Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1093: trace

Even if the mermaids have special intelligence and are different from other types of mermaids they know, it doesn't matter if they can speak, but what they are now speaking is the lingua franca, which is not justified anyway.

This, it was a long time ago," the mermaid leader laughed and said: "I remember the previous leader mentioned it, that was when I was very young.

The mermaid chief recalled: "She said that in the past, there were still many land on this planet, and the sea slowly disappeared from most of the place later. At that time, spaceships would pass by us occasionally.

The mermaid chief looked at it and said, "Are you sure you want to listen? This is a long story.

After smiling, she said, "There is nothing you can do now. It's good to hear the story.

Okay, then I will tell you. The mermaid chief said.

When the previous generation of mermaid leaders was a child, there were still a lot of land on the planet at that time, and because it had a different scenery from other planets, it attracted many travelers to come here.

The mermaids and the others are very lucky. The travelers they meet are more kind and they have never imitated them.

On the contrary, there are one or two travelers who have been living here because of their beauty.

Those travellers love them. Although nothing substantial can happen between them, they play with the objects they love and explore the sea, which is also a very pleasing thing.

In the process of getting along, the few travelers discovered that although the appearance of the mermaids was different from them. In fact, as the universe was gradually explored by humans, people discovered that they would always live on large and small planets in the universe. There are some creatures with different postures but with high intelligence.

Although in the eyes of humans, these strange creatures are alien to themselves, but these creatures on their planet have a status of 050 equivalent to humans. They also stand at the top of food, and even if some creatures have terrible appearances But they don't have the ability to attack animals, on the contrary, they are quite kind.

In this way, with the development of time, the high-IQ creatures on each planet have reached a consensus. They all recognize their status, instead of treating each other as a different species or even an enemy based on the other's appearance. Look.

In fact, having said that, in the eyes of other creatures, are those human beings not alien?

So this is why these travelers love the mermaid.

In the process of their getting along, those travelers discovered that the mermaids also possess intelligence as much as theirs. According to the consensus reached between the various planets, they also treat the mermaids as human beings.

So they taught the mermaids the universal language so that they could communicate together.

This is the reason why mermaids can communicate with Ma Ran and the others in cosmic language

For the mermaid leader's explanation, Ran and Ba Lurong are equally acceptable. After all, they are people living in modern society and have undergone a considerable degree of mathematical education.

They know that if they treat each other differently just because they look different, then there will never be a peaceful scene in the universe now, and there will be no vigorous exchanges.

Through the conversation with the mermaid chief, they finally understood why they could speak the original country of the lingua franca. As expected, other humans passed through here.

However, they are more interested in the love story between the underwalker and the mermaid.

However, according to the leader of the mermaid, it is an endless love affair, which makes Ran and Luluo feel relatively low.

If such love can have a result, it will be happy.

Shaowens always like to listen to some moving love stories, even Shaowen like Ran and Ba Luluo is no exception.

This makes the mermaid leader who doesn't know what love is, a little bit interested.

Time just left in their national talks.

Green gave the dagger in her hand to the mermaid leader. Although she liked this dagger very much, she used double swords, which was not suitable.

The mermaid leader was very surprised, she didn't expect that they didn't like the gifts she gave to the stations.

Seeing the disappointed look on the face of the mermaid leader, Ba Lu quickly explained the reason, indicating that she didn't like it, but that such a short sword was a kind of wave to them.

The mermaid leader did not take their words seriously, she told them that this short sword was a waste of her here, and none of the Bi Kuanqis would use this kind of device.

If it doesn't work, the mermaid leader said as a memorial.

Now that the words have reached such a level, if they push it again, it will appear that they are petty, so they accepted the gift.

The mermaid leader was very happy. She said to them: "You are so salt-hearted to help us. I don't know what to say. You are the mermaid clan, but we have no place to repay you. It is too unreasonable. Knowingly, Heba Luluo was also very happy when he heard the mermaid leader's filled words.

Jiang Cheng slowly approached the small island where the sea wolves inhabited. He held his breath so as not to be discovered by the sea wolves. He knew that these creatures had very sharp perceptions, and he did not care about their attacks. But if he frightened the snake and frightened these sea wolves to flee, it would violate the original principle of his coming this time.

According to Jiang Cheng's observers, the number of these sea wolves is not very large, which is in line with his judgment. As larger creatures, their number is unlikely to be large.

When Jiang Cheng approached the largest island with the most seas, he discovered the traces of human life here.

Outside of a mountain run, there are traces of fire burning. Although the traces left by the wind and rain have faded, they still can’t pass Jiang Cheng’s keen double. This makes Jiang Cheng wonder, are these sea wolves and humans Does it matter?

Jiang Cheng sneaked into the mountain run, and he thought there must be some secret in that cave.

The cave is very big and deep, so you can't see what's inside the black hole.

Of course, all of this couldn't be troubled by Jiang Cheng. He quickly discovered more traces of human beings living here, and he saw a dilapidated one in the depths of the cave.

Jiang Cheng approached there. He saw a disabled person not far from the bag, and he could tell that it belonged to a human being.

In that broken neighborhood, Jiang Cheng found a similarly broken notebook.

Jiang Cheng looked carefully, he hoped to discover some secrets from it.

The contents of the notebook recorded the affairs of a certain traveler in universal lingua franca. To Jiang Cheng's slight surprise, the traveler was a smuggler.

We got rich! We snatched a wealthy business group. I didn't expect them to have so many bosses who would call him so greedy. We ran away at first. It is safe here, no human beings have been found...

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