Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1198: Research Department

"No, the myths and legends used to say that the people of Xishan can magic and immortality, so the four big families are called the four big families of Xishan." Zhao Shuai explained.

Then why do they have to participate in the seminar this year? "Wu Hata is puzzled.

Zhao Shuai picked up the cup and took a sip of the water. "Speaking of this, I also find it strange. In recent years, people from the four major families have become less and less concerned about seminars. Sometimes they can come to one family. People are pretty good. They suddenly announced that they will participate this year, and I feel suspicious.

Jiang Cheng was also a little curious about the four big families mentioned by Zhao Shuai. They suddenly announced that they would all be coming this year. Something must happen this year, but Jiang Cheng clearly didn't know what was going on.

But, speaking of the research results of the four major families in recent years, the research results are far worse than before. Scientists from the skaters of the last seminar came, but they didn't bring a research product. At that time, it was embarrassing. "Zhao Shuai couldn't help but feel sorry for mentioning this.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what the strength of the four major families was, but he couldn't produce a finished product at the Imperial Capital Seminar. Jiang Cheng would never believe it unless there was a special reason. Jiang Cheng intuitively told him that this matter might have something to do with Lebanon.

Speaking of the four major families, Ruifeng belongs to the Qi family, and he will come to the seminar tomorrow. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Qi Rongfeng?" Wu Hao asked, "I thought he was not a scientific research festival. At this time, it's a long story. Let's talk about it when I see Rong Feng. "Zhao Shuai sighed.

Jiang Cheng and Zhao Shuai and Wu Shi went back to the hotel after parting, and checked the situation of the previous scientific seminars with his smart terminal watch. As Zhao Shuai said, the seminars in recent years have become somewhat deserted, even Sometimes even an amazing piece of work is not available. The more Jiang Cheng thinks about it, the more it feels that it has nothing to do with Li Guo.

On the second day, the director took Jiang Cheng to the Imperial Capital Scientific Research Hall. Before entering the scientific research hall, the director pulled Jiang Cheng and said, "Scientist Lin, in this seminar, you don’t want to be restrained. Come out and let them see, I think you can definitely shine." The director said excitedly.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but laugh. He is now nominally a member of the town's scientific research institute. What happens after he shines like this? After that, it is not the director who has more benefits. Although he has long known that the director must bring himself for the purpose, but now I look at it. The director said so bluntly that Jiang Cheng was also a little uncomfortable as if he was only a fool who had never seen the world before.

Well, I may meet my friends later, so I will walk with them first. "Jiang Cheng feels that there is no need to be polite with the director at this time and use his own way to treat his body. Jiang Cheng feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

The director was obviously a little surprised, "What? Aren't you with me?", the director's previous smile disappeared instantly, "You are a bit unreliable, I brought you, and you agreed to be a member of our research institute. , Now you have to go by yourself? "The director looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng dissatisfied.

"I agreed, so I came as a member of your research institute, but that's all. Does the director still expect me to give you my own research for nothing?" Jiang Cheng thinks this director is still greedy. Some

The director's complexion is even worse, what else to say

Brother Lin, you came very early. "Zhao Shuai has a rare suit and leather shoes, and he looks radiant and he has the taste of a successful person.

Well, you look great today. "Jiang Cheng praised Zhao Shuai.

That's not it, I am a handsome guy myself. "Zhao Shuai smiled complacently again, "Ah, but Brother Lin, why are you here or not?

Why are you standing here?" Zhao Shuai looked at the director next to Jiang Cheng and said.

Nothing, let's go. "Jiang Chengjing took a look at the director and didn't want to say anything. In Jiang Cheng's view, it's really useless to waste words with such a person. At this time, his expression can be said to be colorful. He came here this time without any preparation, just Hearing that Ma Jiang Cheng was doing research in the desert by himself, he felt that he was a nerd. He took this opportunity to grab the invention and research in his hands, so that he could become famous and make a fortune. Now it seems that everything is a delusion of his own. Then he entered. Research Department.

As soon as Jiang Cheng walked into this scientific research hall, he felt that it had a strong cultural atmosphere and seemed to be a good place. Looking at Zhou Tian’s walls, there were some seniors from the Kai Ao country, including some outstanding scientists and some advanced creations. The technology of Kai Ao Guo was indeed excellent, but now it seems that it is really going downhill.

Zhao Shuai seems to be very familiar with this research hall, as if he has been to this place many times, "Lin brother, look at how brilliant the science and technology civilization of our country was before, and when I was a child, I often followed my father here. At that time, this place was really a city, and the people of Kai'ao country were all learning science and technology at that time. At that time, it was really brilliant.

Zhao Shuai seemed to be lost in memories, his eyes full of longing and light.

Jiang Cheng didn't know how to comfort Zhao Shuai, he was full of sighs when he heard this.

After arriving at the main venue, Jiang Cheng saw that the scientific research hall had two floors. To his surprise, the scientific research hall looked antique and seemed incompatible with the modern scientific research to be done, but it seemed to have a special charm. There is a large screen right in front of it, with a few computers next to it, and there are many cameras in Zhou State. It seems that this seminar should be broadcast to the public, Jiang Cheng thought. At this time, most people are sitting on the first floor. , The second floor looks bigger than the first floor, but at this time it is still empty and there are not many people.

Zhao Shuai, why is there no one on the second floor?" Jiang Cheng asked

"Brother Lin, this is your first time here. I don’t know. The people on the second floor are all famous scientists, and the four big families that I told you about yesterday are also sitting on the second floor. We will go there later. The second floor." Zhao Shuai explained.

Jiang Cheng followed Zhao Shuai to the second floor. The environment here is more elegant and comfortable than the first floor. Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng came to the first two seats and sat down first.

Is it okay for us to sit so far forward? "Jiang Cheng feels that since the first and second floors are clearly divided, the front and rear seats are probably also particular about it.

Later my father will come and sit next to me. "Zhao Shuai pointed to the next position

Boss? "Jiang Cheng had heard Qi Ruifeng say that Zhao Shuai's father was the president before. Although he thought it was not good to sit in such a position, he didn't know where to sit besides here. He didn't say anything.

Well, I didn’t tell you. My dad is the boss. He actually advocates science and technology to govern the country. That’s why he passed me to a university major that I don’t like. He comes to the seminar every time. In recent years, the scientific community In times of recession, he would be very worried every time, hey. "Zhao Shuai said that his eyes were a little wet.

Jiang Cheng patted Zhao Shuai on the shoulder to comfort him. Although Zhao Shuai seemed cynical and often did not go home to make his father angry, he still seemed to love his father very much. But now it's time for Kaiaoguo to really rectify the scientific community. Jiang Cheng thought.

When Qi Rongfeng went up to the second floor, he saw Zhao Shuai leaning against Jiang Cheng's arms. Jiang Cheng's hand kept patting Zhao Shuai's shoulder as if he was resting.

Let me go, Brother Lin, Zhao Shuai, what's wrong with you? You--" Du Ruifeng covered his mouth with an indescribable expression.

"Qi Rongfeng, what do you think?" Zhao Shuai quickly sat up, pointing to Qi Rongfeng and said.

Seeing this kid just wants to be straight.

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