Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1255: compass

Jiang Cheng went out and realized that this place was really big. After walking for a few minutes, I don't know where it is. It seems that I haven't reached the place where the real Ullah disciples live.

Jiang Cheng saw a person next to him who seemed to be walking in. Jiang Cheng followed him, and after walking for a while, Jiang Cheng saw that there were fewer and fewer people around him, and felt that he should have reached the place where the real Ullah disciples lived.

It's just that I still don't know where Zhao Shuai is. Jiang Cheng has never dared to call Zhao Shuai, fearing that there will be other people next to him. But in this situation, Jiang Cheng still called Zhao Shuai, "Brother Jiang? Why are you here?

Didn’t you say that you don’t come? Ugh. Forget it, I know you, I should have thought that you would definitely come.

"Where are you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"To be precise, I don't know where this is? We are not restricted to freedom and can go in and out on our own, but Ruifeng and I can't get out. We will return to our original position no matter how we walk. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Can you see what you see right now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I can see two big sycamore trees, and the sun is very dazzling. The one I am in is a simple room. I don't know where Ruifeng should be nearby.

Nothing? That's all?" Jiang Cheng said.

"Well, I can't see anything else." Zhao Shuai said.

Well, wait, I will find you.

Well, Brother Jiang, my mobile phone is out of power. This place is like an ancient house, without power. "Said Zhao Shuai abandoned.

Well, well, let me ask Ruifeng again. "Jiang Cheng has no idea where Zhao Shuai is now.

When Jiang Cheng called Qi Ruifeng, the phone was not connected. Jiang Cheng worried that the situation really happened. Qi Ruifeng's mobile phone really couldn't connect.

Jiang Cheng thought about the information that Zhao Shuaigang had given. It was really rare. Jiang Cheng looked at the surrounding houses. Almost every house had a sycamore tree in front of it, but he didn't even send it out. But Jiang Cheng thought that the sunlight that Zhao Shuai said was very dazzling. At this time, there is not much sunlight dazzling.

Jiang Cheng took out something that was as transparent as a compass. Jiang Cheng placed it in the sun. After a while, he saw that the compass in front of him was red. This light-heated compass was still useful, and Jiang Cheng kept walking in the direction of the compass.

Along the way, I have passed many Ulla disciples in uniforms, but they just looked at Jiang Cheng and didn’t say a word. Jiang Cheng was really a little strange. It stands to reason that people wearing "strange" clothes like him must be sure. It will be blocked, even if it is not blocked, someone will definitely ask. It's totally abnormal like this.

However, since entering this place, Jiang Cheng has felt that he was being led away abnormally, and now he can't think about it so much. The most urgent task now is to find Zhao Shuai.

Jiang Cheng followed the compass to the westernmost house. The compass display is this place. But Jiang Cheng looked at almost a dozen houses here. I don't know which Jiang Cheng is.

Jiang Cheng put away the compass. I looked at the row of houses in front of me. Jiang Cheng walked forward and saw that these houses seemed to be beautiful. It's definitely not easy to go in rashly. Jiang Cheng looked at the place where there were two trees in front of the door. If you look through the windows in these houses, you can definitely see two trees.

Zhao Shuai is still unreliable as always, Jiang Cheng thought.

Jiang Cheng took out the ultrasonic analyzer, and the display was messy. It was really hard to find the magnetic field waves that only showed everyone in Zhou.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while before he seemed to have searched for Zhao Shuai's magnetic field waves, but he had a vague impression. Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and was almost certain that he would recognize it if he saw it.

Jiang Cheng took the analyzer while walking. Seeing a radio wave similar to Zhao Shuai, Jiang Cheng looked at the house in front of him, and it was similar to what Zhao Shuai said. Jiang Cheng stopped at the door for a while. I saw that the radio waves of the analyzer were indeed very similar, but Jiang Cheng felt not. Because this radio wave is too quiet, if it was Zhao Shuai in it, it would definitely break away.

Jiang Cheng walked forward again. At this time, the radio waves were similar. Jiang Cheng paused for a while and determined that this should be Zhao Shuai.

When he reached the door, Jiang Cheng let out a deep breath. This was the first time he was so uncertain and a little nervous. Jiang Cheng opened the door.

Seeing that the house in front of me is very bright, and a lot of sunlight shines in from the windows, it seems that the house is warm. There are no lights here, and it looks like there is indeed no electricity. It looked like a simple suite. Jiang Zai came in and saw the living room. Jiang Cheng walked in and saw Zhao Shuai.

Zhao Shuai sat on the bed, staring at Jiang Cheng blankly. As if there was no reaction. "Jiang, Brother Jiang?" Zhao Shuai asked uncertainly.

You pinch me. See if I am dreaming. "Zhao Shuai foolishly asked Jiang Cheng to pinch himself.

Jiang Cheng didn't move Zhao Shuai, "Of course it's true. If you don't wake up, I can leave.

Oh, don't, don't, I believe it. . Just kidding. Brother Jiang.

Zhao Shuai smiled, "You are so fast. I really didn't expect it.

What about Qi Ruifeng? Do you have any thread bag?" Jiang Cheng asked.

do not know. We just came. Was separated. "Zhao Shuai said.

Ugh. This is numb. "Jiang Cheng said. "I just called Rong Feng, but it didn't work.

"Really? I can't make calls. I can only receive calls." Zhao Shuai looked anxious. "What to do? Rong Feng. No. No, no, Zhao Shuai is very nervous.

Don't panic, I think it should be fine. The reason why I caught you here without imitating you is that I want me to come to you. Lead us. "Jiang Cheng said.

"How did you get here?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I just received a call, saying let us come over, saying that there is a supplementary test to be done for us. Ruifeng and I came without precautions at the time. As a result, we were separated as soon as we got here. Then I never saw Rong Feng," Zhao Shuai recalled. "After that, I was taken here. I found out that I couldn't send any messages or make calls. No one stopped me after I went out, but no matter how I left, I couldn't go out. I looked at the people next to me. People are going crazy." Zhao Shuai said.

"You mean you can see Zhou people walking around, but you can't get out?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered the one on the wall that Zhang Tian saw when he was in the Qi family tunnel before--if it was that, it could be completely explained. Jiang Cheng was somewhat relieved, having been in Lebanon for so long. I haven't seen anyone practice physical yet. Zhang Tian doesn't use it anymore. I haven't seen it for a long time.

Let's go. Let's go out first. "Jiang Cheng said.

Brother Jiang, don't you have that kind of situation where you can't get out? "Zhao Shuai asked me suspiciously. You follow me." Jiang Cheng said.

Zhao Shuai slowly followed Jiang Cheng out. Zhao Shuai walked cautiously, with some expectation, "Wow, I really came out hahaha." Zhao Shuai saw Jiang Cheng outside and the different scenery, and was very happy with a smile.

Then how do we find Ruifeng?" Zhao Shuai asked.

I now suspect that he may not be in this space anymore. "Jiang Cheng actually thought of four-dimensional space from the very beginning. When they first came to Lebanon,

Then how can we find it. these people. Really deceive people too much. "Zhao Shuai kicked the tree next to him, but his feet hurt

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