Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1223: Care about

Then I will wait for you outside, I have nothing to do today, the boss gave me the task is to help you. "Uncle Li left after speaking.

Jiang Cheng watched the video tape the team members were looking for. It was monitored by the Kano Internet Cafe. It was at 7 o'clock in the evening. Jiang Cheng saw Wu Shi entered the Internet cafe in the white clothes he wore during interrogation today. About an hour later. Wu Shi came out. This coincided with the time of the virus outbreak, and the Internet cafe monitoring could be cut closer. It can be clearly seen that Wu Shan was indeed operating the virus on the computer. Jiang Cheng learned that after the incident, Wu Shan was caught in Zhou Guo's hotel in this Internet cafe, but shouldn't ordinary people go further after committing the crime?

And since Wu could not be found last time without a trace, why did he leave such obvious evidence this time. All these events show that Wu Shan is more like an accomplice, or that she is more like a gangster.

Jiang Cheng watched the surveillance videos before and after Wu Shan committing the crime several times, but no other suspicious person was found. Jiang Cheng noticed that there were surveillance at the entrance of the Internet cafe and the hotel where Wu was located. Jiang Cheng looked at these surveillances, the hotel The surveillance system showed that from the time Wu Shan entered and was later taken away by the team, no one else showed up. However, when Jiang Cheng watched Wu Shi’s surveillance at the entrance of the Internet cafe during the Fifth Movement, he found a figure passing by Wu Shan. Even though there were street lights on the road at the time, this figure was just in the dark, and it was only visible that it was a figure of a woman, about the same height as Wu, quite thin, and nothing else.

Now Jiang Cheng has almost determined that Wu Shi is a member of Lebanon, but what does it mean for the Lebanese people to push Wu into the team?

Wu Shan’s behavior is punishable by five years’ imprisonment in the laws of the Kingdom of Austria. If Wu Shan continues to do this, he will definitely be sentenced.

Jiang Cheng called the team members just now to explain the situation. One of the team members said, "Hey? I saw it just now, but I think this woman is nothing.

Hey, now that I found out, I need to check if this woman is suspected of another team member.

Jiang Cheng felt that he was almost done, so he came out of the team and planned to go back to see how Zhao Shuai was.

As soon as he arrived at Zhao Shuai's house, Jiang Cheng saw Zhao Shuai sitting on the sofa with a photo in his hand. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't even notice when he entered.

Jiang Cheng walked up to Zhao Shuai and saw the picture of Zhao Shuai Naruo. The picture shows the profile of a girl. After a closer look, Jiang Cheng found that this girl is Wu Hao, but it is different from the current Wu. People look greener, and their cheeks are fatter than Wu Shan now, looking pure and lovely.

Zhao Shuai, what do you think?" Jiang Cheng asked.

At this time, Zhao Shuai found Jiang Cheng coming in, "Brother Jiang," Zhao Shuai glanced at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa opposite Zhao Shuai, looking at the photo in Zhao Shuai's hand. Is this Wu Mu?

Look, you can see it too, right, how come there are people like this," Zhao Shuai looked at the person in the photo, "I knew at the first glance that she was a college graduate of our university, but at that time Her name is Wu Qi. I liked her when I was in college. When I was young, I actually didn’t know if I really liked her, but when I first saw her this time, I still felt my heart. This photo was taken when I was a freshman. , But she only went to school for less than a year and disappeared. Later, I even went to her specifically and said that she had dropped out. "Zhao Shuai remembered slowly.

Jiang Cheng had never seen Zhao Shuai like this. He was always unruly in his impression, and he really did not expect him to have an affectionate side.

Actually, the young heartbeat doesn't have much weight at all, but I think she is strange to me now, or inconceivable, and she does such a damaging thing. But, at that time, she dropped out of school for no reason. When I met later, I always felt that she was different from before. I always felt that her eyes were not as clear as before. "Zhao Shuai smiled and glanced at the photo in his hand.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect Zhao Shuai to think thoroughly, "This matter shouldn't wrong her, but this matter is not as simple as it seems.

Brother Jiang, I always have a hunch that our country does not seem so peaceful now. And my dad, I always think he is getting busy recently.

Hey, I don't know what's going to happen. "Zhao Shuai put the photo in his hand on the table, closed his eyes and sighed.

"A handsome, don't think so much." Jiang Cheng patted Zhao Shuai on the shoulder and comforted.

Zhao Shuai smiled at Jiang Cheng and did not speak any more.

At this time, a door sounded, "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom." Very urgent voice,

It must be clouds. "Zhao Shuai shook his head, dumbfounding.

Jiang Cheng walked over and opened the door, and it was really clouds at the door.

"Brother Jiang, you are here too." Yun Duo said with a smile when seeing Jiang Cheng.

Yunduo's dress today is simple, but he has painted makeup. It looks full of energy and youthful vitality.

Zhao Shuai also walked to the door and smiled playfully when he looked at Yunduo. Hey, Yunduo, I have never seen you come to my house so caring before.

Yun Duo rolled his eyes when he saw Zhao Shuai, "That's because you didn't have long eyes." Then Yun Duo walked straight into the living room.

Zhao Shuai Deng looked at Yun Duo with big eyes angrily as he walked into the living room, "Brother Jiang, you see, don’t you know, she is just like a man, she used to wear more men than me in my house, you see her When you arrive, you will smile like a flower, and you will immediately show yourself when you see me.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhao Shuai very funny. "Okay, Yunduo is just a little girl no matter what, you are a boy, always caress about." Jiang Cheng walked to the living room after finishing.

Hey, you two, I'm so angry. "Zhao Shuai watched Jiang Cheng leave and walked to the living room.

"Big Brother Jiang, why do you live here?" Yun Duo asked familiarly sitting on the sofa.

What? Isn't it right for Brother Jiang to live with me?

Are you sure you want to live in your home?" Zhao Shuai also sat opposite Yunduo, watching Ruo Yunduo asked.

In the past, Zhao Shuai didn't think that Yun Duo was a tomboy, but recently Yun Duo appeared in front of him (in front of Jiang Cheng) wearing skirts and light makeup. Originally, Yun Duo had a nice face and a beautiful posture. Now it seems that she is indeed a beauty. , Zhao Shuai sneered in his heart while looking at the clouds.

Can you stop looking for trouble, Zhao Shuai, I asked Brother Jiang, "Zhao Shuai glanced at the clouds and looked at Jiang Cheng.

I don't live in the imperial capital, so I just live here, "Jiang Cheng said that Zhao Shuai was also surprised when he heard this. He never heard Jiang Cheng just want to live here.

"Brother Jiang, where are you going?" Zhao Shuai asked.

I think I will definitely go to Li Guoyi Super League in the future. "Jiang Cheng has not told Zhao Shuai what he thinks before, but with Zhao Shuai's cleverness, he must know that Jiang Cheng was not in the desert before.

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