Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1212: Hopeful Akimitsu

Shuai, open the door soon, Brother Jiang is gone. "Qi Feng shouted.

What? "Only when Zhao Shuai shouted, he opened the door, "You said Brother Jiang is missing? How is it possible?" Zhao Shuai said with anxious eyes.

I just knocked on the door and found that the door was open. I went in and saw that Brother Jiang was not there and the window was open. What should I do?" Qi Ruifeng frowned and said anxiously.

Zhao Shuai hurried to Jiang Cheng's room next to him. Indeed, as Qi Ruifeng said, Jiang Cheng was gone.

How is this possible? Did Brother Jiang go out early? "Zhao Shuai looked at the empty house and came out to ask Qi Rongfeng.

No, I asked the security of our house, they didn't see anyone out in the morning.

Zhao Shuai turned pale at this time, "Call, call," Zhao Shuaijun took out his cell phone and called Jiang Cheng. Qi Rongfeng was also very worried at this time, staring closely at Zhao Shuai's face.

No, what should I do? Brother Jiang won't really have an accident, right? "Zhao Shuai looked at Qi Rongfeng and asked incredulously.

Since Brother Jiang didn't go out, he must be in our house, and I have asked someone to find him. Brother Jiang is so powerful, nothing will happen," Qi Rongfeng patted Zhao Shuai on the shoulder, comforting.

No, I have to find Brother Jiang in person. "Speaking of Zhao Shuai, he ran out.

Huh? Wait for me, I'll go too. "Qi Rongfeng shouted.

Zhao Shuai and Qi Rongfeng almost circled the entire Qi family, and they didn't find Jiang Cheng's trace at all. "A Shuai, let's ask my dad, maybe he has any clues." Qi Rongfeng said.

At this time, Zhao Shuai's face was pale, "Yes, let's ask your dad." Zhao Shuai supported Qi Ruifeng's shoulder and nodded and said.

Qi Ruifeng took Jiang Cheng to the place where they met Patriarch Qi yesterday.

I saw only the owner of the Qi family in the room.

Dad, Brother Jiang is gone. "Qi Rongfeng walked to the side of Patriarch Qi and said.

What? You mean that scientist Jiang Cheng?" Patriarch Qi asked with big eyes.

"Yeah, I went to look for him this morning but he was not there. We didn't find anyone in the whole circle.

What can you do about this? Ji Yunduo hasn't been found yet, and Jiang Cheng is gone again. "Patriarch Qi sat on a chair, digging his forehead and shook his head.

"Uncle Qi, you don't know if there is any tunnel here, we have searched for the entire Qi family now," Zhao Shuai walked to the Qi family master and asked.

Family Master Qi raised his head and looked at Zhao Shuai, suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

But immediately lowered his head, "No, you have all looked for it.

Zhao Shuai looked at Qi Rongfeng when he saw the appearance of Patriarch Du. Qi Ruifeng nodded at Ruo Shuai and walked to Patriarch Qi, "Dad, we don’t really have secret rooms in our house. If there is one, you can Come on, maybe Yunduo and Brother Jiang are both inside, and if something happens, there will be two lives." Qi Ruifeng said to Patriarch Qi.

Yeah, I know too, but but, throat. "Qi Ye can't bear to see if his son is like this, but when he thinks about the secret transfer in his family, he really can't tell.

Zhao Shuai sees if Patriarch Qi is like this, "Patriarch Qi, Yunduo is the daughter of the Patriarch of the Family Planner, you know. Jiang Cheng is the person named by my father to be the chief scientist of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Both of them have disappeared in your house. Can you talk about how your family can escape?" Zhao Shuai said seriously at this time, without the usual smile.

Qi Ruifeng sees if Zhao Shuai looks like this, "Dad, this is the first time I know A Shuai that he looks like this, just say it, or our family might be real.

I said, I said, our family has a tunnel, but ah, for more than a hundred years, since our family has built a tunnel, only every patron knows about it, and for more than a hundred years, except for the patron who first built the tunnel, no You entered by yourself, so even if you know it now, don't go in, because you will definitely not be able to get out if you enter, you know? Rongfeng, I hope you are better than our family is cramped. "Qi Ye said that his eyes were red.

It's okay, Uncle Qi, I just go, Ruifeng doesn't need to go. "Zhao Shuai said he was going out.

Zhao Shuai, what do you mean? My Qi Ruifeng is the kind of greedy for life and fear of death? And now you know the tunnel is there, just leave. "Qi Ruifeng grabbed Zhao Shuai and said, giving Zhao Shuai a disappointed look.

Dad, it is impossible for me not to go. Since you know it is dangerous, you should say it earlier, and since the person was lost in our house, how can you not let me go?" Qi Feng looked at Qi Ye and said.

"No, don't go, I'll send someone else to go." Duye no longer looked sad, and said solemnly

Qi Rongfeng looked at his father, his eyes were slowly reddening. Of course, his father was doing it for his own good, but if he did this, his heart would be even more disturbed. "Okay, I'm not going, you tell Ashuai where the tunnel is. I'll go first." After saying that Qi Rongfeng, who didn't look at him and left.

Qi Ye looked at the walking figure of Qi Ruifeng, nodded, and told Zhao Shuai the location of the tunnel.

After Zhao Shuai knew the location of the tunnel, he did not ask Qi Ye to send someone to follow him. Instead, he came to the research room of the Qi family alone. When Zhao Shuai opened the tunnel, he was photographed. Zhao Shuai Turning around, he found that it was Qi Ruifeng. Qi Rongfeng glanced at Zhao Shuai, "I will go too.

You don’t go, Ruifeng, your dad also said that it’s dangerous. Brother Jiang is my good brother. Yunduo has been my sister since childhood. I can’t let them have trouble, and you are also my good friend. Also see if you are also in danger. "Said Zhao Shuai.

If you treat me as a friend, you should know that Brother Jiang is also my friend. "

Zhao Shuai looked at Qi Ruifeng and patted Qi Rongfeng on the shoulder after a while. Yes, I was wrong. Let's go.

Zhao Shuai and Qi Rongfeng looked at each other and walked into the tunnel together.

At this time, Jiang Cheng had discovered the accurate way to go out. The way to go out was written in the corner of the whole secret room. Jiang Cheng kept translating the words on the wall since he came in. At this time, he finally saw the bright light of hope. So regardless of the fatigue of my body, I decided to go out immediately.

Yunduo woke up early in the morning. With Jiang Cheng’s high-temperature bottle, Yunduo did not feel very cold. When she woke up, she found that Jiang Cheng was still studying how to go out, so Yunduo walked to Jiang Cheng’s side, "Big Brother Jiang, Yunduo You're awake. "Jiang Cheng just discovered a way to get out, and he heard Yun Duo calling him by the side. He saw Yun Duo was not as haggard as he was when he first found her yesterday, and he seemed to be in a good mood. Jiang Cheng felt that his mood suddenly improved again. "I just found a way to get out and we can get out soon.

It's okay, Brother Jiang, don't worry, I believe you. "Yun Duo smiles if he looks at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of his special physical physique and didn't feel very hungry, but Yun Duo hadn't eaten for a long time, so he took out a bottle of water and a bag of biscuits from the mustard bracelet. Jiang Cheng's mustard seeds usually have water. Yes, but the food is only a bag of biscuits.

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