Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1204: Blockbuster

Yun Duo shouted excitedly. At this time, people's anxious eyes shifted from Qi Ruifeng. Seeing this old man coming, people all showed excitement, "Great, Mr. Zhao came here to teach everything, "Yes. Mr. Zhao is the most powerful scientist in the Kingdom of Kai-Ao, and none of them! "People in Zhou State were whispering. Jiang Cheng looked at the expressions of the people and thought that maybe this old gentleman might really be able to relieve the virus. He just now I want to go up, but I still have concerns. After all, the computer system of the Kingdom of Kai'ao is not a system of the earth, and the way it is invaded is just my own guess. It is not good to go up rashly to make people panic.

Seeing the old man walked to the computer, Qi Ruifeng respectfully greeted the old man and gave up his position. When Mr. Zhao’s old fingers touched the computer keyboard, Jiang Cheng saw where an old man should have. Hand speed, the old gentleman's quick and skillful operation made Jiang Cheng and the people around him even more admired. After fifteen minutes, the old gentleman slowly straightened his waist, but a lot of sweat leaked from his head and his figure was shaking. Everyone Busy to help, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and found that the illness was really relieved, and his heart was agitated. It seems that this old man is really well-deserved.

Zhou Guo's people saw the big screen light up again, and took out the phone to check and found that it was really good. "Mr. Zhao is really amazing!" Zhao Shuai said excitedly, yes, it wasn't him, what can we do today. "Yun Duo sat on the chair next to him with a sigh of relief.

However, after a few minutes, everyone hadn't recovered from the success of Mr. Zhao just now, and found that the big screen was black again, and Jiang Cheng found that it was invaded by a virus again. At this time, the crowd fell into a huge panic. Many people were very frightened, and some even cried out if they were timid. Many people wanted to go out. At this time, if the virus has not been eradicated, no one can be let out. Letting people out can only spread the virus. After going out, the whole venue fell into a very depressing atmosphere.

"Brother Lin, why don't you try." Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng solemnly.

Yes, Brother Lin, there is only you now. Go and try. "Qi Rongfeng also said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the nervous crowd around him, "Okay, let me try." So he walked to the stage, thinking about how to quickly remove the virus.

At this time, when everyone saw the unknown young man on stage, they all questioned and whispered, "What, who is this." I don't know, I haven't seen it at all. "Yeah, even Mr. Zhao can't do it, he can do it?" Who knows, maybe I want to take this opportunity to show off. "The crowd said everything, but they didn’t affirm Jiang Cheng’s words. Jiang Cheng looked at Zhou’s doubts and even Yi’s eyes, and didn’t care. After coming to power, Jiang Cheng saw Mr. Zhao sitting beside him. , I saw Mr. Zhao leaning on the back of the chair, eyes closed, but an anxious and painful look on his face. I thought that the nervous operation just now made his body a little unbearable. Mr. Zhao saw Jiang Cheng coming up. First, he looked at Jiang Cheng, and then nodded to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng found that the computer system in front of him was really messy, and that all the data and information were blocked. Jiang Cheng quickly checked and found that the virus was not simply scanning some docking ports, but a systematic attack on the server in many ways. Jiang Cheng searched for a solution to this virus in his mind, but found that such a method can only temporarily remove the virus. Just like Mr. Zhao did before, he will re-infect the virus one minute after being exposed to it. I don’t know when. Mr. Zhao also came next to Jiang Cheng. In Mr. Zhao’s view, this young man can be said to be very powerful. It took only ten minutes to discover the method Jiang Cheng found in only one minute, and his eyes flashed. With the light of hope.

Jiang Cheng is still nervously removing the virus at this time. He has roughly discovered that the virus has three layers this time, and the three layers are closely connected. As long as the layers are not removed correctly, all the previous efforts will be wasted, and each layer is infected. The difference in the way the virus invades makes me more troublesome. Jiang Cheng nervously and quickly removes each layer of the virus.

In the eyes of Zhao Shuai and others next to him, Jiang Cheng is the Hungarian Youcheng Zhu who relieved the virus, and he didn't panic, "Ruifeng, I think Brother Lin can.

What do you think?

When Qi Rongfeng saw Mr. Zhao next to Jiang Cheng, his eyes became more and more excited, "Yes, I think so.

One minute and one second passed, and three minutes passed, Mr. Zhao suddenly smiled excitedly, "Great, hahaha." Everyone underneath looked at each other, not knowing what happened, Jiang Cheng did not hear Mr. Zhao laughed excitedly next to him. At this time, he was removing the last layer of the virus, and he was devoting himself to the operation.

"It looks like it will be soon," Qi Rongfeng also said happily. I don't know when even the boss came down from the second floor. People watched the boss come down and stopped talking. The whole venue was quiet. Only Jiang The sound of Cheng tapping the keyboard sounded in the venue, and everyone looked at Jiang Cheng attentively, for fear of missing any expression on his face.

Five minutes later, the big screen suddenly lit up, and Jiang Cheng also straightened up and looked at the people below. At this time, the unusually quiet venue made Jiang Cheng feel very strange. Another minute later, I don’t know [笔趣阁www] It’s really good who said first. "Suddenly deafening cheers erupted from the venue, and everyone's faces were filled with joy and excitement. It turned out that people were afraid of Jiang Cheng being like Mr. Zhao. A minute later, the virus invaded again, and there was no joy.

"Sure enough, there are people from Jiangshan generation. It is not simple and not simple." Mr. Zhao said excitedly, patting Jiang Cheng on the shoulder, "I have been studying for so many years, but I can only remove the first layer of the virus. Hey, you are really Good job.

Mr. Zhao said vigorously.

You are also excellent. "Jiang Cheng said to Mr. Zhao.

"What's your name, I haven't seen you before." Mr. Zhao raised his eyebrows as if remembering something.

"My name is Jiang Cheng. I have been doing research in the desert before, so you haven't met me." Jiang Cheng seriously replied to Mr. Zhao. In his heart, he has always respected Mr. Zhao.

Ah, no wonder, hey, there are not too many young people like you who are not pursuing fame and fortune and devoting themselves to science. "Mr. Zhao sighed and said earnestly.

Zhao Shuai was a little frightened at this time, because he still deceived Mr. Zhao, but he just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the scene was already boiling, and the cameramen raised up the cameras in their hands one after another, squeezing them like Jiang Cheng, wanting to photograph this young but blockbuster scientist. They seemed to have forgotten how they laughed at this young man just now.

Jiang Cheng was not happy with the camera alone, so he stepped down from the stage and walked to the side of Zhao Shuai and others, and saw that the boss beside Zhao Shuai was also holding Jiang Cheng's hand happily, "I heard that Zhao Shuai praised. You, but now that we really see it is really an eye-opener for us. It's a genius, hahahaha. "The boss said happily. At this time, a lot of reporters came around and kept taking pictures of Jiang Cheng and the boss.

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