia sea wolves and come to a " "Catch in the middle", destroy the sea that enters the bay.

The mermaid leader discovered that these three aliens really wanted to help them

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