Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1226: Very dangerous!

Wu also showed a surprised expression. She wanted to ask Jiang Cheng if she had always known her identity. Wu Shan looked at Jiang Cheng and opened her mouth, but after all she didn't say anything.

Yes, Mr. Jiang, I have always admired you, but last time I invited you to our country, but your behavior really made me very lost, but now I think Mr. Jiang will be able to make your decision at that time Will you regret it?" Mantasha said.

Jiang Cheng remembered the last time Mantasha sent Lipu here to imprison him, and then attacked him. Mantasha said that he was an inviting question. It was really disgusting, "I don't understand what you mean, why should I change my mind now? What? "Jiang Cheng understands what Mantasha means, but still pretends not to know.

Mantasha looked at Jiang Cheng, and the corners of her mouth curled up strangely, "Mr. Jiang is really funny, don't you have any thoughts when you see me coming out through the wall?

Jiang Cheng was indeed curious about Mantasha's skills, but Jiang Cheng also knew that it was inseparable from the things he saw in the tunnel. "Then what do you mean by asking me to come now? Wu Shan is now a guilty person in the Kai-Ao country. As long as you are still in the Kai-Ao country, you must abide by the laws of the Kai-Ao country." Jiang Cheng looked at Wu Hao and said.

Wu Shan was surprised by what Jiang Cheng said. Wu Hao looked at Ruo Jiangcheng’s serious face and remembered that the first time he saw Jiang Cheng, he was attracted by his knowledge. The purpose of contacting Jiang Cheng once was not simple, so I did some bad things later, but I never thought of embarrassing Jiang Cheng.

What am I going to do? Didn't Mr. Jiang always know? Of course he went to Lebanon," Mantasha said.

So are you going to lock me up again today? Or faint and take me away" Jiang Cheng said, looking at Mantasha contemptuously.

Of course not, Mr. Jiang is not a member of the Kai Ao country, nor is we a member of the Li State. Then, Mr. Jiang, you are not a member of the Kai Ao star. I am not curious at all where Mr. Jiang comes from, but no matter what your purpose is here, Of course, I want to go to a more advanced and developed place. I don't know what good is it for you to stay here?" Mantasha said.

Jiang Cheng knew that his identity would be found out by Mantasha, and Bi Jing's own rhetoric about being in the desert was okay, but being heard by a caring person like Mantasha was inevitable for investigation.

What I do has nothing to do with you. Regarding the scientists who have recently disappeared, I think I can’t get rid of you. Now I don’t think I can move you. But don’t think I can’t move you. "Jiang Cheng said if Mantasha looked vicious. Now that Mantasha is becoming more and more rampant, Jiang Cheng will go to Lebanon sooner or later, but for people like Mantasha who arbitrarily despise human life and destroy the peace of the country, he cannot Let it go.

Wu Shan was really angry when she saw Jiang Cheng. For a moment, she felt a little at a loss. She remembered what she said to Jiang Cheng, but just when Wu Shan stood up and stood by.

Mantasha gave Wu Shan a look, but Wu Shan still didn’t say anything.

Mr. Jiang, you are filled with righteous indignation, we are very scared, but to tell you, we are going back to China in the near future," Mantasha said.

During this trip, Jiang Cheng also understood that Mantasha could not take Wu Mu away, and he couldn’t handle things like this. However, after hearing that they wanted to go back, why did they go back suddenly? Jiang Cheng was very puzzled. If you want to go to Lebanon, you can't follow Mantasha and the others, but Jiang Cheng carefully looked at the map of this country later, and the entire Kaiaoxing couldn't find out where Li Guo was competing.

Today, Mr. Jiang found and saw what he wanted to see, but Wu Shan, you must not be able to take it with you. Although Mr. Jiang rejected the suggestion to go to Lebanon again, I will definitely not force Mr. Jiang to be with me. Go to Lebanon. "Mantasha said with a smile.

I know I can't take Wu Mu, but since you are leaving, hurry up and stop making trouble here. "Jiang Cheng left after speaking

Jiang Cheng was still a little unbelievable until he came out of the Dark Universe. He came today with the intention of fighting Mantasha, but Mantasha really didn't mean to deal with him, and he said that he wanted to go back. What happened? Jiang Cheng kept thinking about Mantasha's strange attitude just now.

"Brother Jiang, how are you?" Zhao Shuai and Yun Duo asked when Jiang Cheng came out and walked to Jiang Cheng's side.

I'm fine. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

"Really? Brother Jiang, didn't she really embarrass you?" Yunduo was not very familiar with this Mantasha until Jiang Cheng entered, and Zhao Shiyu told Yunduo about his last encounter in the dark universe. I am also very worried at this time.

It's okay, it makes you worry, Wu Shan is indeed inside, and Wu Shan is Mantasha's daughter. "Jiang Cheng looked at the two and said.

When Zhao Shuai heard the news, he was surprised at first, then relaxed. Jiang Cheng saw that if Zhao Shuai was like this, he still didn't know whether Zhao Shuai could let Wu go.

Brother Jiang, should we go to the team to tell the boss about this now? "Zhao Shuai asked.

"It must be said, but we can't tell about Mantasha, just say that we have met Wu Shi in the dark Yumu, and we can also use the hands of the team to rectify the dark universe." Jiang Cheng said.

Zhao Shuai nodded in agreement, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket to call the team leader. Jiang Cheng saw this but prevented Zhao Shuai, "Let's tell him personally, and I'm going to Qijia Yizhao now." Jiang Cheng said.

Brother Jiang, do you think it is not safe to make a call now or do you think that the content of our call will be monitored by others?" Zhao Shuai said and glanced at the Dark Universe.

"Well, since they can manipulate our network communications, the content of our phones will really not be safe. "Since we want to fix the dark universe, we should take advantage of them. Jiang Xiangruo.

"Well, brother Jiang, what are you doing when you go to the Qi's house?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"Mantasha said they want to meet Lebanon, and I also want to go to Lebanon. Take this opportunity to go to Lebanon. The purpose of going to the Qi family is to ask that Zhang Tian, ​​he is from Lebanon, he must know how. Go back." Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Jiang, let me go with you. If you go alone, it will definitely be impossible if no one is around to take care of you." Zhao Shuai said.

Brother Jiang, I also want to go with you. "Yun Duo also said, "Li Guo's trip is definitely an abnormal risk limit, so you still don't want to go.

Jiang Cheng feels that he does not know what team Li Guo is now. It may also be a very thrilling team.

"Brother Jiang, I can agree to other things, but even if my dad knows about this, he will let me go. Now you know what the situation in our country is. I have a responsibility to go to Li country." Zhao Shuai said solemnly.

Jiang Cheng knew that he couldn't move, so he didn't say anything, and nodded to Zhao Shuai.

Yunduo, you definitely can't go. Your family has only one daughter, and your family will not agree. "Jiang Cheng said. Jiang Cheng didn't want Yunduo to go with him at all. He couldn't bear to watch Ruo Yunduo fall into an unknown dangerous team.

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