Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1236: Hydraulic Press

After walking for almost five minutes, I came to a door. Zhang Tian opened the door, and Jiang Cheng couldn't help sighing when he saw the scene inside. It looks more like a bar here. But the people inside are very similar to the situation where Jiang Cheng was in the underground store in the dark universe. The index here is not a stall, and like an auction, they are all sold for one item, but it is not as strict as an auction. Jiang Cheng saw that these people were selling a bottle of liquid at this time, and Jiang Cheng saw the auction. Most of the people in this product are girls. Zhang Tian took Ruojiangcheng and Qi Ruifeng to the fourth row and sat down.

Jiang Cheng heard the person next to him say that this product is cosmetic. No wonder Jiang Cheng saw that she was so eager for girls. Will hydraulic machines be sold here?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"There is a 90% chance that animals will be sold. Different types of goods of different values ​​are being auctioned here from morning till night. And the fields involved are very wide. I think there are almost two things like hydraulic machines that are not available on the market. It will be sold once every day. And the price will not be too high." Zhang Tian explained to Jiang Cheng.


That's it. "Jiang Cheng said.

But even if it will be sold today, it is estimated that it can only be sold once, so it must be grabbed. "Zhang Tian said to Jiang Cheng." I'll go and ask later to see if there are any today.

Jiang Cheng nodded to Zhang Tian. Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Tian stood up and walked to the back. When Hou Jiangcheng came in just now, he noticed that there was a road at the door. Jiang Cheng looked at it and set his sights on the auction in front of him. The beauty lotion just sold has been sold out. A 15ml bottle of beauty lotion sold more than 100,000 yuan. Jiang Cheng didn't expect the consumption level here to be very high.

The host of the auction in front of him is obviously not a professional host but a young girl. She is very beautiful. She wears a T-shirt and jeans. She looks very casual. She looks more like a college student, but the host of the auction feels Fresh and beautiful, with distinctive style, and more cute and cute. The next lot is a hat. The young girl put a hat on her head. This is a simple fisherman hat. As you can see, from the outside, this hat is made of simple cloth. In fact, you see. "The girl blinked at the audience, raised her head and smiled at the top not knowing where, and the audience below also

They were all looking at it, and suddenly a stone fell from the place where the girl was. Jiang Cheng visually observed that it was the size of his own head. At such a moment, all the audience held their breath, looking at the **** the stage, but the girl didn't panic, she just stood still, as if she knew she would not be in danger.

It's just that when the stone above fell on the girl's head, only a clear impact sound was heard in the field, more like the sound of a stone hitting the ground. The girl was also safe and sound. She was not beaten by a stone and she did not fall down because of the huge impact. Instead, stand still in place.

Amidst everyone’s exclamation, the girl’s crisp voice spread, “This hat can resist heavy objects, and even if it hits a heavy object, you can’t feel the shock at all.

Maybe the people here have never seen such a hard hat, maybe the **** the stage is too hard, the people here can't react for a while after the girl's performance, and they all look at the **** the stage blankly. After a few seconds, applause broke out from the audience. Also accompanied by bursts of cheers. I can see that everyone is buying it.

The girl looked relieved. In the end, the price of this hat was also very high.

Jiang Cheng now sees that the high price that this auction house can sell is largely due to the novel style of the hostess.

Just then Zhang Tian also returned to Jiang Cheng. "It is said that it is the penultimate piece to auction a vulcanizing hydraulic press. It may be almost now.

The host above is pretty good, with a distinctive style. "Jiang Cheng said to Zhang Tian.

You said Xiao Yu. She is very famous. "Zhang Tian looked at the host on the stand and said

Light rain?

Well, she is the auction host who has risen rapidly in recent years. I heard that she was in the T world before, and then she changed careers, but it didn't take long for her to become popular," Zhang Tian said.

It's pretty good. "Jiang Cheng said.

Next, everyone sees the vulcanizing hydraulic press. "The host on the stage said.

Arrived so soon. "Jiang Cheng did not expect that he is now middle-aged. Unexpectedly, one day's lot was finished, Jiang Cheng originally thought it would be a long time no matter what.

Yes, it is because this Xiaoyu did a good job, so as long as she is hosting, the auction of the day will be finished quickly. "Zhang Tian said.

This is getting more and more amazing, Jiang Cheng thought. Really an interesting person Jiang Cheng looked at the lively and beautiful light rain on the stage.

Xiaoyu didn't give more introduction to this vulcanizing hydraulic press, just introduced a simple use and so on, so I won't say anything.

When the auction started, Jiang Cheng didn't plan to bid at first, because Jiang Cheng felt that he should take down the hydraulic press anyway.

Unknowingly, the auction price has risen to one hundred thousand. Jiang Cheng had previously learned that the price of a hydraulic press was about 150,000 yuan. Now that it has been so high before long, Jiang Cheng is not sure if he wants to.

Unexpectedly, just as Jiang Cheng wanted to start the bidding himself, he had already stopped bidding 5,000. "Jiang Cheng hasn't said anything yet, Zhang Tian has already called out. Sure enough, after Zhang Tian finished speaking, someone started to bid again.

One hundred thousand!" A boy’s voice sounded,

ーFive thousand. "Zhang Tian called again

One hundred twenty thousand!

Twelve thousand and five thousand.

The two people bid each other in this way, each time they only raised it by five thousand. For a time, only Zhang Tian and the boy were left bidding in the entire auction floor.

Jiang Cheng saw if Zhang Tian and another person were asking for a price. The guide looked over. Jiang Cheng found that the boy asking for the price was a young man of a very young age. He looked a little rich and looked kind and honest.

Finally, Zhang Tian asked the price to 170,000, and the man stopped talking.

In the end, Zhang Tian won the hydraulic press for 170,000 yuan. This hydraulic press is my gift to you. "Zhang Tian said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng didn't shirk any more. People like Zhang Tian made him owe him, and he felt uncomfortable. Jiang Cheng stopped saying anything, and accepted Zhang Tian's kindness.

There is another lot. Let's go to the backstage to get things after the shooting. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng also agreed. What is curious is that the last lot is a bunch of flowers, which looks a bit like Weiju, but it is said to be a flower that does not dry up during the day.

Jiang Cheng didn't deliberately go to see where this lot ended up. But the person who photographed the bunch of flowers in the end was still the man just now.

This person is quite rich and feels like he always shoots something insignificant. "Qi Ruifeng said.

"Jin knows, let's go and get things." Jiang Cheng said.

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